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Tail Question for Lab Judges

Have a beautiful three month old lab pup that has a tiny bump and bend on the end of the tail-would this be a problem in the show ring?

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

Depends on what else is in the ring. Might be a non-issue or might be a deal breaker.

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

If any of you more experienced breeders have any experience or knowledge of this... I would also like an opinion or knowledgeable answer, as I have a boy with the exact tail as described. Injury as a small pup? Injury in utero? Genetic? (I am wondering) As my boy has grown up... it is barely noticeable.

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

I am not a judge, but do own a puppy who had the same thing. With him it was noticeable after a growth spurt and then would straighten out. This happened quite a few times and now his tail is straight. Hope yours is just temporary also.

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

I have a girl who has a kink in her tail...always has and no doubt happened while in utero. I showed her at her first show...a nice specialty and she was awarded Best in Sweeps and won her regular class.

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

In Newfoundlands it is genetic, may be in labs too!

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

Thanks to all those that replied. I just can't bring myself to part with this girl.
Please do not laugh at the following (maybe you should) but a fellow breeder told me that I should massage the tail a couple of times a day and that will help it to straighten out! My sister says this breeder is "pulling my leg". I do catch myself massaging the tail whenever we sit on the floor together. I'll let the forum know if it works!

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

Maybe if you blow really hard into her nose, the tail may straighten out. I heard this works when a testicle needs to descend.

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

Well, if she were mine and it bugged me I would probably make a splint of ice cream sticks and vet wrap and make it better. It was just a bad location in utero. Good Luck.

Re: Tail Question for Lab Judges

I have had several kinks in tails over the past 8 years. I traced it back to a bitch I purchased, who had a small kink in her tail (that I did not even notice until she was about 6 years old.) It can definitely be genetic, as I had at least 3 pups come down out of her with kinks. Two were kinks that were somewhat noticeable and one was so bad that it made it hard for her to sit straight.. This can also go into the spine and lower abdominal area and cause problems. The last one I had, I x-rayed the spine before I sold her.