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Panacur & nursing moms

Is it ok to give panacur to a mom with 3 week old pups?

Re: Panacur & nursing moms


Re: Panacur & nursing moms

The protocol given to me by my old vet was to give the bitch Panacur for 3 days after whelping. Since I've been doing this I've noticed that when I worm the litter at 2 weeks I don't see any worms whereas before I started doing this I would notice a couple here and there from at least one puppy.

Re: Panacur & nursing moms

Read the information you recieve here and then ask your vet to be sure. Panacur is fairly strong. You're asking about the bitch only but if I were you, I would still want the vet to give his or her okay. At the very least, let your vet know what you're planning on doing. The vet might have a better plan.

I was told not to use anything stronger than over the counter wormers on my bitch when her pups were around that age. All she had was loose stool. I wormed her pups at the same time and again a week later. That was strictly vet advice.

Are you doing this to worm her after a litter, do you see that she has worms or is her stool just loose?

Re: Panacur & nursing moms

You do not want to wait until you see worms. That is the point of worming puppies & dam according to the vet's schedule.