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Puppy Packs - What's Included?

I am preparing my puppy go-home packets and was wondering what items some of you may include. Handouts, brochures, etc... Any links to helpful articles?

Thanks for any input!

Re: Puppy Packs - What's Included?

A basic puppy starter training guide that I put together myself. It includes the amount to feed the puppy, potty training, beginning crate training, first time wearing a collar, leash training and a few other things.

Re: Puppy Packs - What's Included?

I include a Health Record, Health Certificate, copies of parents' clearances, copy of litter pedigree, pics of parents, info on crate training, feeding, training...

Re: Puppy Packs - What's Included?

I recently updated my packet, included foods poisonous to dogs. Families all commented on it.

I also include all copies of parents' health certificates, pedigrees, and titles.

Re: Puppy Packs - What's Included?

I include a puppy collar and leash, which I have used with the litter and puppy for an intro to leash walking. I include a bag of food, or samples and coupons for a bag. I include training treats, puppy raising information, and information on the parents, including health clearances and pedigree. I also include a link to the ebook on puppy raising by Ian Dunbar in emails to future puppy owners, so that they can see how I start the pups and how they can continue to raise the pup. I also of course have a contract and emphasize in converstation that they are buying my time in the future as well as the present, as I am available for consultation on the puppy in the future. I still get updates from a litter that is turning 12 years old this summer.