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loss of pigment on chocolate lab

A family sent me some photos of their boy I sold them 6 years ago. I noticed in the photos at about age 2 years he started to lose pigment coloring around his lips and on very front of nose near the lips.

He is a very dark boy with excellent pigment.
What would cause the loss of pigment at 2 years old? they are not sores, they do not come and go, they do not hurt him in any way.

In 25 years of chocolates I have never seen a dog lose pigment later in life.

Re: loss of pigment on chocolate lab

Are they maybe using plastic bowls for food/water?

Re: loss of pigment on chocolate lab

I had one do this a couple years ago and had it biopsied twice. One came back Discoid Lupus and the other came back Vitiligo. It doesn't bother her one bit and other than putting sunscreen on her nose when she's going to be outside a good portion of the day, she lives a completely normal life. Because of the lupus possibility, we do bloodwork annually and everything has been normal.

Re: loss of pigment on chocolate lab

I have one that lost it due to plastic. Plastic bowls and toys. If he gets cheap plastic toys, it starts blotching out. It did come back about 90% after going over to stainless.

I have one that we can't figure it out. We thought it was related to thyroid, and it did come back a bit after she was on medication. But she's obviously has no contact with cheap plastic as she lives with the other one. She's lost pigment in her pads, eye lids/rims, and even toe nails. I suspect maybe the possible issues mentioned above me. Doesn't bother her, she's an old pet, so....