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LRCPV Critiques

Hi all,
We have only received Nancy's critiques. I do not believe we will be receiving any others. I posted a link on our Club site, Specialty page under the wins and before the pictures.
I have been very lax posting pictures, I will get to them. I have 9 pups now 6 weeks old, so it is not high on my priority list, but soon I will have time to post.
Thanks for all your patience.

Re: LRCPV Critiques

who is Nancy? the judges at the specialty were Margaret Brown and Sue Willumsen.

Re: LRCPV Critiques

Sweeps judge.

Re: LRCPV Critiques

And it's not even Christmas yet! Thank you for all your hard work on the show and posting of results..... I for one really appreciate your efforts.. It was great to read all the critiques. Its too bad Margaret didn't send hers, maybe she is busy too. BEST with your new puppies..
