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Food for thought

I struggle to understand the attitude towards the various tests available to help us evaluate a potential breeding. These tests were developed to help us breed healthy dogs. We are in some ways very lucky to have such a diverse and numerically strong gene pool in which to swim. Many breeders in other breeds would give their eye teeth to have so many cheap, reliable tests in place.

Sheltie breeders would love to have a PRA test which they could use, but they don't.

A DNA test for Liver Shunt would be nice, but there isn't one. Maltese breeders in particular would like a test for this since the standard bile acid test used to determine affected animals is not accurate for Maltese because those little guys have a naturally high bile acid count. Makes Liver Shunt hard to diagnose. Sometimes dogs are incorrectly diagnosed with epilepsy when they have Liver Shunt because the affected dogs are prone to seizures. The seizures are not able to be controlled with barbituates.

These are just a couple of examples. There are many others.

Technology and Science are not there to wield a big stick over our breeding programs, they are there so that we may make informed decisions when selecting to breed our next 'big winner' and in the case of the anti testing brigade our next 8, 9, 10 or whatever potential money pits to put into the hands of Mr & Mrs Joe Q. Public. The time will come when Mr & Mrs J.Q.P. will issue a law suit demanding compensation because Precious has PRA, EIC or whatever and the Breeder neglected to use the available tests to prevent this occurring. I would not fancy the 'breeder's' chances in court.

Re: Food for thought

Hear, Hear!