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Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

I always dislike it when a commenter brings a situation to the group and asks for help, but there is no closure. So...

The day has come to let our 16 year old with kidney failure to move on to a place where there is no pain, never ending food, and lots of Labs to romp with, including her half brother. We tried fluids and meds, and it just made no difference. It is not fair to her to keep her here just for us and we would be failing to provide for her what we have promised all of our Labs..the highest quality life possible.

It will be a sad and tear filled day. But I wanted to thank all of you who gave me your support, your compassion and your advice. Once again, I am reassured that Lab folks are the best.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

I am so very sorry for your pain . But rest in knowing you did all you could and are giving your beloved what she needs most right now and not taking what you need. 16 is an awesome age. I am happy you had so many years with her. May God bless you with peace in your decision. And Godspeed to your sweet lady.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Sorry to hear about your old gal, but wow, 16 years! What a wonderful long life she had and how lucky you were to have her for so long. She must have had the best of care.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

May the peace that passes all understanding be with your sweet old girl and those who freed her to find her next life.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Thinking of you and your girl today and hoping for peace in your heart.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Sending loving thoughts your way.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Such a long time you had to share with your girl. She will rest easy now and you know you made the right decision. God bless her and you.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

I'll be thinking about you and your special girl today! Prayers that your heart finds some ease in the days ahead; recalling the warmth of the many memories you two have created over these 16yrs.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

I'm so sorry. May your heart find some peace knowing that your special girl had a great, long life and you're giving her this one last precious gift.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

I am deeply saddened at your loss but I am sure when she looked at you she knew another place awaited her and that you as always gave her what was best, and no more pain and suffering awaits her. Godspeed sweet girl until you and Mom meet again. I commend you on such a long life here,

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Thinking of you today and the sadness that you will undoubtedly feel, and blessed you are with all the joy that you have shared with your special girl for 16 wonderful years.

For a moment is our sorrow....

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

sorry for your pain, but think of all the wonderful memories of 16 years.. GodSpeed

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

You will be in my thoughts.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Our dogs know that they are being released to another life, especially one of that age and closeness to you. She will know you are doing it for her, just as you tried your heart out to reverse her illness. So she sees what you are doing and appreciates your efforts.
I know your heart will be sad, but I hope you are able to celebrate her life, in your heart. I hope your wonderful memories of her life make you smile when you think of them....especially the silly things she did in her life that will make you laugh and sustain you.
She definitely will not want you to be sad! Soon, you might want to have a little celebration of her life with you and the family she loved so much, and any friends that loved her also. Raise a glass of wine to her and salute her 16 years of life and love!
Your friends on the forum are thinking of you tonight. God bless!

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Thanks, everyone. Couldn't sleep much last night. And kept looking in her favorite places yesterday instinctively to see what she was up to. I don't imagine that will change soon. We did share happy stories as well; her time of rolling in a cache of winter killed fish in her favorite creek in the Vermont spring; her discovery of fresh cow manure with her brother Toby at a friend's house; the butt tucking and frustration of Toby because he could never catch her. But this is a time of some pain; the house is so empty of Lab energy right now, first time in over 20 years. There will be another Lab; just not sure when.

Thanks, each and every one of you. Your compassion is deeply appreciated. Now, go give your Labs a treat..:*)

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Treats given & appreciated by our crew! It will take time - I know it took me a few days to stop getting an extra bowl out at feeding time when we faced the same situation a few years ago. Remembering the funny stories/times is helpful(rolling in cow poop definiately qualifies after the fact)and time does heal. Sometimes it just seems to take forever to get there. Hugs!!

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

Thank you for letting us know that she has passed, after you did all that you could that seemed reasonable. She had a great life with you, and a long life. I hope that you get another Lab soon, whether a puppy, a retiree, or a rescued adult. You deserve at least one wonderful Lab in your life!

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

So sorry for your loss and pain.

You did all you could and gave her the best gift of all by taking away her pain.

Prayers for your hearts to heal.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

I'm so sorry, sending warm thoughts your way.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

My most sincere condolences to you on this sad occasion. 16 years is a wonderfully long time and I hope many happy memories will bring you comfort.

Re: Saying Goodbye to our 16 year old

So very sorry for your loss. Lost a 14 year old not long ago. You are right, you keep looking in their favorite spots for them and what an adjustment it is. You gave her a great life, always own that!

My condolences to you and your family :(