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problems with heat cycles

I have been waiting for 2 + years for my girl to come in season again. She has had 2 litters previously, and she is now 6.

Re: problems with heat cycles

I have been waiting for 2 + years for my girl to come in season again. She has had 2 litters previously, and she is now 6.

Not to be a smarta$$ but did you have a question? I would suggest seeing a reproduction specialist if you are concerned.

Re: problems with heat cycles

Was her second litter a c-section? If so, are you sure you didn't get an overzealous vet who spayed her?

Re: problems with heat cycles

Do you have a male in your pack? I know of bitches who will not cycle if there isn't a male around.

Re: problems with heat cycles

she has not had a c-secion. the litters were natural birth.

the strange thing is that she appears to be having silent heat cycles.

about 18 months ago I suspected she was in heat, I had a progesterone test ran on her, and i was too late to breed her. I thought she was in heat about a month ago-and i had 2 progesterone tests, but she was not.

I cannot tell when she comes in heat or if she is coming in heat.

Re: problems with heat cycles

I have a male in the house. He is not a stud dog, but he can tell when the girls are in heat.

the strange thing is that i have 2 other girls, and they do not bleed either. the only way i could tell they were in heat was our stud dog wanted to breed with them.

I do not know why this is happening. i have been breeding for 10 years, and for the past 2 years, i have been having trouble determining when the girls come in heat.

they are on a concrete run, and in the past, i would see blood.

Re: problems with heat cycles

I have one girl who is meticulous in keeping herself clean. If it weren't for my male, I wouldn't know to check her. And, even then, the only way I see blood is if I take a cotton ball and wipe inside her. It never hits the floor and rarely shows on her rear coat.

Re: problems with heat cycles

Is she not swelling at all? I had a girl in the past where I finally did daily vulva checks. After getting really use to seeing it when not in season, I noticed a very slight change in vulva color and very very slight swelling. This was her only sign of heat.