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Stool issues

Been having some soft stool issues with my boy here lately. I upped his food to 5 cups per day about three weeks ago and just about every day since he has had soft stools. He's up-to-date on all shots, de-wormed, vet checked him out and said everything's good.

He's on Eagle Pack puppy (not LB) at the moment...wondering if it's a food issue, maybe feeding him too much?

Re: Stool issues

How old is he? You could be overfeeding him.

Re: Stool issues

He's 5 months old.

Re: Stool issues

Most likely too much food volume for him. Cut back about 1 cup and see if his stool corrects. If so, then you can gradually increase amount.

Re: Stool issues

At 428 kcal/cup, 5 cups is over 2000 kcal. This is too much and the recommended feeding amounts for a 5 month old weighing 30-40 lbs is 2.75 to 3 cups a day. 50-60 lbs is 3.5 to 4.75 cups a day. As little as 1/4 cup in excess can cause loose stools in some dogs.

Re: Stool issues

Soft stools are typical of feeding too much.

I've had young males that appeared to need more food. But when I upped them, they'd get soft stools. But 4 cups just didn't seem to be enough to keep them at a nice weight that I would like.

I ended up having to move to a Performance food. I could feed less, but get enough calories and we had normal stools.

And also remember, sometimes the Super Premium food isn't always the best choice for our dog. A better food doesn't always equate to better results.

Re: Stool issues

Agree with the above that over feeding may be the cause. Try adding to heaping tablespoons of canned pumpkin to the food. Be sure not to get pumpkin pie filling tho!