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Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

Apparently there's an announcement in the latest ProClub Newsletter that Pro Plan Puppy will be "reformulated" to a shredded blend. Gosh *&^%*& - when will Purina understand that screwing with their formulas is NOT a good thing???

Anyone know any more about this?

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

Maybe that means they will be making a shredded blend too?? Have regular and shredded?? I hope that's what it means! I have been happy with PP Puppy for YEARS!

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

Gosh, I hope not, I recently went back to Proplan after leaving them when the first shreds came out and was planning on raising my next litter on proplan puppy as in the past. Speaking to a Proplan rep, I was told that breeders are only a small percentage of their customer base, and the pet people love the shreds, so that is who they cater to.

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

Apparently someone called Purina and was told the current formula will be discontinued and only the shredded blend will be available. Maybe they are trying to push us who don't like the shredded crap to some of their higher end "super-premium" foods like their Selects stuff. I went back to PP too with my latest litter and am loving how they are doing on it, but will not feed the shreds if that's all they will produce.

Love the following from their website about the shredded pieces, in their FAQ:

"Are the shredded pieces made with real meat?

Yes. Depending on the formula, the shredded pieces contain either real chicken, beef or lamb, plus additional ingredients."

It's the "additional ingredients" that are the problem!!!

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

My last purchased puppy was raised on, and still gets, Purina Pro Plan Performance, and she looks great at 11 months old. My current litter is being weaned on to PPPP. I returned to Purina after the whole Shreds fiasco, reluctantly, but will stick with it, as long as they don't mess with the Perfomance formula!

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

They are a pain!!! Doesn't the breeder population support them enough to have both the puppy formulas? I have just changed back to pro plan puppy also. Now I have to make a change again.

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

There is mention of the new Shredded ProPlan Puppy formula in the upcoming Newsletter, BUT, the shreds is an incremental formula. Purina is NOT doing away with original ProPlan Puppy Chicken and Rice or Puppy Lamb and Rice...The shreds is an extension to the other Shredded line.
I have fed the Puppy C & R for years, even before I began working for puppies thrive on it.
Any questions, email me!

Marci Sale
Eastern Area Manager
Nestle Purina PetCare Co.
Breeder Enthusiast Group

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

Thanks Marci! I hope the stores will continue to carry it as well, and not replace it with just the shreds the way most of them did with the original adult chicken and rice.

Re: Pro Plan Puppy - ARGHHH!!!

Here is an excerpt from the ProPlan Newsletter:

Pro Plan Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice Puppy Formula Coming Soon

"Expanding the Shredded Blend Line to include a puppy formula will now position Pro Plan Shredded Blend as a Complete Feeding Solution in terms of Life Stage, Breed Size & Special Needs. The new Shredded Blend Puppy formula will be available in 6lb, 18lb and 34lb sizes.This new formula will be in addition to the existing Pro Plan Puppy formulas."