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nice camera to start making great pics

Hello everyone!

I'm planning on taking a hobby photography course for beginners and getting myself a nice camera to make great pictures of my dogs..

I'm a layman on the photography topic... can somebody give me references on a nice camera to start? Easy to handle and great quality images.

Thank you all! Christiano.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

I'm partial to Canon cameras - both my husband and I have higher-end models, along with way too many lenses. But to take nice pictures, I'd suggest starting with a Canon Rebel and perhaps upgrading the stock lens and go from there (you're better off with a more expensive lens than a better camera). Even the entry-level DSLR cameras can take very high quality pictures. You can buy a used Rebel for quite cheap, just make sure you buy it from a reputable store.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Thank you Patty for your information and time! I'm googling Canon Rebel right now to check on prices.

I came across Nikon D 5000 and D3100. They seem to be good. Do you have references on them?

hugs, Christiano.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

LOL - either you are a Canon person, or Nikon person. Both brands are really good - I prefer Canon, but it's really a personal choice. Perhaps if you can go to a camera shop and look at/hold both brands and see if you prefer one feel over the other, that might help you decide.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Ah Patty Canons are nice but Nikons rule! For a Nikon I would get the Nikon D7000. The big deal is the lenses. If you are doing a lot of indoor show photography I would recommend getting the 85mm 1.8 lens in either the Canon or Nikon (depending on which body you go with). This a a very affordable "prime" lens. You have to be more flexible in your shooting with an 85mm as you act as the zoom by moving up and back but this was my "go to" lens until I got some really expensive zoom lenses. Most of the kit lenses are useless indoors but work fine outside unless it is a dark day in the open black class. This is a perfect length for shooting movement across a breed ring and will work for Group rings as long as you are willing to move around to get closer.



Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Thank you again Patty and Toni! Those were important pieces of information!

LOL Patty...I understand there must be a "feeling" to choose from ane brand and another...and I must ask these questions or I'll be a complete fool forever!:)

I'll try doing my homework and hopefully get to make some nice pics soon!

Hugs! Christiano.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

I'd suggest a used camera, maybe a Canon 30D, unless you're anxious to jump into the mega pixel wars! But the 30D will be more than adequate if you're not printing larger than 8" x 10".

I think this would serve you well with a fairly low investment (as far as camera equipment goes) to start out.

Canon 30D body (used) $350
Canon "nifty fifty" 50mm f/1.8 lens(used) $100
Canon 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM lens (new, approx) $500

Buy good lenses. They hold their value. Go for the extra reach in a zoom for shooting across the ring, and the 70-300 is a great lens outdoors in good light. The nifty fifty is good for low light indoors.

I've since moved up to the 7D, but the above is what I started out with.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Thank you so much for sharing you experience! It's surely gonna help me make up my mind!

Hugs, Christiano.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

The best photos I've seen seem to have been taken with a good Nikon and photographer. The 3100 and 5000 are popular right now.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

I have a friend whose son it a professional. He films for TV shows & does a lot of still photography as well. I wanted a camera to take nice dog pictures but was not ready to jump in at the high end. He recommended Cannons and I couldn't be more pleased.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

This statement is just silly:
The best photos I've seen seem to have been taken with a good Nikon and photographer. The 3100 and 5000 are popular right now.
"Seem" to have been taken? Can you tell?
It's personal preference - period. Pros use both brands just as joe blow consumer does. The thing I like about Canons is that the older lenses are still compatible with the newer model bodies.
It's the lens makes a photo spectacular. The camera body is just a means of recording the information to the sensor(or film). You can shoot with a box and a good lens. Both Canon and Nikon are equally fabulous with models that any first time user can handle if you read the book(over and over). I shoot with Canon but I happen to think Nikons are just as good.
The "shooter" has just a bit to do with that good photo, although the obvious thing about a spectacular photo is the light. It rules!

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

This statement is just silly:
The best photos I've seen seem to have been taken with a good Nikon and photographer. The 3100 and 5000 are popular right now.
"Seem" to have been taken? Can you tell?
It's personal preference - period. Pros use both brands just as joe blow consumer does. The thing I like about Canons is that the older lenses are still compatible with the newer model bodies.
It's the lens makes a photo spectacular. The camera body is just a means of recording the information to the sensor(or film). You can shoot with a box and a good lens. Both Canon and Nikon are equally fabulous with models that any first time user can handle if you read the book(over and over). I shoot with Canon but I happen to think Nikons are just as good.
The "shooter" has just a bit to do with that good photo, although the obvious thing about a spectacular photo is the light. It rules!

Silly Betty? I think not and can't believe you came on here to knock a breeder's opinion of cameras and photographers. Why not state your opinion and don't worry about others?

Yes I can tell which camera not only by the photos. I usually know the *good or excellent photographer*, what camera and lense they're using and if I didn't, I just look at properties of a photo. Most of the time the ones I like are Nikon. Some are taken by Canons. I'll entitled to my opinion as you are. But to knock my opinion is *silly*.

I have a Nikon D200 but I'm not the best photographer as some of the breeders are with ANY lense. Dogs are not the easiest subject to photograph properly. Experience also helps

I only have two decent lenses. They work for me taking photos of my own dogs, pups or friends dogs. We have many breeders that are excellent photographers. I am in awe of some of their work. I am always willing to pay for good photos of my Labradors from one of the best breeder/photographers we all know.

Find someone else to spar with over Nikon and Canon or to pick their words apart on a post where breeders are trying to be helpful. I tried to reply about Nikon b/c the OP had already looked into two different models already. Defending my post or opinion is not something I enjoy doing and I'm not bothering reading the rest of yours. This is a helpful, opinion-type thread, not one to argue with others about, jeesh!

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Wow.... Nikon vs. Canon. That is a popular subject on photography forums.

First, let me say I make my living as a professional photographer. For many years I shot with Canon, I shoot with Nikon (D3s cameras) now. I also have a wides selection of professional lenses. I really don't care what brand I use. It is a tool for me and I use what is best for my job.

You have got some great advice here. The entry level Canon SLR is a great way to go. Which camera? Depends on your budget. Which lenses, budget also. Buy the best you can afford.

If it was me I would buy a new camera and have no problem picking up a used lens. If I can help with any advice you can email me at

As a disclaimer about why I read this forum, I have 5 Labs and compete in Obedience.


Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Last year we bought the Nikon 3100 when it came out and couldn't be happier. It does help to buy extra lenses with it. One of the reasons we chose the 3100 is that it films in HD too and we shoot a lot of video. Good luck. Both brands have nice entry level SLR cameras on the market now.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

First I think it's absurd to claim you can tell what brand of camera someone uses by the photos.
That's just crazy.

Anyway I highly recommend the nikon D3100. I didn't even know what a DSLR was before I bought mine last year and now I'm taking what others are describing as professional quality photos.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

I just bought and am learning the Nikon D7000 16.3 MP, body only, since I have Nikon lenses. It's a fantastic camera with lots of bells and whistles. It takes incredible photos. I LOVE it. However, I have had Nikon SLRs before this one (a D40x most recently), so I am familiar with them. I wouldn't say it's an entry level camera, but if you do start out with it, read the manual! :-) It has a LOT of features.

My son has a Canon, and it, too, takes incredible photos. It's just personal preference. The shooter and lens make the difference. :-)

Last year I bought a used, like new, lens, 18-200mm VR AF f/3.5-5.6 I rarely change lenses, because it functions as both a wide angle and zoom. The media photographer at work gave me the website where I purchased it:

Also, you can get an idea of how a camera photographs at:

Before you buy and expensive lens, I suggest you rent one for a week or so at:
You can see how you like it before you fork out $100's or $1000's.

Good luck!

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

I use a Nikon 90D but have also used the Canon 7D. They are both fantastic, the Canon has exquisite HD video capabilities. I do prefer Nikon's....but I have many friends whom are Canon fans.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

You have gotten some great advice! Photography is a wonderful hobby and is VERY addicting! LOL... Before you know it you'll be putting new 'glass' on your wish list and saving up for that 'Pro' body!

I started out with Nikon, simply because we use Nikon Optics in hunting and we couldn't be happier with them. So, it was just a matter of knowing that the Nikon/Nikkor optics were the quality we were looking for.

When searching for a lens, I suggest getting one with VR (for Nikon) or IS (in Canon). It will help you with getting crisp and sharp images.

I think for a good intro camera, the D3100 is a great deal! It would be a very good camera to 'learn' on and get a feel for photography in general. You don't want to spend all your $$$ on a body, save some for buying GOOD GLASS!!!!

Good luck in your search!!!! And welcome to the wonderful world of Photography... Just beware, it is VERY ADDICTING!!!!

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Hi everyone!!

Wondeful pieces of suggestion and advice!! It surely made my desicion making process easier. Very enriching.

I was actually a little surprised for the "warm" Nikon X Canon debate as I'm not into photography YET, but natural to understand as this is a hobby where we get involved and want to reach high performances, just like many other human scenarios.

I also looked up at some of your personal sites wondering if the cams suggested were used for some of the quality photos.

I'm about to make my decision. Thank you for your kindness and generousity

May you all have a wonderful Sunday and week! Christiano.

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

Good luck with your photography pursuit! It's fun and addicting! Find a camera that you are comfortable with and know what your budget is. My one word of advice, is know what you want for lenses now and save. Good glass is worth it's weight in gold!
Also, take a couple of classes. They are fun!

I'd love to know if "Cameras" can guess which brand of camera I use! LMAO

Re: nice camera to start making great pics

I can't tell which brand of camera you use but your images are beautiful. The flora and fauna are spectacular. I use the less common of the brands, an Olympus. I like it and have had one for twenty years. If I had to go shopping for a different brand, it would probably be a Nikon. I did have an Canon once but couldn't get used to it after having an Olympus. Just a matter of personal preference. I think they are all pretty much equal.