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Electric fences

I understand that it is recommended to wait for a puppy to be 6 months old to train to an invisible fence. Just wondering if anyone has tried to acclimate younger pups, and if so, what your experience was.


Re: Electric fences

Most of the "invisible" fence type companies say wait until 6 months. The shock causes stress. In a very young dog whose immune sytem has not matured, stress can cause other issues. I know of a person whose 9 week old lab developed vitilgo. Although the cause of vitilgo is not known, stress is considered as one possible cause. The owners had started to train the pup on an "invisible" type fence.
Go from there

Re: Electric fences

I'm not talking about a 9 week old puppy here. What about 5 months instead of 6? would that make a huge difference?

Re: Electric fences

Actually the Invisible Fence brand of invisible fences says you can train at 4 months. They use a lighter collar with lighter signals. The training sessions and the trainer they send are key to it being a positive session. I would pay the extra amount for their trainers to do repeat sessions and to step the puppy up slowly in order to make sure everything is optimal for the puppy.