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raising non chewers??

To all you beendoingitalongtimers, are there any of you who typically raise puppies who end up chewing less than the average Labrador?

And how do you do it?

Thanks for any tips.

Re: raising non chewers??

The secret to raising a non chewer is exercise. Work, work, work will keep a Labrador tired and happy. Too often we think that a few tennis ball tosses will do the trick. Not so. We also cannot rely on littermates and other dogs to exercise our dog's minds and bodies. Work and attention is the key!

Re: raising non chewers??

Yuppers - a tired dog IS a good dog!

Re: raising non chewers??

I give them marrow bones,everyday. And antlers,and if I find a toy they like to chew and doesn't get shredded I buy more. I have one that looks like a boomerang that they love to play with some others that are of a similar material and so far they haven't ripped them or chewed them off.Hartz makes a bacon flavored nobby bone that has been popular with my crew. I give rawhides occasionally.I figure it's cheaper to buy the bones than new furniture or shoes. They get planty of exercise but I make a big deal about them chewing what they are supposed to. We had a litter that we kept 3 that didn't chew anything in the house ever.(except for the crate bedding)

Re: raising non chewers??

I find that dogs that have plenty of acceptable chewing items like marrow bones, antlers, rawhides will more often look for THEIR items and not damage the people stuff. At least that works for us. My dogs LOVE to chew!!!!

Re: raising non chewers??

I have two large boxes of toys available to the dogs. A toy for my dogs is any dog toy even if the squeaker and stuffing has been removed, it is still good for a game of toss or a game of tug.

I also have 2x the number of dogs in nylabones and antlers. So they can play round robin with the chewing of them.

Since I have gone to this method, I have had no chewing of furniture whatsoever.
