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What do you use to clean out yeasty ears.
Thank you

Re: Ears

Liquid Health K-9 Ear Cleaning Solution (the 'purple stuff'). If they have a yeast infection then Otomax Ointment after cleaning.

Re: Ears

I clean them out with 3:1 alcohol:vinegar solution. Then for yeasty infections I use Buro-Sol (Burrow's Solution) twice daily for 10-14 days, then once daily for one week. If it's a dog with chronic ear issues I will continue to use daily for a while and then wean down to the least amount that keeps the infections at bay - usually 2-3x/week.

Buro-Sol (or a similar solution) can be bought over the counter at your local pharmacy and has lots of other uses as well (foot soaks for those allergy prone foot chewers, local skin irritations). It changes the pH of the environment (ie ear/ foot/ etc) and makes it inhospitable to growing bacteria / yeast. It cuts down on antibiotic resistance and vet bills.

Re: Ears

I have a senior that had horrible ears. The skin was so sensitive that when I would clean them they would bleed. I treated her ears w/ Zymox w/ hydrocortisone as per my vet. You don't clean the ear first. I put it in her ears once a day for a month. They are back to normal and now I put it in her ears once a week.