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A Health Warning for All of us

I am posting a copy of an email from a friend of mine in Queensland, Australia. Mark may be known to some of you. He is now, fortunately on the road to recovery.


Dear friends and fellow Labrador enthusiasts.
I thought I would take a brief moment of your time to share a recent (and ongoing) health issue that I have encountered.
Some of you will have been keeping pace with this saga via Facebook but others may have been left out of the loop.

During mid April I was suffering what I thought was simply another episode of lower back pain.
This contined to the point where on the Monday prior to Easter I was taken by ambulance to my local Beaudesert Hospital with my back in complete spasm.
After discharge I was still "not right" and sought a referral to a specialist Orthopeadic Surgeon.
He immediately sent me for two MRI scans which revealed what he described as an "epidural anurism".
A bacterial infection had established itself in my lumbar spine at L5 / S1.

I was straight away admitted to the Princess Alexandra Hospital Ortho unit where I spent almost two weeks.
After discharge on Friday 27th May I am still receiving ASIS (Alternate Site Infusion Service) visits to deliver and connect high dose IV antibiotics.
This will continue for at least the next 4 weeks as will my ongoing use of a "wheelie walker".
The Orthopeadic team at the PAH are taking a conservative approach.
A lower lumbar biopsy whilst in hospital revealed some damage has been caused to surrounding bone by the infection.
Until the infection is completely cleared from my system surgery (which is still very likely) can't be undertaken - the surgeons need to understand the extent of the damage.

Now here is the interesting bit - and something which you may choose to share with others - those that regularly interact with animals.
Whilst investigating how the bacteria entered my bloodstream the Infectious Diseases registrar at PAH has offered the following explanation.
A bone and tissue biopsy and subsequent culture analysis has revealed that the bacteria is of "animal" type origin.

The only "wound" which I have sustained (in early April) was a scratch to my right forearm from the dew claw from one of my stud dogs.
It occurred whilst doing a mating with a difficult "in season" bitch that had come in from an outside owner.
The scratch (whilst fairly deep) was accidental and I simply washed it off under the garden tap and dried it off.
But what I completely ignored was the very real risk of bacteria being carried under the dew claw.

Had I immediately applied something like betadine to the wound and not allowed the scratch to close over it may have been a very different outcome.

Whilst I still have a long way to go before a full recovery is realised I am finally seeing some improvement.
I am now standing far more upright - early on I was leaning to my right by about 30 degrees.
Whilst currently unable to drive due to the high dose painkillers I am taking I am planning to give driving a very cautious attempt over the weekend.
I trust that you find this "real life" story of some benefit - I have certainly learned a valuable (and costly) lesson.

kind regards

Mark Sheppard
(07) 3297 5570 / 0458 065174
Dogs Queensland Accredited Breeder
Life Member - LRCQ Inc.

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Being a groomer I can see how this could happen.I have had a few infections over the years due to deep scratches from doing nail clips and the dog is thrashing, a nasty fungal/bacterial(culture came up with an unimaginable amount of animal bacteria) infection under a nail bed that lasted well over a year and one bite from an ancient poodle/terrierx that I was holding steady for another groomer, so she could clip her nails. I've also injured myself by just being careless at work like getting a cut over my eye bending down into a kennel door. That required stitches. I count myself lucky nothing has ever happened outside of the original wounds, but I am a washing freak and always use a lot of water and soap, or hydrogen peroxide asap. This is a valuable bit of info. for all of us to have and remember. Mark I wish you a full recovery.

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Olivia, I'm very glad your friend is recoverying. May I crosspost this to another forum/breed list? TIA.

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Olivia, I'm very glad your friend is recoverying. May I crosspost this to another forum/breed list?

Certainly, Mark said in his email that he hopes others will be able to learn from his experience.


Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Tks Olivia. I wanted to confirm. Another question (sorry).....was Mark's immune system compromised in any way before the injury??? Was he recovering from a cold, flu or ???? Tks again!

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

was Mark's immune system compromised in any way before the injury??? Was he recovering from a cold, flu or ????

Not as far as I am aware CM. He is a big strapping 53 yr old man in good health. He commented to me on the phone that he was not used to being ill/injured

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Tks again!!!

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Everyone should make sure their tetanus boosters are up to date as well.

Re: A Health Warning for All of us

Cross posting too in the hopes it will help others.

Prayers for your friends full recovery.