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What does your guarantee say/cover?

The posting about the terrible OFA experience (see "OFA is Unreliable") has me thinking about rewriting my guarantee. Long time breeders, what does your guarantee say/cover?

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

Hips 26 that I can get an OFA rating (HA HA, for what that's worth), and only if hips come back severe enough to effect quality of life do I do anything.

I guarantee against PRA and EIC because I am not going to be producing affecteds based on breeding choices.

I put in something about other hereditary defects being covered based on the issue and discussion of the effect on quality of life.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

I cover hips IF they cause the dog to not do
the job intended. A pet puppy under two years should not limp when taking a family walk.
Other than that, I cover what I can honestly say DNA clearances will prevent from happening, EIC, Optigen . That's all folks.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

Our guarantee has always been the same for over 20 years, "Anything genetic that effects the life style of the puppy" we cover up to the price of the pup.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

I guarantee against crippling bi-lateral hip dysplasia for 24 months if the dog/bitch wasn't spayed or neutered before 18 months. I will only refund the puppy price.

Elbows are WAY too risky. Too much risk from injury, improper diet, etc.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

I'm starting to wonder about elbow dysplasia guarantee. I've had almost no puppies comeback with hip issues in the last 10+years. I've got a lot more problems with the elbows. My lines are all clean either way. I wonder, why elbows are so unpredictable. Thinking on not guaranteeing elbows anymore.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

I guarantee nothing, but I will pay if problems arise. I don't tell people that, but it is how I operate. Stud & dam have all their clearances. I agree with the person who pointed out that human children do not come with guarantees.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

Also 'guarantee' nothing except that the parents have their clearances. But I will also work with the owners on any problems/issues and will refund on a case by case. I don't like a 'blanket' type of guarantee. People raise their dogs way too differently.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

Are these guarantees for pet puppies or show prospects? I agree with Gregg, I would only give a refund for the price of the puppy. After all how can you guarantee anything with all the variables involved with a pet owner raising a puppy. It seems fair that they would get the price of the puppy back and that would be it from me.

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

I'm starting to wonder about elbow dysplasia guarantee. I've had almost no puppies comeback with hip issues in the last 10+years. I've got a lot more problems with the elbows. My lines are all clean either way. I wonder, why elbows are so unpredictable. Thinking on not guaranteeing elbows anymore.

I guarentee, hips elbows etc PRA and EIC, however if there is a hip or elbow problem, then a vet of my choice must sign off on the problem stating that it is solely of genetic origin, VERY few if any vets will do that because despite what some vets tell puppy buyers hips and elbow are not solely a genetic issue. Also my contract is null and void if the puppy is subject to, inappropriate exercise, environment and diet. I was rung by an owner ( my stud dog was the father but I didn't breed the puppy)
The dog had started limping at 16 months, way too late for a elbow problem to first be rearing its head, any way long story short, I have since found out that the dog doesn't swim in their pool because he is too fat to get out by himself sigh !

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

Personally, I don't offer a guarantee and I think they are kind of overrated. I think people are trying to find security in a world of anything but. They are afraid to take risks in life and aren't comfortable with the fact that life happens and sometimes it's not pretty.

I had a guarantee back fire on me, so that is probably why I am not fond of them. A dog I acquired had a 26 month guarantee on hips/elbows, either to be compensated with money back or another pup of the same caliber (show prospect). The dog came back with ED Grade 2; 2 sets of x-rays by different vets, each one submitted to OFA with the same result. I didn't want another dog from the same breeder, so I specified my money back. The breeder said it wasn't my choice; it was up to them, which resulted in me paying to have another pup shipped to me from out of state. I didn't like being put in that situation and not having any choice really. Luckily, I found the pup a fantastic home and she is well loved, but I had to just wash my hands of the situation and let it go. All’s well that ends well, but it was still a hassle.

All my stock and prospective stock is tested for Hips, Elbows, PRA, EIC, and TVD. CERF is done annually. For hips, elbows, heart, and eyes (CERF), I tell puppy buyers that the tests were done, show them certificates if they ask (as well as provided in a puppy packet), and inform them that just because these tests were done, doesn't mean it can't occur and why. For PRA and EIC, I tell them the pups won't be affected, but will either be clears or carriers and explain all that too. I am honest and I tell my puppy buyers I am just a phone call away at anytime. That is about all I can do as a breeder. Of course if there is at all a problem, regardless of what it is, I want to know about it.

I have to echo what someone else said. You can't control how a pup is raised once it leaves your door step. I can give all the proper advice, what to feed, don't let them jump down from truck beds, crate training, etc., etc., but they are ultimately responsible for the care and well being of their dog. I also don't think it's fair that I set all these parameters for a guarantee that they may not honor (and also leaving me with the burden of proof and I am the one that has to "fix it". I can't be responsible for their actions. And like me with my ED dog, you can do everything right and still have a problem and that is when it is truly a hard reality. Such is life…

Re: What does your guarantee say/cover?

I guarantee nothing, but I will pay if problems arise. I don't tell people that, but it is how I operate. Stud & dam have all their clearances. I agree with the person who pointed out that human children do not come with guarantees.

I guarantee that I've bred the best I have to the best I could find. There are no real guarantees in life with humans as mentioned above. I will take a puppy back at any time and refund the purchase price. I want the dog if the family doesn't and am willing to lose money in order to accomplish that.