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prenatal care

so, I know I am sure to get many different responses. But still would like to hear them. Do people stop giving supplements, such as, dasuquine and fish oil to their bitches when they have been bred? INterceptor or heartguard?

Re: prenatal care

I would check with your vet.

My repro-vet recommended NO fish oil, but let us continue with her maintenance dose of Cosequin.
Interceptor was also continued monthly.
Healthy litter of 10 pups!

Re: prenatal care

Do you know why she said no fish oil? Would that include fish based foods?

Re: prenatal care

This has been discussed before on this forum. Some studues have shown that fish oil can cause cleft palletes but others disagree. Also, if you google gloucasimine supplements and pregnancy you will see it is not recommended for pregnant woman so I would be hesitant to give any of those type supplements to my pregnant bitch. I don't like to take chances but do what you feel comfortable with, just do some research first.

Re: prenatal care

work'n dogs
I would check with your vet.

My repro-vet recommended NO fish oil, but let us continue with her maintenance dose of Cosequin.
Interceptor was also continued monthly.
Healthy litter of 10 pups!

I agree, check with your vet.

This has been discussed before on this forum. Some studues have shown that fish oil can cause cleft palletes but others disagree. Also, if you google gloucasimine supplements and pregnancy you will see it is not recommended for pregnant woman so I would be hesitant to give any of those type supplements to my pregnant bitch. I don't like to take chances but do what you feel comfortable with, just do some research first.

I don't feel research is enough especially when it's about possible Cleft Palates or Glucosamine chondroitin during pregnancy. I would discuss all supplements with a repro vet for the final decision on proper prenatal care.

Re: prenatal care

I had this discussion with Hutch and he does not believe in supplementing during pregnancy. This was a couple of years ago so maybe that has changed.

I stop supplementing when breeding.

Re: prenatal care

This has been discussed before on this forum. Some studues have shown that fish oil can cause cleft palletes but others disagree.

I had a real start several years ago when I saw a post online about fish oil causing cleft palates, but when I read closer, it was from England where they use COD LIVER OIL (not the same as we give here). That has excessive vit A in it if I remember right, which has been known to known to cause cleft. Liver is another culprit for being high in A.

I keep mine on the fish oil/vit E but take them off flax seed (which can prevent implantation) and MSM or anything else which hasnt been adequately studied w/ regard to pregnancy. I read (and was told) that glucosamine was safe, and did continue that w/o any issue w/ the one girl who had been on it.

Re: prenatal care

Hutch's clinic now gives vitamins during pregnany. Start about day 30

Re: prenatal care

Hutch's clinic now gives vitamins during pregnany. Start about day 30

I gave a basic multi-vitamin 20 years ago and for many years after. When I asked breeders around longer than me, they don't give a vitamin. I also gave a low dose of folic acid, again told not to do it last year.

Maybe I did it right back then. I've never seen a cleft yet. I'm even more confused than ever. Before my next litter I'm calling Hutch. He's too far away for me to use him unfortunately.

Re: prenatal care

Over supplementation is much more of a problem than under supplementation. Your dog food should have everything in there.