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Unsightly Blemishes

I have 2 lovely girls who have marks on their faces that I believe are the result of insect bites. They're immediately above the right eye (on one) and left eye (on the other) -- and look horrible. They're about the size of a small white, hard pimple -- and have not gone away for about a week or more! Is there anything safe to use to get rid of them or will they eventually just disappear?
I have one in up coming shows and it really detracts from her face. Any suggestions would be welcomed! TIA!

Re: Unsightly Blemishes

Are you sure they are not ticks? They look like little whiteheads sometimes.

Re: Unsightly Blemishes

Are you sure they are not ticks? They look like little whiteheads sometimes.

No, they are not ticks -- I would know a tick. They are small white hard "bumps" much smaller than the size of a pea. You would not be able to remove it with tweezers or tick snips, etc. They look like the result of a bite -- maybe spider -- but right above the eye. They will probably just disappear eventually but because I'm showing one of them, I was hoping I could do something to hasten the process!

Re: Unsightly Blemishes

You might want to try Vitamin E cream.

Re: Unsightly Blemishes

OMG -- Great Idea! Thanks!

Re: Unsightly Blemishes

Also for the show put a little magic marker on the spot if she is brown or black and they have a light beige chalk for a yellow.