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TVD what is it and what can be done to prevent it?

I was reading another thread and TVD was mentioned a good bit. I was wondering it anyone would be willing to share what it is and what affects it has on dogs. From what im gathering there isn't a DNA test 100% accurate right?

Re: TVD what is it and what can be done to prevent it?

Congenital malformation of the Tricuspid valve in the heart with some amount of blood regurgitation (flowing wrong way). If severe enough it causes right side heart failure. There is no DNA test accurate or otherwise, but it does have some mode of inheritance, perhaps dominant with incomplete penetrance, meaning some dogs with the gene are unaffected, or affected in varying degrees.

Google Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia in Dogs.

I have a Lab with TVD.

Edit: Since dogs are born with the condition, a dog owner can't prevent it, however it is a good idea to do echocardiograms on all breeding stock and not to breed producers or their close relatives. However, many breeders do not do either, I sure wish my dog's breeder would have done so.

Re: TVD what is it and what can be done to prevent it?

I wrote a 10 page paper on TVD last semester for English Comp II. If you would like we can E-mail privately.

I'm having the feeling that TVD is going to be polygenic like elbow and hip dysplasia. I doubt there will ever be a DNA test like there is for EIC and PRA.

The dog is born with it so breeders just need to stay away from repeating the breeding if it is produced. It is life threatening and can cause a puppy/dog to die rather quickly. It is a very heart breaking disease for breeders. But if you watch carefully and do preventative measures (like Echo's and x-rays) we may be able to keep it under control.