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Dark Eye

What do you consider a dark eye on a chocolate? Mine seem to all have brown eyes that match their coats. There's no doubt that my dark brown bitch has matching dark brown eyes.

I keep seeing folks say "OH what a nice dark eye" ...even on puppies. And when I look, I see yellow, amber. Maybe these eyes are darker than they are used to, but they are still too light for me.

Re: Dark Eye

What do you consider a dark eye on a chocolate? Mine seem to all have brown eyes that match their coats. There's no doubt that my dark brown bitch has matching dark brown eyes.

I keep seeing folks say "OH what a nice dark eye" ...even on puppies. And when I look, I see yellow, amber. Maybe these eyes are darker than they are used to, but they are still too light for me.

I have learned from my own experience that puppies can be hard to judge for eye color. I thought my chocolate had less then desirable eye color, but now at 12 months its darkening up nicely.

I cannot put into words what I think the "color" is. I always thought from pictures Dauber has nice eye color, and that color is what I am looking for in my chocolates.

Re: Dark Eye

I can tell you Willcare eyes darken as they get older. You will see a big difference at one year and each year gets some darker. Now, some lines are just plain light eyes. Just like lighter coat color. Thats why it does pay to look at the older dogs in pedigrees.

Re: Dark Eye

I think there are people that really haven't a clue (about a lot of things dog) that repeat what they have heard before because they think it makes them sound knowledgeable. Unfortunately it is often something they overheard from an equally unseasoned breeder. I have found that the more a person knows, the less babbling they do. There is no mistaking a Labrador with a light eye, be it yellow, black, or chocolate.