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New Mom Won't Eat

I have a new mom who gave birth to 11 puppies by c-section yesterday and today doesn't want anything to do with food. Her milk supply is low. I have given her chicken breast meat, but she isn't interested in anything else. Any suggestions?

Re: New Mom Won't Eat

I usually have the canned broth on hand, so that they get enough liquid intake, but I don't worry about food on the first day. I give Tums for calcium, like about (1200) a day and may also give Pepsid for the stomach.

Re: New Mom Won't Eat

Don't sweat it. That is perfectly normal.

Re: New Mom Won't Eat

Is she drinking? Try giving her some water (not ice cold) with just enough 1% low fat milk in it to color the water. Fluids are important for making milk.

Re: New Mom Won't Eat

Fenugreek helps milk production. Learned it at a Myra Savaant seminar and have personal sucess with it. You can get it at the health food store.

I have a bitch that won't eat after whelping, unless I feed her by hand. I can set her food in front of her an she won't eat. If I pick it up and hand it to her, she will eat it all. She also will not eat TUMS, unless I crush it up and roll it in peanut butter AND feed it to her by hand. This all lasts for about the first 4 days; after that, she settles in. I think it is hormones being all whacked out.
