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Another LOC brag

I'm so pleased that Hampton Rolling Stone (Mick) took second in the bred by class and then went on to win Reserve at the LOC on Saturday. Sunday he also took second in the bred by class. It was a great time and the committee did a wonderful job both days, it was a great raffle and hospitality was very appreciated. I can't thank judge Pierry Mclean enough for making my daughter's first experience in Jr Showmanship a pleasant experience. Mrs McLean was kind and patient. Thank you everyone for a great time!!!

Re: Another LOC brag

Whoops...Mick is out of Wiscoy's Stone x Hiflight Hampton's Daisy

Re: Another LOC brag

Congrats again on your boy's wins, he looked great. It was nice to see you again and to meet your mom and your daughter. Confetti looked great too!