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Witness Relaxin Test

The Witness Relaxin Pregnancy Test...has anybody used it, and is it reliable? I see I can pick it up from Revival Animal for $125 for 5 tests, and it looks pretty easy. I just don't want to waste the money if it doesn't put out accurate results. TIA

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

Not sure if anything is 100% reliable but in this case......a singleton girl was born yesterday after a negative Relaxin test. Thankfully her breeder had her x-rayed a week before the due date and wasn't caught by surprise.

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

I'm just curious at this point. It would be so nice to be able to so a simple test like this at home. Is this the same test they do at the vet clinic? I was quoted $176 to have it done there, which was more expensive than the ultrasound!! Ive done a little online research for the Witness test, and it basically says that results may vary slightly due to both bitch size and litter size, as well as due to the amount of time post LH surge. Has anybody with a litter over let's say 4 pups used it with success? I'm half tempted to just do it anyway, but I'll still have an xray done if the result comes up negative.

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

I have been using the Relaxin Tests on all of my litters for the past 2 years and when it came back negative there were no babies and when it comes back positive there were babies. My litters have ranged from 4 puppies to 11 and I normally always do my test on day 35. I too also always do an pre-whelp x-ray about 5 days before.

Good Luck

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

I have used it many times and have found it to be reliable as long as I don't do it prior to day 30. Also, go to and type in Canine pregnancy tests. I just got a box and I paid under $100, with shipping it was about $105.00. I got mine through Amazon, but it came from entirely pets, and any orders over $100 get free shipping.

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

When you say day 35 are you counting from 5.0 progesterone or 35 days from 1st breeding?J

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

I agree I use it quite a bit and as long as you wait till day 35 you will be OK.
if you have to plan early on for litters this is the least expensive most reliable way.
I get mine off amazon as well.

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

We have used this test for many years with great success. So much easier than going to the vet for an ultrasound. Small (<3) litters won't show positive until after 30 days, but anything more, we get positive around 28 days. The line may be more faint on some than others indicating pregnancy, but there is no such thing as a little pregnant ;-) so if you get that line- you've having puppies.

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

You need to be able to draw the blood/spin it down or let it set out until it separates :-) Good Luck..Oh, I have been doing this test for the last 10yrs..This test has been 100% correct with my doggies :-)

Re: Witness Relaxin Test

Thank you all for responding, it sounds like a pretty decent and reliable test so long as it's used correctly and with good timing. And I do believe my next small investment will be a centrifuge lol!!