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Another brag from LRCGB!!

I first want to say congrats to all the winners up at the LRCGB!!! Maybe next year I'll be able to go!!

Big Big Congrats for Robin Magee for her girl Wilcare Chaos @ Windy Ridge aka Taz for going Winners Bitch and Best of Winners!!! She sure is a Rock Star!!

Nice going to Norman who handled her to this special win!!

I guess no nylons is the trick!!

Re: Another brag from LRCGB!!

Congratulations, Robin, Norman & Taz! She looked fabulous!

One question, what does nylons have to do with anything?

Re: Another brag from LRCGB!!

Thanks Steph!!!
She looked great and showed like a champ for Norman.

As to the nylons--too funny!!

We had an animal communicator talk to Taz and she told her that wearing nylons makes her nervous because she didn't want to rip them!!! Guess I am glad Norman doesn't wear nylons!!!!

Re: Another brag from LRCGB!!

I dunno, but I'm glad Norm doesn't wear nylons too!! LOL