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entropeon in upper & lower eye lids??

we just placed a beautiful lab in a wonderful pet home becuase he was diagnosised with entropeon in lower eye lids approx 6 months by my vet.

Their vet checked him at 7 months, and confirms entropeon in lower eye lids, but also suspects entropeon in upper eye lids, too.

I told them it would be best to take him to an opthomologist for consultation & surgery. I have never heard of entropeon in upper eye lids for a labrador retriever.

My questions is this, Is it possible to have entropeon in top eye lids for a labrador??

Is this typical with entropeon to be in top & bottom eye lids for a labrador?

I have been breeding for 10 years, and I have never heard of entropeon in upper eye lids on a labrador.

Re: entropeon in upper & lower eye lids??

Alot of times, alot I mean, puppies outgrow the bottom entropian. It is usually on a puppy that is going to have a substantial head piece. You can have them tacked, or like me , just drop them every day and watch him grow into it all. No surgery. And by the way, he is now 5 mos, and is CERF. No cut happy Vet in his life.

The last thing I would have done , is to place a beautiful puppy on a routine Vet's opinion. That is what Opthamoligists are for. And by far, the first thing I would have done is to get a second opinion before letting a promising puppy go. Dogs are NOT perfect , if you are waiting for the perfect one to arrive in your whelping box, that just won't happen.

Re: entropeon in upper & lower eye lids??

He does have a really nice big head piece. He did not get entropeon until about 5 months.

I know there is nothing perfect, he was close; but I have never heard of a lab having entropein on upper eye lids.

I should have gotten an opinion from an opthomologist, but it was obvious he had it in both lower eye lids. My vet said to wait & see if he out grows it, and gave me eye ointment.

My question is it common for a lab to have entropion in upper eye lids?

Re: entropion in upper & lower eye lids??

Yes, it can and does occur in labradors.

Re: entropion in upper & lower eye lids??

We had entropion for the first time 3 yrs ago. 3 of our pups had it in both upper and lower eye lids. An opthamologist did the surgery. It was first diagnosed by my regular vet when pups were around 12 weeks old. Another puppy went to a pet home and he was later diagnosed as having lower entropion when he was 5 months old but they opted for the drops until his head matuared more. When this boy was a yr old, the opthamologist did his surgery to correct it for good. It's not cheap in our region, $1000.00 per dog.
I ended up paying for all those pups to have surgery as it is genetic and covered in my warrantee. Sure entropion is easily fixed but it is expensive for the owners if they had to pay it themselves. I would prefer to not breed dogs who always produce it and I appreciate stud dog owners who are upfront about entropion in their lines.

Re: entropion in upper & lower eye lids??

I was not aware that it could be in both upper & lower eyelids.

Thanks so much for the responces. I greatly appreciate.

The new owners were aware of the entropeon on the bottom eye lids, and they are taking him to an optomothalogist for consultation & surgery.

Right now he is on eye drops & eye ointment, and advised to wait a little longer until his head matures.