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How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

Just watched my 1 yo grab a my child's sock in the back yard and swallow it before my very eyes - arrggghh1 How much peroxide do you give to induce vomitting?

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

I believe it is one tablespon every 15 minutes until they hurk it up.

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

Your dog may be like mine and able to pass a lot of things he should've have had in the first place. Good luck!

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

I keep giving peroxide until they vomit. Sometimes it's 80 or 90 cc.s I wouldn't take a chance that he would pass it.
Good luck.

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

60-120 cc. You must be watching him all the time. Inducing vomiting is not completely safe. Choking is possible.

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

1cc/ml per lb of body weight but it usually does not take that much.
I too have a sock eater.

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

I forgot to mention that on the advice of good friend/vet......I found a turkey baster very helpful in getting the peroxide INSIDE the offending dog. Hopefully he threw it up on his own!

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

I have had very good luck giving 10 cc in a syringe (no needle), waiting 15 minutes. If nothing comes up, I repeat. Never needed more than 20 cc. Hydrogen peroxide is really hard on the GI tract so I try to use as little as necessary.

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

Gave peroxide, she vomited all of her food this morning after the peroxide but no sock. Drank fine and was happy. I started to think I hadn't seen a sock.

Played all day with others in play yard. Put her in her crate at 7:30 to eat, she vomited the sock instead! Yeah! Guess I should have given more peroxide this morning. I had quit after she vomited her whole breakfast. Now I know dose for next time, probably will need it with this girl, like a goat, she eats anything!

Re: How much peroxide to induce vomitting?

About 10 years ago, I had my girl Belle out for a free roaming romp. She managed to scarf down a WHOLE dead squirrel pelt. While I tried not to think too much of it at the time, I was concerned. Well, within an hour, she and a Labra-buddy of hers ate several blocks of D-Con while we were at work...which had been there for several years (in an open container),and no one knew about...even the pesticide company. The Peroxide worked as expected, but it sure grossed me out when the pelt came back up, treats and deer poop included....and the customers in the store.....