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puppy chow

At what age do you stop feeding your pups puppy kibble, and why? Mine is now six months old and I was going to go to adult food but DH thinks we should continue on because the pup looks so good.

Re: puppy chow

I stop puppy food when all the adult teeth are in. Usually about 6 months.

Re: puppy chow

I also stop at 6 months as well.

Re: puppy chow

I normally start mixing adult and puppy 1/2-1/2 by 6 months. HOWEVER!!! I vote with your hubby on this one. If the pup is looking so good on what he is eating, then why mess with what is working? I know of several adult dogs that have been fed puppy food all their lives because that is what they digest well. One I co-bred was changed to adult food twice at a year and at 3 years. He looked like #$^$ in about a month both times and lost so much weight/muscle that he went back to puppy food. He is now 8 years old and still eating puppy food