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Umbilical hernia

My pick puppy has it all. Plus! She also has an umbilical hernia. Do I dare keep her, or is this a game breaker?

Re: Umbilical hernia

Don't worry as it can be easily fixed by most any vet. Most likely caused by the cord being cut/chewed too close.

Re: Umbilical hernia

Shouldn't be a problem. My girl had it too.Vet told me when she was a pup it wouldn't be a problem and it wasn't. Whelped 9 naturally in her first litter, had to have a c-section in her second and the vet removed it then.

Re: Umbilical hernia

In my experience, it is usually the cause of a harder delivery and a bigger, heavier puppy. I have very rarely had them in Labradors, but they are much more common in other breeds.

I've never had one with a c-section delivery, only with natural harder deliveries. If it is a "reduceable" hernia, it can be fixed whenever. If not, it should be fixed before 6 months.


Leslee Pope