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Masticatory muscle myositis

Has anyone ever had experience with this disease? A 6 month old puppy that I sold has been possibly diagnosed with this but the final results of the test will not be back to the vet for 10 - 14 days.

It started with the puppy not being able to open her mouth and was in a lot of pain. She had to be sedated to get her mouth open and then it would only open up to 80%. They found nothing in the mouth, gave her a pain shot and she is now on prednisone - not what you would want a baby on but that is the course of treatment for this disease.

Many years ago I had a dog with similar symptoms but we discovered a bite inside her mouth and determined that she had eaten a baby scorpion which stung her. Once the spot was lanced and she was medicated, she recovered completely. I told the owner to tell her vet about this since they are known to have Black Widow spiders in their area and the puppy eats everything (of course).

Any information is appreciated.

Re: Masticatory muscle myositis

Check out these threads for more info. I hope the pups is okay very soon....whatever the cause!

Re: Masticatory muscle myositis


You are more than welcome to contact me about MMM. I've just finished treating a puppy who was diagnosed with MMM at 3 1/2 months old, one of the earliest cases. I think we are finally on the mend!