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CNM Testing

Lately, I've noticed several dogs having their CNM Clearance. Curious as to thoughts about this it the New Norm for Clearances?

Re: CNM Testing

I've yet to hear of this affliction in a show bred. It is there in field lines. If you have show/field cross, you should do it, IMO. I did the CNM on my boy because while show bred, he had a field bred wanting to breed to him and they needed to know so I did it.

Re: CNM Testing

The information on the CNM Website states that it is in both Field and Show lines.

Re: CNM Testing

I think alot are having other test done since DDC offers the second test for $20.00. Makes it so easy to have some others done.

Re: CNM Testing

CNM testing is not brand new and has been available for about the past 5 years I know of done at Alfort in France. It *is* an appropriate test for *both* show & field dogs. I never heard it was just for field dogs but I've heard that about EIC many times and some say the reverse I don't and never have owned field dogs.

For more information go to Alfort or DDC. Alfort did the original research and they have a white list data base where you enter one word of the dog's name to see if they've been tested.

Going by other good experiences, I would trust DDC to do almost any test too. I stay away from INGEN always.

Some breeders began testing for CNM prior to EIC. I feel CNM is a more straight forward test then EIC. JMHO.

Re: CNM Testing

CMN supposedly has been seen in show lines, according to the Alfort people. My informant is not very forthcoming on the frequency or on the conformation lines where it has been seen. I have not been able to identify any affected conformation dogs. The Alfort white list is useless in trying to ascertain whether or not your dogs are related to carriers, as they list only clears. It is my understanding that the condition has complete penetrance, unlike EIC. It will be seen in young dogs and is a much more severe condition. I have not yet tested for it because I think that if it were in my lines I would know it was there, because of the severity and early onset. I may do so in the future if I ever see convincing evidence that it is in show lines that I might consider using.