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Frozen Semen Stud Contract Details?

Have had a request for my boy for a breeding.
He is 13 yrs old. I had him collected at age 4.
I have offered frozen semen to the breeder.
Until now, I have only used the straws on my own girls with success.
What details do you put into the stud contract?
Repeat details if it does not take? (I only have 11 vials left.)
Would half price for the repeat be fair?
I was thinking that:
Insist on the breeder be sure of timing and do a surgical inplant.
I would of course have the vet check on the quality/condition of the semen and have him ship it.
What else should I put into the contract?

Re: Frozen Semen Stud Contract Details?

For me, they do not get a free breed back on frozen if the semen is good. It is too expensive and as you said it is of limited quanity.

The rest is the same as other breedings.

Re: Frozen Semen Stud Contract Details?

I have seen it handled as a straight "sale" of semen as a product. There are no special terms regarding use and no repeat or replacement as long as the semen is live when thawed. Since timing and insemnation are up to the bitch owner, the provider of the frozen semen has no control or liability in how it is used.

Re: Frozen Semen Stud Contract Details?

My boss has done four litters via frozen, two different breeds. In all cases, the semen was bought and paid for in full. No returns, no gurantees on success. Agree with Breeder666 on how to handle it.