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Canada semen shipping

I want to do a breeding to a Canadian Ch Stud dog. I read a post the other day about some problems about importing semen? Is it really a problem, or this person just had bad luck? Please advise.

Re: Canada semen shipping

If you plan to do overnight with fresh chilled I would not trust it. I have never had anything that I overnighted to Canada or that was overnighted to me come withing 24 hours of shipment. DHL, Fed Ex, made no difference. Mine was just paperwork going back and forth. If it is frozen then you are most likely fine.


Re: Canada semen shipping

Just did a breeding in May to a US stud dog and it arrived just fine .. fresh chilled. Shipped Fed Ex.

Re: Canada semen shipping

We've shipped fresh chilled to and from the States overnight numerous times (too many to count). We've never had problems other than weather and mechanical problems.

Re: Canada semen shipping

Same Here,

Each time I have imported from the US it has arrived overnight and no problems...

Re: Canada semen shipping

I sent chilled semen from Canada to the US last week on Saturday and since Fed Ex doesn't work on Sunday - it arrived early on Monday. No problems with customs. I'm sure that if I had shipped on a weekday, it would have overnighted for the next day.
The secret is to send it to a person (not a kennel), state clearly what is in the box (i.e.: healthy canine semen for breeding using cell perservative), and say exactly how it is packed (i.e.: 2 - 7 ml vials). Play fair with customs. Be honest and say on the label EXACTLY what you are sending.
Be aware that Fed Ex will not deliver to a rural address.

Re: Canada semen shipping

I agree with the above, but I have had no problems with FedEx delivering to a rural address.