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Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

Hi there,

We are looking for a supplier in Ont/ Quebec of ducks for training.


Re: Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

I'll ask Ducks Unlimited in Manitoba, they probably know a supplier in Ontario, and Quebec.

God bless,

Phil Aperocho

Re: Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

I talked to one of the lady, who works at Ducks Unlimited, I learned that it's unlawful to hunt ducks in Northern America. She Adviced me if you are looking for dummies; you can get one at any pet stores close to your location, I also tried looking at the website of Cabellas, but they only have a store in Winnepeg, Manitoba. Hope I was of help to you on this matter.

God Bless you,

Phil Aperocho

Re: Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

I can assure you it is quite legal to hunt waterfowl, including ducks, in Canada when they are in season - fall of the year.

Many members of Retriever Clubs in North America hunt ducks, etc, in the fall and then store the birds frozen in club freezers, to be used in field trials and hunt tests the following year. There's nothing unlawful about it. Commercial bird operations may also raise birds for sale for such purchases.

Re: Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

Thank you very much for letting me know, that's also my understanding; what I don't know is that there is a season for hunting birds. The person was actually refering to this time of the year. When I broswed their website I found in there store button, that there actually selling books about hunting.

My question now is, why is it that they don't have it instock right now? Could it be, that they run out of it?

This time of the year is breeding season, I understand that it's not allowed to hunt, because the birds are given time to reproduce this time of the year, that make sense to me.

I would like to know about this law, can you please give me the website of this laws atleast.

Thank you very much, again I would appreciate it.

God Bless,

Phil Aperocho

Re: Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

A government website that lists regulations for all provinces - navigate from list on left side:

Re: Duck suppliers in Ont/ Quebec

Thank you very much and God Bless!

Phil Aperocho