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Question on pre-lims

Was just wondering what most of you have tested with pre-lims? I know Hips/Elbows, CERF and Echo are a must, but wasn't sure if EIC needs done at 12 months or not?

Also curious as to where I would get the Echo/EIC testing done? TIA

Re: Question on pre-lims

EIC is a genetic test done by blood or cheek swab. Unlike the age restrictions for OFA clearances on hips, elbows (minimum of 2 years) and Cardiac (minimum of 12 months) You can do the test at 3 months and the results would be valid.

Re: Question on pre-lims

EIC is a DNA/gene based test, you can do it anytime after pups are weaned. Some people do OFA pre-lims of hips and elbows before 24 months, some do not. You can look for Echos at show clinics, they are usually less expensive that way, and final results are accepted after 12 months of age. Are you doing Optigen testing to be sure one or both parents are clear for prcd PRA?

Re: Question on pre-lims

Was just wondering what most of you have tested with pre-lims? I know Hips/Elbows, CERF and Echo are a must, but wasn't sure if EIC needs done at 12 months or not?

Also curious as to where I would get the Echo/EIC testing done? TIA

Travis, if you do dewclaws you can send those to UofM for EIC testing at 3 days old. Of course you have to clearly label each puppy in a way as not to mix them up after testing.

Re: Question on pre-lims

I do plan on doing Optigen testing for this boy, I know that both parents are clear of PRA.

Was just trying to get a general idea of total pricing for all the testing as I'm planning on getting him evaluated once he turns a year old in January.

Re: Question on pre-lims

My method is to wait until the hips and elbows are cleared to do the DNA testing. My reasoning is that the hips and elbows must clear if I am going to breed, whereas the DNA tests just determine to whom I can breed. (A clear can be bred to a carrier, but a carrier must be bred to a clear.) Of course, you have a boy and you might consider whether or not you want to continue on with him if he is a carrier for EIC (He should be clear for PRA if both parents are clear). In that case, perhaps you should do the EIC first as it is one of the cheapest tests and, as others have said, can be done at any age. The Echo will probably be the most expensive unless there is a clinic, in which case definitely take advantage of that. I would do that last, after all the other clearances look good unless you have reason to believe he is affected. Eyes must be done every year or before every breeding if not bred so often. Again, I would wait until you are about ready to use him unless there is reason to expect a problem.

Re: Question on pre-lims

Now why would you "ass-ume" that just because a bitch has prelims at say 18-22 months, that she failed or can't pass xrays at 24 months??
That is just plain ignorant.
I can see where you might think that if the bitch only had been done at say 10-11 months....that is a looooong time in between.
Don't always assume.

Re: Question on pre-lims

I suspect that this comment is in response to the other thread on clearances?

Re: Question on pre-lims

Peggy are you saying you would not be keeping any boy who was a EIC carrier ? So you would not keep an Optigen carrier ? I find that hard to believe. So we are breeding to clearances? Not breeding the best dog, not using these as tools and breeding around until be have it more under control. So Stud is EIC and Optigen clear. What do we know of heart and seizure, the unknown. I will use EIC carriers and Optigen carriers if it gives me the pedigree and match for my female who is clear. Think we will miss alot, if we start trying to just breed clear dogs too soon.

Re: Question on pre-lims

Breeder 30
Peggy are you saying you would not be keeping any boy who was a EIC carrier ?
I can't speak for her, but I think I do understand what she means. There is still a huge stigma attached to EIC (and PRA too). While we all know that Carriers are just carriers and it's perfectly fine to use them, bred to the right bitch, the REALITY is that folks are still going to look for NONCARRIERS first.

And what about those beautiful EIC affected dogs that have never collapsed, and bred to a clear bitch will only product carriers, which is also fine. No one wants those boys. Even if pedigree and structure were a perfect match.

Re: Question on pre-lims

If you go into my website, you will see that my Jake, who is being shown in conformation, needs one more leg for his MH, just earned his RE, and needs another pass for his CD, is an EIC carrier, so yes I am "keeping" an EIC carrier and spending a lot of money on him, as well. He's had all the tests the OP mentioned, and I fully intend to use him myself some day when the right girl (who will have to be EIC clear) shows up. I don't care if other people use him. But some people are concerned with getting some of their money back through stud fees, and there is no question that being a carrier for a genetic disease will reduce the potential clientele for a stud dog if only because people can't breed their carriers to him. I would not allow a carrier or untested female to be bred to Jake. I can afford to campaign a dog that may never bring in any money; not everyone can.