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anti-biotics and ears

has anyone ever had a dog develop ear issues after being on an anti biotic? (red inflamed)
If so any suggestions

Re: anti-biotics and ears

has anyone ever had a dog develop ear issues after being on an anti biotic? (red inflamed)
If so any suggestions

It could be yeast from the antibiotic or just an ear infection unrelated. I would feed a dollup of plain yogurt each meal for the acidopholous until you reach your vet Monday.

Any prior ear infections?

Re: anti-biotics and ears

first episode was after he was neutered and given an anti biotic-vet said the ear issue was from the anti biotic and gave me an ointment to treat. He was okay afterwards-he just finished a course of metronidazile 5 days ago and now his ears are so inflamed. I had him on Forti Flora this time.

Re: anti-biotics and ears

Forti-Flora is good. You might still want to try plain yogurt for now.

You'll probably get a cordisone ointment from your vet. I don't know of anything else that might help. He might be prone to an occasional ear infection, maybe it's when his system is stressed.

What was he on metronidazile for?

I would speak to your vet on Monday. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

Re: anti-biotics and ears

We took him down the shore and he came home with the runs after swimming in the ocean.
He has an appt for Mon. just was wondering if anyone else ever had this occur.

Re: anti-biotics and ears

Loose stool from ocean water I have found if they gulp or really drink ANY sea water.I know it is hard to prevent. It has resovled in 24 hrs w/my pup.No meds. Has to get rid ( poo it out) of extra salt etc.- But I make sure he gets enough fresh regular water in mean time. Extra on his chow etc.
Good luck.

Re: anti-biotics and ears

Do yourself a favor and have a swab done to be sure whether you are dealing with yeast or bacteria in the ear. Your vet should know from a microscope look. If not send a swab for culture

If it is yeast antibiotic does no good.

I am not sure of the past antib. causing the ear issue.

For yeast, apple cider viniger (organic Braggs brand) in the food helps ward off yeast. Add 1 tbsp to food with water added to cut the bite (1 meal a day)

Alfalfa (tablets or powder) is an antifungal and antibacterial and all natural. I give 1 300mg daily (it is also an antioxidant - fights cancer, supports the liver, etc.)

Just suggesting these natural alternatives to meds since it sounds like you have an ongoing issue with your dog.

Good luck, hope you find the answer and get good clean ears from here on out