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To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

There seems to be a general consensus among the breeders on this forum that the only justifiable reason to breed is to "better the breed." Although there is plenty of disagreement regarding how our breed should be "bettered" (field vs. show, specialty vs. all breed, etc.), in general a breeder is considered "ethical" if they breed towards some form of betterment.

Breeders who breed for profit are not considered ethical. I have read a lot of posts trashing people who breed multiple litters per year, from untitled parents, to sell as pets. Even if their dogs have the necessary health clearances and wonderful temperaments, the fact that they are producing large amounts of puppies from unproven parents immediately earns them a stamp of disapproval.

I'd like to question that judgement.

Why is it considered acceptable to breed for a hobby, but not for monetary gain? Whether you compete your dogs in conformation or field trials, it is a hobby. Something you do for your own personal enjoyment. Something that benefits YOU, the breeder, handler, trainer, etc. Your gain from it may be less tangible than money, you may enjoy the competition, the thrill of winning, the companionship of your fellow lab enthusiasts, etc. I know that the dogs probably enjoy these competition as much as their owners- there are dogs who bask in the attention at the show ring, and others who live to retrieve at hunt/field events. I'm not arguing that the dogs don't benefit from the events that constitute part of your hobby, but I don't see how they benefit from the breeding aspect. Obviously the breeder benefits, they can continue the bloodlines that brought them success in whatever venue they compete in, thereby ensuring that their hobby will continue to be rewarding for them.

I'm assuming the benefit to the breed as a whole is that the standard and original purpose of the breed are preserved and continued. Which is important- for PEOPLE who want a dog who can compete in the various venues. Again, it benefits humans. But I don't see how preserving the breed benefits the actual DOGS. I can't imagine that a litter of puppies would be happier to be born of champion parents than mutts.

I don't understand why people who breed for a hobby are so judgmental of people who breed for profit. Both are breeding for their own personal benefit. I think "to better the breed" has been confused with "for the sake of the dogs", and hobby breeders have convinced themselves that they are morally superior. Regardless of why you breed, you are doing it for yourself, not your dogs.

I know that a lot of profit breeders engage in some shady practices, but I think it is unfair to paint them all with the same brush. Personally, I choose to breed four litters apiece out of my four chocolate bitches by my co-owned chocolate stud. Yes, it is breeding for color. Yes, I am a "pet person." And yes, I have hips, elbows, echo, EIC, CNM, CERF, and optigen on all of them. I don't compete in any venue. I don't breed to keep back one puppy a litter as a show or field trial prospect. I breed to create chocolate puppies, who sell very quickly to loving, carefully screened families for a nice profit. I approached a show breeder about acquiring a new puppy and got a stern "no" and a lot of "helpful advice" about bettering the breed. Obviously, I've been stewing on this for a while, and I decided to post to see if there is some key concept that I am missing- some reason why breeding for the current style (be it coat or bone or length of leg) is morally and ethically superior to breeding for monetary gain.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Quite well put questioning. I too find the attitude somewhat superior, but can also understand the hope behind it. There are very, very few "pet" breeders who do a good job. However, most people who want a pet, do not want to wait over a year on somebody's waiting list.
If those were the only breeders available, there would be two problems. First, the waiting lists would realistically become years long. Second, there would be a "black market" for Labs that come from less than stellar facilities and other countries.
I think that pet breeders who do all the testing and screen buyers and take back dogs they breed, ect.. should be encouraged to breed Labs from good lines, as well as encouraged to get involved in some venue. I have been bitten by the show bug, and can't wait to get involved, but it took a few years of evolving for me to get there.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

If you are really doing all that testing on all your dogs (five of them), feeding them, vetting them, sparing no expense on breeding expenses, then maybe you aren't counting your money correctly.

Granted you are probably seeing some monetary gain because you aren't proving your dogs LOOK the standard or have that TRAINABILITY that Labradors should have, so you don't have those expenses.

But then again, you might just be riding the coat tails of the breeders behind your dogs and selling your pups for far more than they are truly worth.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

There is no way that the hobby breeders could ever keep up with the demand for lab pups. I would rather see a backyard breeder who is educated enough to know to do health clearances, and to stick by the pups she bred for their lifetime, as opposed to puppy mill breeders. I just don't want them using any of my girls to do it. But, I would allow a stud dog of mine to be used on a girl that has all her health clearances. Unless the bitch was just an awful representative of the breed, of course.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I think you just answered your own question:

" I'm not arguing that the dogs don't benefit from the events that constitute part of your hobby, but I don't see how they benefit from the breeding aspect. "

The dogs DON'T benefit from being bred, at least not in my opinion! Every time I breed, I worry about all the "what ifs" that can happen during pregnancy and whelping and afterward. Breeding isn't one of those things to be taken lightly, so if a person isn't doing it for good reason (ie, improve your own lines at least so you can carry on!), I can't encourage that person to breed.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"Breeding isn't one of those things to be taken lightly, so if a person isn't doing it for good reason (ie, improve your own lines at least so you can carry on!), I can't encourage that person to breed."

That brings me back to my original question- how is your reason "improve your own lines at least so you can carry on!" superior to my reason- "make money"? You accept the risks of breeding on behalf of your dogs so you can continue your hobby. I accept the risks so I can turn a profit. Why is your hobby a more justifiable aim?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"You accept the risks of breeding on behalf of your dogs so you can continue your hobby. I accept the risks so I can turn a profit. Why is your hobby a more justifiable aim?"
Because they are dogs, a companion animal, not chickens, not soybeans, not widgets, and it is a slippery slope before one decides that a few more than you have time to give individual attention will be a greater profit, and maybe a barn full of them is best, and what the heck, it didn't pass any health tests, but someone will buy pups from them, and you might want to quietly shoot and shovel if they get too old to produce, etc. etc. The dog world is full of such histories. It is a slippery slope that every fancier, breeder, rescuer, pet owner, etc. has to be careful not to slide down. Me included, as I am human too, and I have seen stuff happen to once good intentions in others..

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"Granted you are probably seeing some monetary gain because you aren't proving your dogs LOOK the standard or have that TRAINABILITY that Labradors should have, so you don't have those expenses.

But then again, you might just be riding the coat tails of the breeders behind your dogs and selling your pups for far more than they are truly worth."

My dogs do come from what I consider nice bloodlines- I had to go to hobby breeders to find pedigrees with the clearances I was looking for. So although they themselves have not personally been proven in show or field, I would think that they do look the standard and have the trainability. They may not be dual champion material, but they could probably get conformation certificates if I wanted them. Maybe a JH title if they went with a trainer, maybe not.

As far as riding other breeders coattails and selling the puppies for more than they're worth... I paid the asking price for my dogs when I bought them, and I have no problem selling them at the price I ask. Sounds like fair business to me.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"You accept the risks of breeding on behalf of your dogs so you can continue your hobby. I accept the risks so I can turn a profit. Why is your hobby a more justifiable aim?"
Because they are dogs, a companion animal, not chickens, not soybeans, not widgets, and it is a slippery slope before one decides that a few more than you have time to give individual attention will be a greater profit, and maybe a barn full of them is best, and what the heck, it didn't pass any health tests, but someone will buy pups from them, and you might want to quietly shoot and shovel if they get too old to produce, etc. etc. The dog world is full of such histories."

I know there are BYB's out there who do horrible things. I've also read on this very forum about HIGH volume breeders who win specialties with their dogs. I think you're painting all pet breeders with the same brush again, and I have to object. I have four dogs in my home (my co-owned stud lives with another family). I don't treat them like soybeans or chickens. They are very much companion animals. They are clicker trained, crate trained, they stay indoors with me and my children. Just because I don't follow the code of "only breed to better the breed" DOESN'T mean I don't have a personal code of ethics that I adhere to. I dare say my dogs are more "companions" than the dogs of some high volume hobby breeders.

My aim is money. Yours is hobby. I'm not going to fall down some slippery slope to make huge profits. I could just as easily say that hobby breeders are likely to not disclose that their champion stud is an EIC carrier, because he has such good qualities and has been proven in the ring. It's a slippery slope, you know... the show world is full of such histories.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Your message was delivered by shotgun - with bits scattered all over the topic. I'd like to address just a couple of the issues.

1. Anyone who says they are "bettering" the breed is functioning on ego. It is arrogant to think that any one person could know what would make the breed "better" overall. What they mean is that they try to make the breed more to their personal liking. I say "boo...hiss" to that. The breed was developed for a purpose and has been purebred for almost a century. From generation to generation we can choose to make the breed healthier, sounder, more competent at their job, etc. That isn't "bettering" the breed - it is simply good animal husbandry and sticking to the purpose stated in the standard.

2. Whether you show, hunt or simply enjoy your pet is not the issue. Breeding a dog implies taking responsibility for the outcome. Many people who only breed for market shirk that responsibility by not selecting sound stock and cutting corners on expensive care or screening. Producing sound, healthy puppies that have little probability of becoming disabled from a PREVENTABLE genetic disorder is not cheap. Hobby breeders tend to assume this expense as part of the normal cost of breeding. This is precisely how the next generation of dogs benefits from careful breeding. Sure it benefits the future owners as well in reduced costs for chronic vet care, but the health and longevity of the DOGS is the bottom-line plus.

Pets can come in all sizes and shapes. The ONLY reason to get a purebred of any breed is predictability. The size, shape, general temperament, abilities, longevity, etc. are part of the breed makeup. If you are not breeding "typical" representatives of the breed together, you lose some of this predictability. Dog shows measure whether a dog is similar to the type in the written standard. Field events measure whether a dog is capable of doing the work for which it was designed. Other performance activities measure trainability, etc. Dogs that do well in these venues have shown themselves to be fairly "typical" representatives of the breed. When a combination of competition and health screening is used to select dogs for breeding, there is some reasonable expectation that the offspring will be MORE predictable to fit the guidelines for the breed. If you don't care about that predictability, then you can adopt any mixed-breed rescue pup as a companion

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I find it very sad for your dogs-you may train them and crate them and keep them in the house-so give yourself a pat on the back. But, you talk about them like they are a "thing"-from your tone it sounds like you are using them for profit. Motive here is disturbing. If you really loved them you would not be looking to make money off them. I don't know who sold your first girls but it would not have been me-you seem to communicate you had no interest in the breed or the dog-merely to fatten your pockets. You won't get any validation for your motives here.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Because dogs are companion animals and not food animals, most people feel an emotional attachment, and the idea of selling puppies as a means of income goes against the grain.
That being said, there are plenty of "hobby" breeders out there who regularly have litters to help finance their hobby and/or their lives. They do all the right things (usually), but have no intention of keeping any of the pups.
At least you're honest about your motives.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

If you are not breeding "typical" representatives of the breed together, you lose some of this predictability. Dog shows measure whether a dog is similar to the type in the written standard. Field events measure whether a dog is capable of doing the work for which it was designed. Other performance activities measure trainability, etc. Dogs that do well in these venues have shown themselves to be fairly "typical" representatives of the breed. When a combination of competition and health screening is used to select dogs for breeding, there is some reasonable expectation that the offspring will be MORE predictable to fit the guidelines for the breed. If you don't care about that predictability, then you can adopt any mixed-breed rescue pup as a companion

I agree that many of my puppy buyers would be just as well suited with a mixed breed rescue, but they want a Lab. They are going to buy a Lab. I prefer that they buy one from me (obviously than from a byb who doesn't do any health screenings. I don't advertise them as anything that they aren't- AKC Labrador Retriever puppies from health-tested parents. I feel that my dogs are fairly typical representatives of the breed, even without being proven in any venue. Where would you draw the line in aiming for predictability? What qualifications does a litter need to make them more Labrador-like than a mixed breed recuse pup? Should only bench CH's be bred, to ensure that the physical aspect of the standard is upheld? Or only FC, to ensure that the original purpose of the breed is upheld? Maybe only CH/MH's then, since we haven't had a Dual CH in ages. Or maybe we should be lenient, and allow CH/JH's to breed? Too much emphasis on predictability would limit the gene pool to the point where the breed would become endangered.

My dogs are genetically sound, I've already established that I have the necessary health clearances. They come from the same bloodlines many hobby breeders have. They are quite obviously Labradors, and have all of the wonderful physical traits and the amazing temperament that is inherent to the breed. They may not be the absolute best representatives of the breed, but I imagine there are field breeders who would argue that almost no show labs are good representatives of the breed, and vice versa.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

When you compete in a venue with your purebred dogs, you not only prove them, but you also have a huge base of people to learn from, and about different lines, from mentors in your breed. If you are sitting at home breeding your dogs for a profit, without mentorship, you could very well be making poor breeding decisions you aren't even aware of. Do you guarantee hips and elbows? Eyes? What about heart clearances?

If I read your post correctly, you have 4 chocolate bitches, you breed over and over to your co owned stud dog, do you ever use a different stud dog? What are you going to do when your 4 breeding bitches are beyond breeding age? You don't keep puppies out of your litter, and if you did, you wouldn't get to use your for "free" co-owned stud dog on them... What is you plan for the future? Buy new stock to breed to your co owned stud dog or?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Too much emphasis on predictability would limit the gene pool to the point where the breed would become endangered.

Too little emphasis on predictability and too much "betterment" by special intrests have already endangered the breed. In some places it is hardly recognizable.

My concern is that people who primarily breed for "money" find it easier to cut corners on expenses as well as accountability. If you are being responsible to the the dogs, the buyers and the breed while you are playing God by bringing your planned puppies into the world, then your motives are of no concern to me. I put you in the same category as someone who breeds lots of litters to get one top show winner, field trial winner, OTCH, etc. Being accountable for every new life that YOU bring into the world for your personal gain is the measure by which you will be judged eventually.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I find it very sad for your dogs-you may train them and crate them and keep them in the house-so give yourself a pat on the back. But, you talk about them like they are a "thing"-from your tone it sounds like you are using them for profit. Motive here is disturbing. If you really loved them you would not be looking to make money off them. I don't know who sold your first girls but it would not have been me-you seem to communicate you had no interest in the breed or the dog-merely to fatten your pockets. You won't get any validation for your motives here.

I'm sorry to have caused you any distress. Please, don't make yourself sad on behalf of my dogs! I know that the mere mention of the word "profit" send up red flags- horrible things have been done to dogs in the name of profit. My four girls are very happy, very much companions. I do use them for profit. But I wouldn't do it if I weren't a dog lover- there are plenty of other easier ways to make money. And if I didn't love them, they wouldn't be indoors, with our children. They wouldn't be properly trained. They wouldn't be treated like family.

I still wonder why using dogs for profit is somehow inferior to using dogs for hobby? Considering that my dogs are loved, well cared for, etc. When comparing my breeding program with that of a hobby breeder, our actions are equivalent. The only major difference in our motive. Why is mine inferior?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

OP wrote: "There seems to be a general consensus among the breeders on this forum that the only justifiable reason to breed is to "better the breed."

Hmmm, wouldn't be my choice of words "better the breed", rather thought of it as striving to preserve the breed and carry on in a manner for the betterment of the breed.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Breeder 2011
When you compete in a venue with your purebred dogs, you not only prove them, but you also have a huge base of people to learn from, and about different lines, from mentors in your breed. If you are sitting at home breeding your dogs for a profit, without mentorship, you could very well be making poor breeding decisions you aren't even aware of. Do you guarantee hips and elbows? Eyes? What about heart clearances?

If I read your post correctly, you have 4 chocolate bitches, you breed over and over to your co owned stud dog, do you ever use a different stud dog? What are you going to do when your 4 breeding bitches are beyond breeding age? You don't keep puppies out of your litter, and if you did, you wouldn't get to use your for "free" co-owned stud dog on them... What is you plan for the future? Buy new stock to breed to your co owned stud dog or?

We limit our girls to four litters apiece, some have only two or three. It depends on the individual. When they are retired from breeding, they go to pet homes. So far we have retired two girls, and they have gone to live with previous puppy buyers who wanted a second dog but liked the idea of skipping the puppy stage. We haven't kept any puppies back yet, but we are planning to start keeping back one female puppy from each girl's last litter, to replace them as they retire. Obviously we won't be able to use our current stud with those girls, we'll have to use outside stud service. We may look into another co-ownership, we haven't decided. It'll be a few years down the road.

We have a lifetime guarantee for EIC, PRA and CNM (since the parents are tested), and we guarantee hips and elbows for 26 months. Our guarantee doesn't mention TVD, but our dogs all have good echos, and if there were a problem in one of our puppies, we would certainly back it.

I know it may be hard to believe, but just because I breed for profit doesn't mean I cut corners. I do the same things you do, with the exception of concerning myself about titles.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Keep telling yourself this and maybe one day you will believe it and not have to look for validation on a forum. Pimps feel the same way about their girls-they feed them and clothe them and in their twisted minds think this equates to a form of love-all in the name of money.
You did not cause me distress, only your "companions" who you use for selfish reasons-making them have puppies so YOU can have more in life.
Those who are real hobby breeders aren't looking to make a profit, they are looking for enjoyment and in so doing that keep trying to improve what others have built on. There is true joy is seeing the next generation do better than the first-when you actually plan a litter and see your dream realized. You are planning litters so maybe you can plan your next vacation...
How many stud fees have you paid to improve on your puppies instead of using your own male? Or, are your puppies that you sell so perfect in every way no need for improvement?
When you went shopping for your companions did you buy from someone like yourself-just curious?
If there are easier ways to make money maybe you should look into them-if you were breeding because love was the motivation then you would be donating your pups to service facilities or organizations that need well bred labs with all clearances. That is love, not greed. You waved your own red flag.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Those who are real hobby breeders aren't looking to make a profit, they are looking for enjoyment and in so doing that keep trying to improve what others have built on. There is true joy is seeing the next generation do better than the first-when you actually plan a litter and see your dream realized. You are planning litters so maybe you can plan your next vacation...

And WHY is the pure joy that *YOU* get from seeing certain physical characteristics in the puppies that you produce a VALID reason to breed? Does your bitch look at the puppies and weep with joy over their proper tailset? Do the puppies themselves frolick about flaunting their level toplines? NO! The person who is benefiting from it is you, your dogs get absolutely no benefit from being bred. You breed for your own reason, I breed for mine.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Oh that is just the icing on your cake-that is really love-use them and give them to a pet home. You ARE a pet home remember, all the training and living indoors and love.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Well, pet breeder person, first off reputable breeders do not use their dogs uterus as a means to pay their mortgage.
They put just as much, usually more money into the dogs than they ever get back from selling puppies.
Second, we don't breed to "improve the breed". It doesn't need help. We breed to improve our own lines and to move forward with something to be proud of and to compete with that will prove it's quality (our hard work).
I suppose you think that's wrong?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person
If you are not breeding "typical" representatives of the breed together, you lose some of this predictability. Dog shows measure whether a dog is similar to the type in the written standard. Field events measure whether a dog is capable of doing the work for which it was designed. Other performance activities measure trainability, etc. Dogs that do well in these venues have shown themselves to be fairly "typical" representatives of the breed. When a combination of competition and health screening is used to select dogs for breeding, there is some reasonable expectation that the offspring will be MORE predictable to fit the guidelines for the breed. If you don't care about that predictability, then you can adopt any mixed-breed rescue pup as a companion

I agree that many of my puppy buyers would be just as well suited with a mixed breed rescue, but they want a Lab. They are going to buy a Lab. I prefer that they buy one from me (obviously than from a byb who doesn't do any health screenings. I don't advertise them as anything that they aren't- AKC Labrador Retriever puppies from health-tested parents. I feel that my dogs are fairly typical representatives of the breed, even without being proven in any venue. Where would you draw the line in aiming for predictability? What qualifications does a litter need to make them more Labrador-like than a mixed breed recuse pup? Should only bench CH's be bred, to ensure that the physical aspect of the standard is upheld? Or only FC, to ensure that the original purpose of the breed is upheld? Maybe only CH/MH's then, since we haven't had a Dual CH in ages. Or maybe we should be lenient, and allow CH/JH's to breed? Too much emphasis on predictability would limit the gene pool to the point where the breed would become endangered.

My dogs are genetically sound, I've already established that I have the necessary health clearances. They come from the same bloodlines many hobby breeders have. They are quite obviously Labradors, and have all of the wonderful physical traits and the amazing temperament that is inherent to the breed. They may not be the absolute best representatives of the breed, but I imagine there are field breeders who would argue that almost no show labs are good representatives of the breed, and vice versa.

For me, my main concern with what you are doing is not so much you personally, because from what you have said, your dog come from people who HAVE proved that their dogs meet the standard, and you do seem to be responsible as far as health clearances and the like. My concern is what happens to the puppies from your litters - are they allowed to be bred, and to whom, and what determines whether those puppies meet the standard, and the same of the generations after them. Without some objective measuring of the physical and temperamental qualities of the dogs in relation to the standard, very quickly your "lines" could degenerate into something that no longer fits what a purebred Lab should be, which does NOT do anything to better the breed and if anything hurts it.

Personally, I wish that either the conformation certificate was more widely accepted and offered or there was some other non-competitive yet objective way (ie pass/fail) that could be used to confirm that a particular dog physically meets the guidelines of the standard before breeding. My point is simply that many of the dogs in a show ring may fit the standard, but only one can win - does that mean that one is really the only one who has something to offer?

How can we both be sure of perpetuating the breed without compromising it's adherence to the standard yet not limiting ourselves only to dogs who happen to fit whatever is currently winning in the show ring? If we limit ourselves, we may be eliminating dogs who may fit the standard, and have something to offer the breed (as shown with performance titles) but who don't happen to be the "flavor of the day"? As is, it is up to individual people to assess whether they think their dog adequately fits the standard or not, but as we all know, it is hard to be objective when looking at your own dogs.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I wouldn't be surprised if your choice of chocolate happened to be of the Silver variety. If not, heck, you should consider it since your ONLY motive is money.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Obviously you don't look at puppies to see if what you're producing meets standards, only if it met the needs of your next shopping spree. Let me guess, your next excuse might just be your girls love being mothers and that is why you do it. Address the real issue here which is you are using your dogs-they are mere livestock to you-you have no love for them or the breed, only your pocketbook. I hear women get good money for harvesting their own eggs-maybe you might want to look into that.
At least be honest with yourself and stop trying to use others to validate your ill intentions.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Well, pet breeder person, first off reputable breeders do not use their dogs uterus as a means to pay their mortgage.
They put just as much, usually more money into the dogs than they ever get back from selling puppies.
Second, we don't breed to "improve the breed". It doesn't need help. We breed to improve our own lines and to move forward with something to be proud of and to compete with that will prove it's quality (our hard work).
I suppose you think that's wrong?

Not at all, I would never presume to judge someone else's motive to breed. I just wonder why is is WRONG for me to breed for money but RIGHT for you to breed for "something to be proud of and to compete with that will prove it's quality"

I'm not here seeking validation, I'm trying to make you hobby breeders see that you also have PURELY SELFISH motives for breeding. Keeping back puppies. Improving your lines. Winning those majors. NONE of that benefits your DOGS. The status gained by finishing champions, the thrill of success in breeding- all yours. Your dog may like to compete, but they don't benefit personally from being BRED. I'm not saying you shouldn't breed them, I'm just saying your motives aren't any better than mine!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Second, we don't breed to "improve the breed". It doesn't need help. We breed to improve our own lines and to move forward with something to be proud of and to compete with that will prove it's quality (our hard work).
I suppose you think that's wrong?

I think her point is that your motive is not better than her motive in regards to the dogs themselves. Your motive sounds like pride and ego, hers is money. If the dogs are tested and taken care of in the same way, motive is a moot issue. (pet breeder's point, not mine) Quite simply, those who breed for pride and ego cannot provide enough puppies for the market demand. Somebody like pet breeder may be the next best thing for most pet owners.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Oh that is just the icing on your cake-that is really love-use them and give them to a pet home. You ARE a pet home remember, all the training and living indoors and love.

I don't understand, do you think they're somehow hurt by being retired to a pet home? They go to loving families. I know we anthropomorphize our dogs a lot, but they aren't children. I don't see anything wrong with raising them in a loving environment and then sending them to another loving environment. I have seen countless "retired adults" available on hobby breeder websites.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Second, we don't breed to "improve the breed". It doesn't need help. We breed to improve our own lines and to move forward with something to be proud of and to compete with that will prove it's quality (our hard work).
I suppose you think that's wrong?

I think her point is that your motive is not better than her motive in regards to the dogs themselves. Your motive sounds like pride and ego, hers is money. If the dogs are tested and taken care of in the same way, motive is a moot issue. (pet breeder's point, not mine) Quite simply, those who breed for pride and ego cannot provide enough puppies for the market demand. Somebody like pet breeder may be the next best thing for most pet owners.


Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


If there are easier ways to make money maybe you should look into them-if you were breeding because love was the motivation then you would be donating your pups to service facilities or organizations that need well bred labs with all clearances. That is love, not greed. You waved your own red flag.

Do you donate all of the pet quality puppies from your litters? Or do you keep every puppy you've ever bred for their entire life? Surely you don't breed a litter and then sell the ones who don't meet your standards to pet homes? I mean, pet homes are such a horrible fate for my retired girls, so I know you would never place a puppy of your breeding in one. I would hate to think that you would callously dispose of a poor puppy who didn't have the perfect conformation by selling them (for money!) to a horrid pet home.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Whooooaaaaaa, hold it right there! LOL You're saying:

"I'm not saying you shouldn't breed them, I'm just saying your motives aren't any better than mine!"

You said earlier you breed for profit!! I would bet the majority of responsible breeders know going into any breeding that they could very well come out in the red till all is said and done, but they are breeding for other reasons than for a "cash crop". I think that disproves your above statement. And they may only have ONE bitch, NOT four of breeding age,or maybe they only do a breeding every couple years, not several a year... so they don't have a back up litter to fall back on if they do go into the red!!

Not saying you are on the doorstep of being a puppy miller, but keep this for a point of reference:

Search the history of puppy mills and will find, "Puppy mills began sprouting up after World War II. In response to widespread crop failures in the Midwest, the United States Department of Agriculture began promoting purebred puppies as a fool-proof “cash” crop."

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

performance person

For me, my main concern with what you are doing is not so much you personally, because from what you have said, your dog come from people who HAVE proved that their dogs meet the standard, and you do seem to be responsible as far as health clearances and the like. My concern is what happens to the puppies from your litters - are they allowed to be bred, and to whom, and what determines whether those puppies meet the standard, and the same of the generations after them. Without some objective measuring of the physical and temperamental qualities of the dogs in relation to the standard, very quickly your "lines" could degenerate into something that no longer fits what a purebred Lab should be, which does NOT do anything to better the breed and if anything hurts it.

Personally, I wish that either the conformation certificate was more widely accepted and offered or there was some other non-competitive yet objective way (ie pass/fail) that could be used to confirm that a particular dog physically meets the guidelines of the standard before breeding. My point is simply that many of the dogs in a show ring may fit the standard, but only one can win - does that mean that one is really the only one who has something to offer?

How can we both be sure of perpetuating the breed without compromising it's adherence to the standard yet not limiting ourselves only to dogs who happen to fit whatever is currently winning in the show ring? If we limit ourselves, we may be eliminating dogs who may fit the standard, and have something to offer the breed (as shown with performance titles) but who don't happen to be the "flavor of the day"? As is, it is up to individual people to assess whether they think their dog adequately fits the standard or not, but as we all know, it is hard to be objective when looking at your own dogs.

Ours are all sold on limited with a spay-neuter contract.

I have asked myself the same questions regarding the limitations put on breeding in the name of "betterment." Everyone has a different definition of the standard, and many aren't even breeding towards the standard (mega dogs and field rockets.) Even if I took the time to earn my dogs' CH in the AB ring, there would be specialty breeders who would look down on them. Oh well, you can't please everyone!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I wouldn't be surprised if your choice of chocolate happened to be of the Silver variety. If not, heck, you should consider it since your ONLY motive is money.

Really? Do you know of any silvers with the necessary health screenings in their backgrounds? That come from hobby breeders? Have you actually read my posts?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


You said earlier you breed for profit!! I would bet the majority of responsible breeders know going into any breeding that they could very well come out in the red till all is said and done, but they are breeding for other reasons than for a "cash crop". I think that disproves your above statement.

I just don't think that their "other reasons" for breeding are any more noble than mine. If they're loosing money on it, they must be getting something from it. Prestige, ego, etc. Their dogs aren't personally benefiting from being bred. Being typey, being the hottest thing in the ring- DOGS don't benefit from that. Their owners do. And before you argue that the "breed as a whole" somehow benefits, I would remind you that the breed was developed by people, to serve human interests. If you keep your dogs on the standard, you are doing so to ensure that their offspring can continue to be successful in the ring, or the field. So you can feel that success. So they can serve their purpose to you. I can't think of any other way to say it, maybe people just aren't reading it?

**Breeding to the standard doesn't benefit the DOGS!It benefits the "breed", which is a human construction that serves human purposes. Hunting, trialing, showing- the dogs may enjoy the activity, but being bred to produce more show/field dogs doesn't benefit them it benefits your HOBBY!**

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Obviously you don't look at puppies to see if what you're producing meets standards, only if it met the needs of your next shopping spree. Let me guess, your next excuse might just be your girls love being mothers and that is why you do it. Address the real issue here which is you are using your dogs-they are mere livestock to you-you have no love for them or the breed, only your pocketbook. I hear women get good money for harvesting their own eggs-maybe you might want to look into that.
At least be honest with yourself and stop trying to use others to validate your ill intentions.

Address the real issue of why *YOU* are using *YOUR* dogs. Are they playthings? Poseable dolls that can walk about the show ring? Retrieving machines? Surrogate babies? You get something out of breeding, otherwise you wouldn't do it. Your dogs certainly don't get anything out of it. They are bred to serve your selfish ends, just like mine. So take off your freakin' halo.

I haven't made any excuses for myself, I don't feel the need to. I admitted in my first post that I breed for profit. Why won't you admit that you breed for prestige, ego, social networking, whatever?

As far as egg donors, seriously? Unless you have ever felt the frustration of not being able to conceive and carry you own child, you don't need to address that issue :(

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

darn, so now I know what I'm doig wrong all these years...not breeding enough litters every year. I've always known that I would never make any profits in this hobby but the reality has never rung so true in the past few years. My well thought out 2 litters a year usually ends up to be either 1 litter or 1.5 litters a year or in our current litter, our girl whelped 1/4 a litter..hahahah
Breeding is a hobby and how breeders indulge their fancy is or should be based on their passion for the breed. If your passion is showing or any other venue, go out and enjoy. If you enjoy breeding for other reasons, as long as your dogs are getting their needs met and you are ethical with your families who adopt your puppies, more power to you in monies gained to help pay for your hobby.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I think you just posted this thread because you are bored and you wanted to see a good dog (owner) fight.
It doesn't make sense. You have 4 bitches, who you tested for everything there is to be tested?

These are your first 4 bitches and all of them passed OFA hips, elbows, CERF, heart echoed, EIC, PRA, CNM, all clear?
To get to these 4 wonderful breeding bitches you didn't have to place any previous dogs because it didn't pass a clearance or got an injury or just didn't fit the standard?
All your dogs have excellent pedigrees and they all are pretty close to the standard?
Heck, Can I get in your waiting list???? lol, seriously....

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

BINGO! You were waiting for validation and now you have-see how happy that made you. Maybe tonight you can actually put your head on your pillow and sleep.
So much for the credibility of any of your statements.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I agree that their is a fine line between the two motives. However, the way I look at it is this, If the breeder that bred to fatten their pockets really loved the breed, they would be putting some of their money back into the dogs to improve on their quality and their hunting ability. True breeders' dogs are their passion and they enjoy showing, obedience, agility and hunt tests. Just keeping dogs clean, healthy and in the house is not a person's passion, just doing what they have to do to keep them ready to drop the next litter. Why not go and find another breed that is considered a lapdog and breed those. Call it pride, but I call it truly loving the labrador! Labradors love to be worked and are not truly happy without some form of activity as are their hobby breeder owners! Cudos to you, the breeders that do these extra activities with your dogs, as these are the dogs, that can keep the labrador retriever true to its heritage.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I do get something out of this-love-not money-you should try it sometime, may make you not so bitter.
You would think twice about speaking if you knew all the personal frustrations experienced by all the friends on this forum.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"Breeders who breed for profit are not considered ethical. I have read a lot of posts trashing people who breed multiple litters per year, from untitled parents, to sell as pets. Even if their dogs have the necessary health clearances and wonderful temperaments, the fact that they are producing large amounts of puppies from unproven parents immediately earns them a stamp of disapproval."

Here's food for thought... doing health clearances doesn't necessarily make ANYONE a "caretaker" of the breed, but it MAY indicate they are a good business person if into breeding soley for profit (the intent of business is to profit) because it's common knowledge the public is becoming more educated as to what clearances to look for when screening breeders.... so those clearances may be more of a necessity to bring a good dollar and present oneself as a responsible breeder.... just sayin'.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I think you just posted this thread because you are bored and you wanted to see a good dog (owner) fight.
It doesn't make sense. You have 4 bitches, who you tested for everything there is to be tested?

These are your first 4 bitches and all of them passed OFA hips, elbows, CERF, heart echoed, EIC, PRA, CNM, all clear?
To get to these 4 wonderful breeding bitches you didn't have to place any previous dogs because it didn't pass a clearance or got an injury or just didn't fit the standard?
All your dogs have excellent pedigrees and they all are pretty close to the standard?
And on top of all this you are still getting lots of money from your litters???
Heck, Can I get in your waiting list???? lol, seriously....

Lol, I never said it was that easy! Well, maybe I did. In my first post, I said "I have hips, elbows, echo, EIC, CNM, CERF, and optigen on all of them." Really, I should have said that I get those clearances on each of them before they're bred. Two of our girls aren't old enough for final OFA's. One of those came back fair on her prelims, so we're waiting to see what her final results are before breeding her. We haven't done their echos yet, pending final hip results, but we will before breeding them. We're waiting for the clinic in Bowie in Sept. to get the echo for $165. Two of our girls (littermates) are EIC carriers, but our stud is clear. We just made the decision to start keeping back girls from our litters, rather than purchasing them from hobby breeders, because we've run into resistance trying to find a new puppy. I guess we got lucky to be able to buy our first puppies!

But yes, I did post this to start a fight. I don't like the holier than thou attitude that I get when I mention profit. Every breeder benefits from breeding, or they wouldn't do it. Hobby breeders like to act like they invest their time and effort and money "for the good of the breed", but that's BS. They do it for the good of their egos, their status, their hobby. Personal enjoyment. Personal gain. Selfish reasons. Just like me!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

No,sorry it is not the same, no matter how many times you type it.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I do get something out of this-love-not money-you should try it sometime, may make you not so bitter.
You would think twice about speaking if you knew all the personal frustrations experienced by all the friends on this forum.

You get love out of *breeding*? I can see that you get love from your personal pets, the dogs you compete with and show in the ring. I can understand loving the dogs and the show ring. But why do you *breed* them? So you can get another puppy to love? But only the pick of the litter puppy who has show potential, right? Because if you were just in it for the *love* of the breed, you wouldn't need to breed your dogs. You could buy well bred dogs from other hobby breeders. But you breed *your* dogs, to continue your bloodlines. Do you *love* the new puppies, the thrill of holding them in your hand? Maybe you *love* being a midwife, experiencing the miracle of birth? But does your bitch love it? Did she ask you to be bred? Does she care that you picked a grand champion stud for her litter? Does she love you more for it?

Why is your *love* of breeding, or the *excitement* of producing a champion, or the *joy* of continuing your bloodlines a valid reason for your bitch to be bred? She gets NOTHING out of it. You are USING her. and you love her...

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"You get something out of breeding, otherwise you wouldn't do it."

Probably called pride.

"Your dogs certainly don't get anything out of it. They are bred to serve your selfish ends, just like mine. So take off your freakin' halo."

Where to you think all the wonderful breeds came from? Because some people way back cared enough to develop and preserve certain traits and physical characteristics.... OMG those selfish people, yes, it may actually have benefited them!! Most likely, way back when and depending on the breed, it was most likely royalty, cattlemen, fishermen, sportsmen, hunters, etc. (you get my point)... other than the "lap dog" breeds, most were expected to fulfill a work role where there was a need.

How awfully selfish they all were back in the day, the hunter to have his retriever, the herdsman to have his guard dog, the rancher to have his herding dog.... all these wonderful breeds due to man's "selfish need".

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

No,sorry it is not the same, no matter how many times you type it.

WHY is it not the same? HOW is your personal benefit (status, ego, enjoyment) intrinsically better than my personal benefit (money)? Explain it to me, please? I realize I'm barking up the wrong tree here, this forum is a haven for holier-than-thou breeders. I just want you to truly question yourselves!
The "benefit of the breed" argument has been around for so long, I think many breeders just blindly accept it as a noble, selfless reason to breed. I'm arguing that it isn't noble. It's very selfish. It doesn't benefit the dogs, it benefits the "breed". It benefits people who want a dog of a certain breed. People. Not dogs. Dogs would be perfectly happy to be mutts, to breed with anything. It took generations of human manipulation to create the various breeds. And they were created to serve human purposes.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"I just don't think that their "other reasons" for breeding are any more noble than mine. If they're loosing money on it, they must be getting something from it. Prestige, ego, etc. Their dogs aren't personally benefiting from being bred. Being typey, being the hottest thing in the ring- DOGS don't benefit from that. Their owners do. And before you argue that the "breed as a whole" somehow benefits, I would remind you that the breed was developed by people, to serve human interests. If you keep your dogs on the standard, you are doing so to ensure that their offspring can continue to be successful in the ring, or the field. So you can feel that success. So they can serve their purpose to you. I can't think of any other way to say it, maybe people just aren't reading it?

**Breeding to the standard doesn't benefit the DOGS!It benefits the "breed", which is a human construction that serves human purposes. Hunting, trialing, showing- the dogs may enjoy the activity, but being bred to produce more show/field dogs doesn't benefit them it benefits your HOBBY!**:

OK everyone, I'm going to call this as I see it.

While I'm all for animal welfare, this person is an animal rights troll IMO. This person is just trying to get everyone going.

Or giving the benefit of the doubt they're for real, what's that saying, never argue with a ______ (fill in the blank).

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"You get something out of breeding, otherwise you wouldn't do it."

Probably called pride.

"Your dogs certainly don't get anything out of it. They are bred to serve your selfish ends, just like mine. So take off your freakin' halo."

Where to you think all the wonderful breeds came from? Because some people way back cared enough to develop and preserve certain traits and physical characteristics.... OMG those selfish people, yes, it may actually have benefited them!! Most likely, way back when and depending on the breed, it was most likely royalty, cattlemen, fishermen, sportsmen, hunters, etc. (you get my point)... other than the "lap dog" breeds, most were expected to fulfill a work role where there was a need.

How awfully selfish they all were back in the day, the hunter to have his retriever, the herdsman to have his guard dog, the rancher to have his herding dog.... all these wonderful breeds due to man's "selfish need".

I know, right? And how awfully selfish of me it is to breed dogs for profit. And how wonderfully noble of you it is, to breed them for... wait, that's right. Your motives are *just as selfish as mine*. And much more selfish than the hunter who actually needed a retriever to help him fill his plate. Since the majority of us don't need our dogs to hunt for food, the only selfless thing to do would be to discontinue the breed. I don't advocate that at all. I think you should continue to breed for your reasons and I'll continue to breed for mine.

I never said I wasn't breeding for personal benefit. My first post makes it clear that I breed for profit.

I wanted to make the point that you don't breed for the dogs. You breed for yourselves. Yes, pride sounds like a likely goal.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I agree! So let's not give her any more feedback.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


OK everyone, I'm going to call this as I see it.

While I'm all for animal welfare, this person is an animal rights troll IMO. This person is just trying to get everyone going.

Or giving the benefit of the doubt they're for real, what's that saying, never argue with a ______ (fill in the blank).

Seriously, I'm a "fill in the blank" because I breed for money? That would make you what? Since you breed for pride?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Well I guess I can only speak from my point of view as that is where I am drawing my logic. My interest in being a purebred dog fancier and breeder goes well beyone just "bettering my line" with each generation...that happens to be a result in my efforts in a bigger picture.

I view myself as a perpetual student of this hobby. This is science and art. You can read a standard and make a picture in your head but until you actually have your hands on dogs with correct parts and see how they affect the dog's purpose, I don't think you can call yourself a "breeder".

Our breed has a function...everything from it's coat to it temperment was developed for this function. Watching my dogs retrieve in the water or work in the pasture..I have learned why a poorly constructed front is not desireable. When a dog is picking up large birds you quickly see why proper muzzle length is needed. Having dogs with biddable temperments that have natural retrieving drive is important. How do you assess these qualities unless you are working your dogs? How do you learn about proper conformation and bone structure unless you are going to shows and learning from others and putting your hands on dogs?

You cannot possibly tell correct movement from a picture. You cannot tell if a dog has a correct temperment from looking at a pedigree. How do you even know what correct temperment and structure is when you have never been a student of the breed? I think people who breed without knowledge are misrepresenting themselves to the puppy buying public. How are you able to educate others when you do not know why these dogs are made this way?

I don't give a rat's patootie if you breed for profit or not. We all know this swings both ways. I do care that you are not a student of this breed. The number one thing you should take on as a breeder is the fact that "you should do no harm". I take that as more than just making sure an animal has clearances...I take that as it is our responsibility to preserve the traits that make this breed unique from other breeds and preserve it for future generations of fanciers. We are only here a short time...but our decisions can make such large impacts on the world around us. That includes these animals we breed.

What I cannot understand is why you are so against bettering your knowledge of the breed you are responsible for? Why not participate in some of these events...not to prove your dogs but to educate yourself? I wonder where you get your education...the internet? So much is lost when you are not in the "thick" of things in this hobby.

You have made it clear that you are solely "in it for profit" and that you do not care about this breed. This is sad...for the breed. If you truly do not care, then why did you choose Labradors in the first place? If you are looking to make money there are far more profitable breeds than this. I think you do care...I think you chose this breed because of some of the very characteristics I have outlined above appealled to you. Somewhere along the way you disengaged yourself from being a student of the breed and a serious fancier.

To come on here and pick a fight...which is what you had every intention of doing with this group only tells me that you have a chip on your shoulder and an agenda. It is a pity because the breed is ultimately the thing that suffers.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I agree! So let's not give her any more feedback.

Nice. Shut down when someone asks a question that threatens to crumble your ivory tower.

Well, I guess your only alternative would be to admit that you breed for yourself and not your dogs, and after all of your professions of love, you might feel kinda silly doing that.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"I agree! So let's not give her any more feedback."

I second that motion and will just ignore.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Well I guess I can only speak from my point of view as that is where I am drawing my logic. My interest in being a purebred dog fancier and breeder goes well beyone just "bettering my line" with each generation...that happens to be a result in my efforts in a bigger picture.

I view myself as a perpetual student of this hobby. This is science and art. You can read a standard and make a picture in your head but until you actually have your hands on dogs with correct parts and see how they affect the dog's purpose, I don't think you can call yourself a "breeder".

Our breed has a function...everything from it's coat to it temperment was developed for this function. Watching my dogs retrieve in the water or work in the pasture..I have learned why a poorly constructed front is not desireable. When a dog is picking up large birds you quickly see why proper muzzle length is needed. Having dogs with biddable temperments that have natural retrieving drive is important. How do you assess these qualities unless you are working your dogs? How do you learn about proper conformation and bone structure unless you are going to shows and learning from others and putting your hands on dogs?

You cannot possibly tell correct movement from a picture. You cannot tell if a dog has a correct temperment from looking at a pedigree. How do you even know what correct temperment and structure is when you have never been a student of the breed? I think people who breed without knowledge are misrepresenting themselves to the puppy buying public. How are you able to educate others when you do not know why these dogs are made this way?

I don't give a rat's patootie if you breed for profit or not. We all know this swings both ways. I do care that you are not a student of this breed. The number one thing you should take on as a breeder is the fact that "you should do no harm". I take that as more than just making sure an animal has clearances...I take that as it is our responsibility to preserve the traits that make this breed unique from other breeds and preserve it for future generations of fanciers. We are only here a short time...but our decisions can make such large impacts on the world around us. That includes these animals we breed.

What I cannot understand is why you are so against bettering your knowledge of the breed you are responsible for? Why not participate in some of these events...not to prove your dogs but to educate yourself? I wonder where you get your education...the internet? So much is lost when you are not in the "thick" of things in this hobby.

You have made it clear that you are solely "in it for profit" and that you do not care about this breed. This is sad...for the breed. If you truly do not care, then why did you choose Labradors in the first place? If you are looking to make money there are far more profitable breeds than this. I think you do care...I think you chose this breed because of some of the very characteristics I have outlined above appealled to you. Somewhere along the way you disengaged yourself from being a student of the breed and a serious fancier.

To come on here and pick a fight...which is what you had every intention of doing with this group only tells me that you have a chip on your shoulder and an agenda. It is a pity because the breed is ultimately the thing that suffers.

I don't see how my breeding hurts the breed any more than, for example, the specialty winners who could never even get a pass towards their JH. This breed is in poor shape, and many who claim to be "bettering" it are really tearing it apart. My dogs aren't proven in any venue. That is what sets them apart from the dogs most hobby breeders have. But they are probably truer to the standard than some field hobbyists' dogs. And they might have more retrieving drive than some specialty winners. Just because I'm not active in events doesn't mean I don't care about the breed! I never said I didn't care about the breed. I chose Labradors for a million reasons, I never would have chosen another breed. I just questioned why "the good of the breed" is seen as a free pass to create puppies, whereas profit is not. I don't participate in those events because, quite frankly, I don't get on well with the people there ;)

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"OK everyone, I'm going to call this as I see it.

While I'm all for animal welfare, this person is an animal rights troll IMO. This person is just trying to get everyone going.

Or giving the benefit of the doubt they're for real, what's that saying, never argue with a ______ (fill in the blank).

You must have a low tolerance level. I have found this to be very interesting on both sides. And I am not sure how name calling (even with a blank that is what it is) is a good way to go. You don't have to post any more, or read any more, but calling names and being derogatory when somebody is being honest is a shame.
Whenever I have mentioned to a show person of other breeds that I want to get into the Lab world, I am told what a bad idea it is because of they way Lab people behave. I see that poor behavior often enough to understand why it scares people away. I know that it is not everybody's behavior, as I have had some wonderful people willing to help me, but wow, the Lab world is not for the faint of heart.
It is a very closed world when it should be encouraging. Give kudos for doing the testing and expound on the merits and rewards of proving Labs in different venues. There are fewer and fewer people showing their Labs (and dogs in general), don't scare potentials away.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I don't participate in those events because, quite frankly, I don't get on well with the people there ;)

I think we already figured that out

One of the top breeders of the past - lots of champions and group winners - made it very clear what motivated her. When she had been in Labs for about a year, she was discussing the ups and downs with a group of fellow Lab people at a show. She said that she had been very successful in horses before becoming interested in dogs. Everyone told her that you can't make a profit in good horses, but she had proved them wrong. She proudly said that if she couldn't make a decent profit from the dogs within two years, she would get out. She had no intention of subsidizing a breeding operation because she liked to play in the show and obedience ring.

When the dog market became a little tight some years later, she unloaded the dogs and became a judge. Because she was successful in show and obedience, most people would have never guessed her real motive for breeding - to make a profit. However, the small group that heard her openly state her agenda will likely never forget. Sometimes if you have a motive that is unpopular with a particular group, it is best not to discuss it - and you'll likely get on much better with those people in the long run

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Sometimes if you have a motive that is unpopular with a particular group, it is best not to discuss it - and you'll likely get on much better with those people in the long run

Sometimes that is called tact.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"I don't see how my breeding hurts the breed any more than, for example, the specialty winners who could never even get a pass towards their JH. This breed is in poor shape, and many who claim to be "bettering" it are really tearing it apart. My dogs aren't proven in any venue. That is what sets them apart from the dogs most hobby breeders have. But they are probably truer to the standard than some field hobbyists' dogs. And they might have more retrieving drive than some specialty winners. Just because I'm not active in events doesn't mean I don't care about the breed! I never said I didn't care about the breed. I chose Labradors for a million reasons, I never would have chosen another breed. I just questioned why "the good of the breed" is seen as a free pass to create puppies, whereas profit is not. I don't participate in those events because, quite frankly, I don't get on well with the people there ;)"

Well see now I did not mention anything about "bettering" the breed. I am amused at a couple of your points that you are so adamant about. Again...may I ask where are you getting your education? To know that the specialty winners could not get a JH or what is truly being exhibited in the breed ring? I am curious as to how many specialties you have been to and how many of these dogs you have had your hands on and seen in the flesh? How many of these accomplished breeders have you sat and learned from? How have you personally been able to assess this? How exactly do you know that you are breeding dogs more closely to the standard than others since you admittedly don't go to events to actually see other dogs work or show? How do you know you don't get along with people at events? I am sure you are right if you show up with a chip on your shoulder and preconceived notions in your head.

It seems to me that you are coming on here in order to validate your position to yourself. Otherwise, why would you care so much what other people think? That was why you started this thread in the first place wasn't it? To complain how other people "view" what you do? Self validation? You obviously did not thoughtfully read what I had posted...if you had you would have noted that I was not endorsing one aspect of events over another nor was I endorsing reasons to breed. I was pleading that you learn about this breed you are stewarding. It is apparent you do not get the big picture.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I'm not responding to the OP anymore, but to "researcher" I will say, at least I use my name!! Didn't catch yours!

Oh don't fret, the fill in the blank wasn't a 4 letter word for goodness sake!!

BTW, actually anyone who knows me will tell you I'm very patient, but I know enough when to stop banging my head against the wall.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

What has happened in your life to make you so angry? Or, maybe what hasn't happened in your life?

I bred my dog because when I purchased her I promised her breeder I would-I did not keep pick puppy, or 2nd or third pick, I kept the puppy I fell in love with. He will not be shown or bred-merely loved but you would never understand that. I purchased a well bred labrador from a lovely breeder who was doing it for the love of the breed-not a backyard money you know what like yourself who sees their dogs as a means to an end. I loved their lines, I would never claim to have my own bloodlines-that takes years in this breed to do and deserves to be credited to those who have done such-you excluded. My girl needed a C-sect and had other issues rearing her litter so she was spayed months after her first litter despite her having all her certifications and ribbons. Had she lived with you she would still be pushing out babies but thank God she is in a truly loving home who puts her first and didn't want to profit off. And yes, we did love holding the babies but not enough to put her thought it again..She was never used as we are not selfish like you.
Keep nit picking at everyone's responses here so you can continue to build your ego into something it is missing. I'm sure I'm not the only one chuckling at your responses.
Some people say they would love to come back as their dogs-wonder if you would say the same...

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"I don't participate in those events because, quite frankly, I don't get on well with the people there"

Geez that's really too bad. . .
That's a big part of the small amount of showing that I do. I love the people at dog shows. They share a passion and are pretty interesting folk.

What is more important. . . is that they not only talk the talk, but they walk the walk. I show in very few shows for a lot of reasons. But, I know that if I am ashamed to walk into the ring with one of my dogs, I better stop breeding. This does not mean I must win but it means that I have spent the time and effort in my breeding program, to get to the point where my dogs look like what the generally accepted, quality Labrador should look like. God forbid, that I had been breeding this length of time and my dogs (even the puppies that I sell as pets) look like the poor quality labradors I see walking down the streets of NYC for instance.

Showing takes guts and it keeps you honest. And. . . it keeps you from breeding crap. Yeah, all Lab puppies are cute and pet people might be okay with a lesser quality dog but a breeder should not be okay with it and have the guts to continuously measure his dogs against the field. That's the challenge And motivation for me.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I don't think I have met a perfect person, or a perfect breeder. Many think they are. And those are most often the quickest with advice and questions that have no answer. I have read all the post above, why I don't know its like looking at a car wreck , you know you shouldn't but can't help it. Pet Person you will NOT find whatever it is you look for here.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Obviously you don't look at puppies to see if what you're producing meets standards, only if it met the needs of your next shopping spree. Let me guess, your next excuse might just be your girls love being mothers and that is why you do it. Address the real issue here which is you are using your dogs-they are mere livestock to you-you have no love for them or the breed, only your pocketbook. I hear women get good money for harvesting their own eggs-maybe you might want to look into that.
At least be honest with yourself and stop trying to use others to validate your ill intentions.

i couldnt agree more, i see members of my own breed club breeding the same bitch to the same dog over and over again just to provide pet puppies, hardly ever see anything they have produced in the ring ,BUT they do do all necessary clearances ,use the bitch up by 5 years of age and out the door she goes, treated like livestock,and i would faint in shock if they ever had a veteran in the ring at a show, which they never do, why keep them they only cost money. LOL.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I'm not responding to the OP anymore, but to "researcher" I will say, at least I use my name!! Didn't catch yours!

Oh don't fret, the fill in the blank wasn't a 4 letter word for goodness sake!!

BTW, actually anyone who knows me will tell you I'm very patient, but I know enough when to stop banging my head against the wall.

Oh, I am way to new to this world to dare put my name when I am not perfectly agreeing with everyone.
I have no doubt that it was not a four letter word; I just think that encouragement to get involved can go a long way.
I am thrilled to know that you are patient and longfuffering. I realize that forums are a very poor place to know what people are really like.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

What has happened in your life to make you so angry? Or, maybe what hasn't happened in your life?

I bred my dog because when I purchased her I promised her breeder I would-I did not keep pick puppy, or 2nd or third pick, I kept the puppy I fell in love with. He will not be shown or bred-merely loved but you would never understand that. I purchased a well bred labrador from a lovely breeder who was doing it for the love of the breed-not a backyard money you know what like yourself who sees their dogs as a means to an end. I loved their lines, I would never claim to have my own bloodlines-that takes years in this breed to do and deserves to be credited to those who have done such-you excluded. My girl needed a C-sect and had other issues rearing her litter so she was spayed months after her first litter despite her having all her certifications and ribbons. Had she lived with you she would still be pushing out babies but thank God she is in a truly loving home who puts her first and didn't want to profit off. And yes, we did love holding the babies but not enough to put her thought it again..She was never used as we are not selfish like you.
Keep nit picking at everyone's responses here so you can continue to build your ego into something it is missing. I'm sure I'm not the only one chuckling at your responses.
Some people say they would love to come back as their dogs-wonder if you would say the same...

You purchased a well bred Labrador from a lovely breeder who was breeding *to produce potential show puppies to satisfy their ego/pride*, and you agreed to breed her so they could have yet another chance at getting a champion out of their bloodlines. I'm sure their clearances were the same as mine. Their dogs' living conditions were probably the same as mine. They might even have some of the same bloodlines, if you look far enough back on their pedigrees. The difference is that they profess a "love of the breed" to make it seem like they are breeding for the sake of the dogs rather than themselves, whereas I am honest about my motives.

You want to see it in black and white. You want me to be the bad old money hungry breeder who uses their dogs up and spits them out, and you can play the role of the "dog's champion", who puts their pets' interests first. It's not so cut and dry. If your girl had been with me when she had her section, she would have been retired and placed, not "still pushing out babies". Just because I breed for profit doesn't mean I don't care about my dogs. I don't know what I said to make you think that. What if your girl had been a CH/JH from the top bloodlines with tons of time and effort and money put into finishing her? Don't you think some hobby breeders would have bred her after her section to get that perfect puppy out of her?
But no, I wouldn't want to come back as a dog, my own or yours. They sometimes eat their own poo, ugh.

Edited to add:
I just noticed that you said your girl was never used. "She was never used as we are not selfish like you." Really? She was *used* to seal the deal, fulfill the contract terms set forth by her breeder. She was used to produce puppies so that her breeder could continue the bloodline. She was USED! Don't you get it? Used to produce puppies that would satisfy your need for a good relationship with her breeder, and to satisfy the breeder's desire to continue their winning bloodline. USED!!!!!!! And yet somehow still loved.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person
"Breeding isn't one of those things to be taken lightly, so if a person isn't doing it for good reason (ie, improve your own lines at least so you can carry on!), I can't encourage that person to breed."

That brings me back to my original question- how is your reason "improve your own lines at least so you can carry on!" superior to my reason- "make money"? You accept the risks of breeding on behalf of your dogs so you can continue your hobby. I accept the risks so I can turn a profit. Why is your hobby a more justifiable aim?

I think once you start breeding for profit alone or "make money " as you put it, the dogs come second, for example, if you bred twice from a girl but each time there was only 1 puppy, does she then get placed somewhere because she is not "making enough money" for you. Now you can shoot me down in flames if you like but I think the saying Money is the root of all evils is actually quite true and often when money is involved ethic's fly right out the window ( I am NOT saying the OP is unethical) Yes I breed/show/hunt and I also sell my puppies for around twice the district average and sometimes many thousands more, however that is all put back into the dogs, either by bringing in another import that will suit what I have or bring in semen from the UK, Europe etc. An example of this is
Imported semen from UK $4000 just to get it here
Surgical implant $800
C - section because of stuck pup $900
Stud fee $1800.
I am already down by $7500, yes we got nine live pups, I ran 2 on so had 7 to sell, I won't even break even as I sold the rest of the litter for pet price, I very rarely sell any puppies for breeding, and NOT because as some one once said to me that I was afraid of the cometition but because I have a great respect for the breeder's who trusted me with their blood lines in the first place and it protects to some degree my kennel name, I would be MORTIFIED if my kennel name appeared at for example a silver kennels. To be really honest, I make more money out of my stud dogs than I will ever make from breeding, but these boys are imports and thus I have spent a fortune getting them here.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Why are you all going back and forth with someone who says they are breeding our beloved dogs for $$$$.
Also bet they don't do all those clearances they are talking about. Most sounds made up. Four females and a male, Wow, lets make some money. Stay home all the time, no shows, no field work, no obedience or therapy work to do. But can have four litters a year at least, happy dog, don't think so. Sorry I read all this.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Breeder also
Why are you all going back and forth with someone who says they are breeding our beloved dogs for $$$$.
Also bet they don't do all those clearances they are talking about. Most sounds made up. Four females and a male, Wow, lets make some money. Stay home all the time, no shows, no field work, no obedience or therapy work to do. But can have four litters a year at least, happy dog, don't think so. Sorry I read all this.

Why wouldn't my dogs be happy? Do they need shows, obedience, field work etc. to be fulfilled? If so, then any puppies you breed who are placed in pet homes must be miserable. Is it the fact that they have, at the most, one litter a year that makes them unhappy? If so, how can you justify breeding your own dogs?
BTW, I don't have four litters per year. At any given time, at least two of my girls are underage for breeding.

What exactly are YOU breeding our beloved dogs for? Appearance? Pride? Status? To make enough MONEY to cover the cost of your hobby? For the enjoyment you get out of the hobby itself? I guarantee you are not breeding them for their own personal benefit.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

your mind really does go on overtime but from your last response I can see you read too fast and not only missed some important points, made yourself look even less intelligent than previously thought. But even so-here goes-Pet Person you are 100% right! Having said that:
I hope you sell all your puppies with full registration so that EVERYONE can breed for money and profit like you. And, once they are all done using their dogs like you I'm sure being the wonderful loving person you are you will take them all back, like a responsible breeder would do.
As I won't justify your argumentative ego building posts anymore my last advice to you is to take some of your profits and invest in a good therapist. You shouldn't worry about coming back as your dog who you let eat poo, you should be more concerned about the person you are now and what comes out of your mouth-that is even more foul.
Next time you're out shopping with your dogs money think of us. See ya

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Pet Person are you on a caffeine high-if you have all this time on your hands do something productive with your life and stop this ranting back and forth. We all get it-you make your dogs have puppies so you can have more money and, you couldn't be more proud. Pride and money-let that be your legacy.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

your mind really does go on overtime but from your last response I can see you read too fast and not only missed some important points, made yourself look even less intelligent than previously thought. But even so-here goes-Pet Person you are 100% right! Having said that:
I hope you sell all your puppies with full registration so that EVERYONE can breed for money and profit like you. And, once they are all done using their dogs like you I'm sure being the wonderful loving person you are you will take them all back, like a responsible breeder would do.
As I won't justify your argumentative ego building posts anymore my last advice to you is to take some of your profits and invest in a good therapist. You shouldn't worry about coming back as your dog who you let eat poo, you should be more concerned about the person you are now and what comes out of your mouth-that is even more foul.
Next time you're out shopping with your dogs money think of us. See ya

I think you may have missed some points. As previously stated, all our puppies go out on limited with spay/neuter contracts. We do stand behind our puppies, and if they ever needed to come back for any reason, we would welcome them. It's not like we dump our retired girls at the pound, they go to loving homes who WANT them. If there wasn't anyone who wanted them, we would keep them here. But their new families get a purebred, health tested, mature/calm Labrador for FREE, and we get to free up some room at our house for the next generation.
We sell on limited because we don't trust our buyers' intentions with their dogs to be as good as ours. Money is a powerful motivator, and I know that not many pet breeders would do the clearances we do.

I really get the feeling that you want to hate me, you want me to be bad and all-around unethical just because I don't show my dogs. By the way, your girl that you used to seal the contract with her breeder, was she proven in the ring before she was used/bred? Maybe the reason you want to hate me is because I've made you look at your own motivations? I don't know what foul things have come out of my mouth, other than my calling you out on the fact that you use your dogs for your own purposes.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Pet Person are you on a caffeine high-if you have all this time on your hands do something productive with your life and stop this ranting back and forth. We all get it-you make your dogs have puppies so you can have more money and, you couldn't be more proud. Pride and money-let that be your legacy.

What I want everyone to get is that hobby breeders make their dogs have puppies so they can have more pride and ego and personal fulfillment. There is a prevailing notion that hobby breeders are somehow less selfish than profit breeders. Just trying to hold up a mirror so you can all see that you breed for your own personal gain, not that of your dogs.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

You would keep their dogs if need be, but not your own..

You sell on limited as money is a powerful motivator-so it's okay for you to make money but, not the lovely families you have screened and found fit enough to take a puppy. Not trusting enough to do what is right? So do you trust them or not when you send them home with the puppies you love?

Make up your mind-you sound like a hypocrite.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Pet Person
Pet Person are you on a caffeine high-if you have all this time on your hands do something productive with your life and stop this ranting back and forth. We all get it-you make your dogs have puppies so you can have more money and, you couldn't be more proud. Pride and money-let that be your legacy.

What I want everyone to get is that hobby breeders make their dogs have puppies so they can have more pride and ego and personal fulfillment. There is a prevailing notion that hobby breeders are somehow less selfish than profit breeders. Just trying to hold up a mirror so you can all see that you breed for your own personal gain, not that of your dogs.

Does Misery love company?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

You would keep their dogs if need be, but not your own..

You sell on limited as money is a powerful motivator-so it's okay for you to make money but, not the lovely families you have screened and found fit enough to take a puppy. Not trusting enough to do what is right? So do you trust them or not when you send them home with the puppies you love?

Make up your mind-you sound like a hypocrite.

I would keep my dogs if need be. I don't need to, because there are plenty of pet homes who want a lovely, purebred, health tested, mature girl for free. Re-read what I wrote, you sound like you're jumping to conclusions.

The people who buy my puppies on limited are obviously *not* the same people who approach me asking about full reg. They usually don't say "Oh, well. Ok then. I'll take limited." They go elsewhere and find a breeder who will sell on full. If I knew someone well enough, I might trust them with full. But no, in general I don't trust people I don't know to follow the same code of ethics that I do. Just because I value my dogs and their welfare and do the necessary screenings doesn't mean I assume that the average Joe who emails asking for full reg will do the same. The families my puppies go home with are just fine with limited reg, and they are wonderful :) Just like I'm sure the families hobby breeders place their litters with are wonderful. Why are you searching for a difference, when the only difference is that I don't show my dogs.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

brick house

Does Misery love company?

Where do you get that I'm miserable? I have no problem admitting that I breed for profit.

I just don't like my motives being judged by people who refuse to first judge their own motives.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Your point is clear. You are saying that it is the same to breed for money only than to breed for ego only? Neither one is right.
A breeder breeds for many reasons and they all resume on producing a dog that will be a good representative of the breed. Money is involved in the equation because the money to pay for vet bills, food and shows must come from somewhere. Most people are not rich, hence they must breed and sale the pet puppies.
When you do not go to the shows it makes you an isolated breeder that is not getting any input about the breed. How do you know that your dogs are close to the standard if you don't go to the shows? How do you know if your dogs can retrieve? you never take them out to test them. Understanding a standard is hard even for people that has been breeding for years. What makes you think that you got the right interpretation of it???
My first years as a breeder stayed in the dark. The moment I started going to real AKC shows and specialties I realized that most of my dogs were pet quality, and then I had to start all over again.
Staying in your house/kennel looking at your loved dogs is not enough to say that you are breeding correct labs.
If you are selling them as good representative of the breed, you are lying to your puppy buyers and you are a scammer.
BTW, out of curiosity, do you tell your puppy buyers that you breed for money only? uhmmm....I thought so. You ARE ASHAMED to admit it to people you have in front of you. That should tip you off. Go ahead and post you name, website, phone number and address if you are not ashamed to admit who you are and that you breed for money only.
I'm yet to find a fellow breeder that is ashamed to admit they breed to produce a great dog.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Your point is clear. You are saying that it is the same to breed for money only than to breed for ego only? Neither one is right.
A breeder breeds for many reasons and they all resume on producing a dog that will be a good representative of the breed. Money is involved in the equation because the money to pay for vet bills, food and shows must come from somewhere. Most people are not rich, hence they must breed and sale the pet puppies.
When you do not go to the shows it makes you an isolated breeder that is not getting any input about the breed. How do you know that your dogs are close to the standard if you don't go to the shows? How do you know if your dogs can retrieve? you never take them out to test them. Understanding a standard is hard even for people that has been breeding for years. What makes you think that you got the right interpretation of it???
My first years as a breeder stayed in the dark. The moment I started going to real AKC shows and specialties I realized that most of my dogs were pet quality, and then I had to start all over again.
Staying in your house/kennel looking at your loved dogs is not enough to say that you are breeding correct labs.
If you are selling them as good representative of the breed, you are lying to your puppy buyers and you are a scammer.
BTW, out of curiosity, do you tell your puppy buyers that you breed for money only? uhmmm....I thought so. You ARE ASHAMED to admit it to people you have in front of you. That should tip you off. Go ahead and post you name, website, phone number and address if you are not ashamed to admit who you are and that you breed for money only.
I'm yet to find a fellow breeder that is ashamed to admit they breed to produce a great dog.

I think my pet buyers get the point that I breed for money when they hand over their money to buy the puppy. If they asked why I breed I would tell them- I think it's a very enjoyable way to make money. And I don't represent my dogs as champions, the pinnacle of what a lab should be. I do represent them as AKC registered Labrador Retrievers, from health tested parents. How are they not good representatives of the breed? Would the show breeders say weedy field lines are representative of the breed? Would field breeders say your "kegs on legs" are representative of the breed? Just because they haven't been proven as the best of the best in conformation or field, doesn't mean they aren't Labradors. A lot of their ancestors have been given the official titles of approval by the breed gods. Would you prefer that I didn't breed- and then my pet buyers would have to get their puppies from byb's who don't do any health screenings. As a previous poster mentioned, there aren't enough hobby breeders to meet the demand for Lab puppies. I'm ethical. I health test. And I am beyond honest- even enough to admit that I breed for profit.

"You are saying that it is the same to breed for money only than to breed for ego only? Neither one is right." I would actually say neither one is *wrong*. You seem to be suggesting that a righteous reason to breed is "producing a dog that will be a good representative of the breed." THAT is the myth I am trying to debunk. Anything done for the benefit of "the breed" is really done for the benefit of people. The breed was formed and upheld to serve the needs/wants of humans. The only purpose in creating that "good representative of the breed" is to make a dog who can excel in some venue to bring joy, excitement, fulfillment, pride or ego to their owner/breeder. The DOGS themselves do not benefit from being a good representative of the breed. They would just as soon be mutts.

Edited to add:
No way in heck would I post my website! I'm not ashamed, but I won't let myself get publicly trashed by holier-than-thou hypocrites! And the breeders I got my girls from prolly wouldn't appreciate it either.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

There really is no unselfish reason for breeding as everyone has a personal reason for doing so, just like there is no unselfish reason for wanting a puppy. In fact, almost EVERYTHING anyone does on this planet is motivated by some inner personal ambition/desire. I am not sure how that justifies anything. I breed for myself, primarily because I have developed a certain standard for the dogs I wish to keep, and it would be difficult (but not impossible) to find what I want from another breeder. I breed once every 4-5 years because my dogs are primarily my companions and I am active with them for their entire lives. They live in the house, sleep on the bed, and are integral members of the family. I strive to produce a dog that is not only healthy and has a great temperament, but is also a nice representative of the standard from both a physical conformation standpoint and a work-ethic standpoint. My dogs are shown in conformation and my goal is for them to have both a breed Championship and the ability to get through an MH title. This requires a lot of commitment to my dogs, and while the titles/points are nice, the benefit is all in the journey because along the road to titles there is far more failure than success. Titles or no, I am enjoying my time with my dogs and am learning a lot along the way. I will never make a profit at this nor will I ever breed enough to make a name for myself, but the dogs are happy and I am providing others with the quality of dog I would want myself. I care where my puppies go and make sure that my puppy homes have similar standards to mine. So yes, while there is personal motivation behind my breeding, I would say the dogs live better lives than most because they are continually active and are an integral part of my life.

By contrast, many for-profit establishments have very little interest in the quality of lives their dogs live as long as they can produce puppies (money). Many people who breed for profit are breeding for specific traits that will sell, without any understanding of pedigrees, health issues or structure. If chocolate is the color of choice this season, that is the selection criteria for breeding stock. Profit-breeders (puppy mills/pet stores/etc.) are typically unconcerned about the type of homes the puppies are sold to, as long as the bill is paid in full. In many cases, making a profit requires breeding in large volumes, so proper care and socialization of puppies is kept to a minimum. Once the puppy buyer takes the puppy home, that is the last they will ever hear from their breeder, regardless of any health problems that may arise. Because of this, the breeder will continue to breed these problems because they have no interest in ever hearing about what they are producing and therefore continually make uninformed decisions. Saying that this is no worse than what some hobby breeders do does not make it right. I would hope that most people would try to lead by example rather than be on par with the bottom of the barrel.

Regardless of how people feel, until puppy buyers have higher standards, places like puppy mills and pet stores and byb’s will thrive. For things to change, puppy buyers will have to care more about price or convenience. They will have to consider their puppy an integral member of the family and understand the commitment that involves. Until that happens, it is unlikely they will be able to purchase a puppy from a reputable breeder because a reputable breeder will never sell them a puppy. For-profit puppy dealers are the only breeders who are willing to sell to anyone who can pay, because there is no commitment beyond the initial sale.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

There really is no unselfish reason for breeding as everyone has a personal reason for doing so, just like there is no unselfish reason for wanting a puppy. In fact, almost EVERYTHING anyone does on this planet is motivated by some inner personal ambition/desire. I am not sure how that justifies anything. I breed for myself, primarily because I have developed a certain standard for the dogs I wish to keep, and it would be difficult (but not impossible) to find what I want from another breeder. I breed once every 4-5 years because my dogs are primarily my companions and I am active with them for their entire lives. They live in the house, sleep on the bed, and are integral members of the family. I strive to produce a dog that is not only healthy and has a great temperament, but is also a nice representative of the standard from both a physical conformation standpoint and a work-ethic standpoint. My dogs are shown in conformation and my goal is for them to have both a breed Championship and the ability to get through an MH title. This requires a lot of commitment to my dogs, and while the titles/points are nice, the benefit is all in the journey because along the road to titles there is far more failure than success. Titles or no, I am enjoying my time with my dogs and am learning a lot along the way. I will never make a profit at this nor will I ever breed enough to make a name for myself, but the dogs are happy and I am providing others with the quality of dog I would want myself. I care where my puppies go and make sure that my puppy homes have similar standards to mine. So yes, while there is personal motivation behind my breeding, I would say the dogs live better lives than most because they are continually active and are an integral part of my life.

By contrast, many for-profit establishments have very little interest in the quality of lives their dogs live as long as they can produce puppies (money). Many people who breed for profit are breeding for specific traits that will sell, without any understanding of pedigrees, health issues or structure. If chocolate is the color of choice this season, that is the selection criteria for breeding stock. Profit-breeders (puppy mills/pet stores/etc.) are typically unconcerned about the type of homes the puppies are sold to, as long as the bill is paid in full. In many cases, making a profit requires breeding in large volumes, so proper care and socialization of puppies is kept to a minimum. Once the puppy buyer takes the puppy home, that is the last they will ever hear from their breeder, regardless of any health problems that may arise. Because of this, the breeder will continue to breed these problems because they have no interest in ever hearing about what they are producing and therefore continually make uninformed decisions. Saying that this is no worse than what some hobby breeders do does not make it right. I would hope that most people would try to lead by example rather than be on par with the bottom of the barrel.

Regardless of how people feel, until puppy buyers have higher standards, places like puppy mills and pet stores and byb’s will thrive. For things to change, puppy buyers will have to care more about price or convenience. They will have to consider their puppy an integral member of the family and understand the commitment that involves. Until that happens, it is unlikely they will be able to purchase a puppy from a reputable breeder because a reputable breeder will never sell them a puppy. For-profit puppy dealers are the only breeders who are willing to sell to anyone who can pay, because there is no commitment beyond the initial sale.

I realize that you didn't single me out in particular, but you did make several common generalizations about profit breeders. No understanding of health issues, no proper socialization for puppies, don't stand behind their puppies, willing to sell to anyone who will pay, etc. I've already established in my earlier posts that I don't personally operate that way. I'm not on par with the bottom of the barrel by any means. My original post was addressing the fact that although I (and a few other pet breeders) do everything else *right*, we get painted with the same brush as "money grubbing byb's" just because we don't compete in a venue. No doubt you are a paragon of hobby breeders, with your low volume and emphasis on quality. I'm glad you get so much enjoyment from your hobby, I really am! I personally feel like I'm one of the better profit breeders. I feel like I am on par with or better than *some* hobby breeders. But if I mention profit, I'm blackballed. No one seems to be able to accept the fact that I get both enjoyment and profit from my dogs, even without proving them.

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Pet Person

I think my pet buyers get the point that I breed for money when they hand over their money to buy the puppy. If they asked why I breed I would tell them- I think it's a very enjoyable way to make money. And I don't represent my dogs as champions, the pinnacle of what a lab should be. I do represent them as AKC registered Labrador Retrievers, from health tested parents. How are they not good representatives of the breed? Would the show breeders say weedy field lines are representative of the breed? Would field breeders say your "kegs on legs" are representative of the breed? Just because they haven't been proven as the best of the best in conformation or field, doesn't mean they aren't Labradors. A lot of their ancestors have been given the official titles of approval by the breed gods. Would you prefer that I didn't breed- and then my pet buyers would have to get their puppies from byb's who don't do any health screenings. As a previous poster mentioned, there aren't enough hobby breeders to meet the demand for Lab puppies. I'm ethical. I health test. And I am beyond honest- even enough to admit that I breed for profit.

"You are saying that it is the same to breed for money only than to breed for ego only? Neither one is right." I would actually say neither one is *wrong*. You seem to be suggesting that a righteous reason to breed is "producing a dog that will be a good representative of the breed." THAT is the myth I am trying to debunk. Anything done for the benefit of "the breed" is really done for the benefit of people. The breed was formed and upheld to serve the needs/wants of humans. The only purpose in creating that "good representative of the breed" is to make a dog who can excel in some venue to bring joy, excitement, fulfillment, pride or ego to their owner/breeder. The DOGS themselves do not benefit from being a good representative of the breed. They would just as soon be mutts.

Edited to add:
No way in heck would I post my website! I'm not ashamed, but I won't let myself get publicly trashed by holier-than-thou hypocrites! And the breeders I got my girls from prolly wouldn't appreciate it either.

You talk like you know the breed. You know what a show dog is and what a field dog is. You breed for one of the two, not just for money, and I say this by just "listening" to you. I'm just curious why you started this?

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab

Do Not Feed The Trolls

Love it!!!

Re: To Keep the Lab a Lab


You talk like you know the breed. You know what a show dog is and what a field dog is. You breed for one of the two, not just for money, and I say this by just "listening" to you. I'm just curious why you started this?

Its nice to know that I can talk the talk, lol. I really am what I say I am- not a show or field breeder in disguise. I've owned labs for a few years now, and I've purchased my dogs as puppies from hobby breeders. Really, all of the info about show vs. field, specialty vs. all breed, all of the terminology regarding bone, coat, length of leg- I learned from the internet. This site has been very informative. has also.

I started this thread to shine some light on what I think is a mistaken assumption on the part of many hobby breeders- that breeding to better the breed is somehow less selfish than breeding for profit. Apparently I'm a troll for saying so... I guess on a forum like this it would be considered trolling. To ask people to admit to themselves that their motives are not as pure as they may have unquestioningly believed is pretty much asking for a fight.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Yes, I am a "pet person."

No you are a parasite

I approached a show breeder about acquiring a new puppy and got a stern "no" and a lot of "helpful advice" about bettering the breed.

this is all just sour grapes because others refuse to allow you to live off their breedings.....

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Yes, I am a "pet person."

No you are a parasite

I approached a show breeder about acquiring a new puppy and got a stern "no" and a lot of "helpful advice" about bettering the breed.

this is all just sour grapes because others refuse to allow you to live off their breedings.....

Ouch. Yes, I did benefit from the work of the breeders who came before me. They got all of the health clearances on their dogs, obtained their titles, and now that all shows up on my dogs' pedigrees. Still, I think calling me a parasite is a little harsh. I'm not trashing the lines, I'm not mixing them with poodles or silvers. I'm continuing to get the clearances, just not the points. I take excellent care of my dogs, and they have wonderful lives. I'm breeding healthy, happy dogs to make healthy, happy pets.I don't advertise my litters as anything better than what they are- I'm not going to link to my website, but I will tell you that although my pedigrees are posted, I don't brag on and on about my dogs' champion bloodlines like some pet people do.

So I don't compete with my dogs. Have none of you ever bred any less than a Ch x Ch breeding, or at least a ch x ch. pointed breeding?

Edited to add:
BTW, everyone in this breed is benefiting from the work of those who came before us. What does it take to make one a parasite?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"I realize that you didn't single me out in particular, but you did make several common generalizations about profit breeders."

Actually, I specifically called out the biggest for-profit puppy brokers - puppy mills and pet stores - and if you can name one pet store or puppy mill that does not fit the generalization I will be amazed.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

... those profits run out?

Maybe you've been lucky, and not had to endure the heartache that goes along with breeding.

When your first two bitches you are breeding , produce clefts, or produce any birth defects that all your clearances couldn't predict or prevent, or you lose your first bitch in an emergency c-section and maybe lose the entire litter as well, or you have a litter with herpes, or some innocent puppy buyer brings over parvo into your home, or the next two bitches you have don't pass their clearances, or they produce any of the above, or the first few keepers don't pass their clearances, and then puppies are coming back for refunds for whatever reason, those profits deplete. What will happen then? No doubt that you will start taking shortcuts. The more money you make, the more you want. It'll never be enough for you. I know others very much like you, spend very little, only the bare minimum to be "ethical", and then they start breeding whatever, whenever just to make up what they've lost over time. Sad sad situation. And you think you are on some get rich quick path right now, just wait, all good things come to an end. This hobby (whether it's our intent, or your intent) is not for the faint of heart. Having such a smug attitude yourself, it will be a rude awakening for you.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose or not choose to do. Your life, your hobby of course, but you are smug, and your picking of this fight proves it.
As far as I can tell, most reputable breeders would not have approved you as a home had they known your intentions. I highly doubt you represented yourself honestly when acquiring your brood bitch collection.
So not only are you smug, but you are a fraud too.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"I realize that you didn't single me out in particular, but you did make several common generalizations about profit breeders."

Actually, I specifically called out the biggest for-profit puppy brokers - puppy mills and pet stores - and if you can name one pet store or puppy mill that does not fit the generalization I will be amazed.

Oh no, I don't doubt that every pet store and puppy mill meet fit those generalizations. That's kinda what makes them puppy mills in the first place, right? I just thought, since your comment was made in the context of this particular thread, that you might be extending that generalization to me. Glad to see you weren't!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

and when...?
... those profits run out?

Maybe you've been lucky, and not had to endure the heartache that goes along with breeding.

When your first two bitches you are breeding , produce clefts, or produce any birth defects that all your clearances couldn't predict or prevent, or you lose your first bitch in an emergency c-section and maybe lose the entire litter as well, or you have a litter with herpes, or some innocent puppy buyer brings over parvo into your home, or the next two bitches you have don't pass their clearances, or they produce any of the above, or the first few keepers don't pass their clearances, and then puppies are coming back for refunds for whatever reason, those profits deplete. What will happen then? No doubt that you will start taking shortcuts. The more money you make, the more you want. It'll never be enough for you. I know others very much like you, spend very little, only the bare minimum to be "ethical", and then they start breeding whatever, whenever just to make up what they've lost over time. Sad sad situation. And you think you are on some get rich quick path right now, just wait, all good things come to an end. This hobby (whether it's our intent, or your intent) is not for the faint of heart. Having such a smug attitude yourself, it will be a rude awakening for you.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose or not choose to do. Your life, your hobby of course, but you are smug, and your picking of this fight proves it.
As far as I can tell, most reputable breeders would not have approved you as a home had they known your intentions. I highly doubt you represented yourself honestly when acquiring your brood bitch collection.
So not only are you smug, but you are a fraud too.

I like to think I would handle those unfortunate events in the exact same way a reputable hobby breeder would.
Seriously, what have I done to make you all think I'm a scumbag?
If I can't handle the reality of breeding, then I'll get washed out. Just like any novice hobby breeder. The difference may be that *I* have made some profit from my dogs, so when the worst happens, I won't already be in the red, as so many hardworking, selfless hobby breeders claim to be. So maybe I'll be more financially capable of making the right decision.
I'll accept that I'm smug. I do feel a little superior, knowing that I'm honest with myself about my motives while so many hobby breeders seem to be deluding themselves into thinking that their motives are morally superior. I mean really, you breed for a *hobby*. How is that superior to breeding for income? Hobbies by nature are frivolous, enjoyable things.
I won't accept that I'm a fraud. I never misrepresented myself on this forum, or to the breeders I got my dogs from. I plan to direct one of them to this thread, so she can give me her opinion.

Edited to add:
Now that I think about it more, I think it would be much less painful for me to retire a girl than it would be for a hobby breeder. Consider this scenario-
A hobby breeder finishes her first homebred champion girl. She breeds that girl to her favorite champion stud, and keeps back the pick girl from the litter. She spends tons of time and effort and money to transport this new girl to shows around the country. She spends additional money to get the necessary clearances. And then the first time she breeds this girl, she ends up with cleft or something. If she retires that girl, she is giving up on a significant amount of invested time, effort, and money.
I have much less invested in my girls. And I have more money on hand, from the profits I've made. I think I would have a much easier time making the right call. Not saying an ethical hobby breeding *wouldn't* make the right call, but I just think it would hurt me less.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person
and when...?

I like to think I would handle those unfortunate events in the exact same way a reputable hobby breeder would.
Seriously, what have I done to make you all think I'm a scumbag?
If I can't handle the reality of breeding, then I'll get washed out. Just like any novice hobby breeder. The difference may be that *I* have made some profit from my dogs, so when the worst happens, I won't already be in the red, as so many hardworking, selfless hobby breeders claim to be. So maybe I'll be more financially capable of making the right decision.
I'll accept that I'm smug. I do feel a little superior, knowing that I'm honest with myself about my motives while so many hobby breeders seem to be deluding themselves into thinking that their motives are morally superior. I mean really, you breed for a *hobby*. How is that superior to breeding for income? Hobbies by nature are frivolous, enjoyable things.
I won't accept that I'm a fraud. I never misrepresented myself on this forum, or to the breeders I got my dogs from. I plan to direct one of them to this thread, so she can give me her opinion.

These things can happen much sooner than you may think, or may be prepared for. I don't think anyone that is in the red, started in the red. I know for myself, if I was down to the last thousand in my bank account, the first responsible thing to do would certainly NOT be to go out and buy a puppy, spend two years raising them out of pocket, get all their clearances out of pocket and then poof , i'm ready to start breeding!
And after reading a day's worth of this thread, i do not believe i read anywhere, anyone calling you a scumbag. Perhaps you are though, but I don't believe anyone has called you that.

Would be very interesting to see your breeder come out on this forum and speak of their opinion of your full disclosures when you represented yourself as wanting to acquire one of their dogs so you can breed them until you can't breed them anymore - all in the name of money. I can just imagine that conversation at their kitchen table over a cup of coffee. And to be so bold to come out publicly .....c'mon... would they be or would it be anonymously . I can tell you, an anonymous poster in your defence would hold no weight with me.

I do not believe I am superior to you or anyone for that matter. Furthermore, I am confident you are NOT superior to me. I have different visions than you, I have a career outside of dog breeding, I have a hobby in breeding, I have a multitude of friends in and out of the fancy, have a ton of fun with my dogs. And you?? you rely on breeding your dogs for income. Sad reality, but a reality nonetheless. Maybe this whole thread is to make you feel important, or to justify what you do because perhaps you haven't been accepted in the fancy. Appreciate your honesty, yet you haven't appreciated anyone elses. You have labelled others that don't have your motives, to be dishonest about why they are doing what they do.

we are all entitled to our own opinions. Your preaching is intended to belittle so many others, otherwise you would never have started this thread, nor would never have continued it. You have to have the last word, trying to convince others that your way is the honest way... we all have no problems looking in the mirror, and you are trying to create doubt in our minds on why we do anything we do.

hmmm... i guess i'm done this ..i've said more than my share, no doubt you'll respond again to have the last say. preach away, you turn no doubt in my own mind with what i do in my life. but you leave me very unsettled with how you have somehow managed to convince 1-4 other breeders that you would like a dog to breed for profit .

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

OK, I am a person that has shown dogs for many years. Not labs originally, but have had labs as hunting dogs. Decided to get into labs for a dog to show. Not being a novice, I did go to reputable breeders who did ALL clearances...parents were champions....very prominent stud dogs...First dog, bad elbows, (although VERY smart dog.) second dog, really not show quaility after entering at many shows AND using handler, third dog...has a genetic defect that I don't want to go into. My point is..whether you are a pet breeder or a show breeder..there are dogs that can come up with some bad things...I spent about 4000 dollars just on the cost of the dogs. Not mentioning handling fees, clearances etc. The first dog died of cancer at 7. I have the other two..they have great temperments..., but I did buy them to show. They're great pets, but......???????

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

and when...?

These things can happen much sooner than you may think, or may be prepared for. I don't think anyone that is in the red, started in the red. I know for myself, if I was down to the last thousand in my bank account, the first responsible thing to do would certainly NOT be to go out and buy a puppy, spend two years raising them out of pocket, get all their clearances out of pocket and then poof , i'm ready to start breeding!
And after reading a day's worth of this thread, i do not believe i read anywhere, anyone calling you a scumbag. Perhaps you are though, but I don't believe anyone has called you that.

Would be very interesting to see your breeder come out on this forum and speak of their opinion of your full disclosures when you represented yourself as wanting to acquire one of their dogs so you can breed them until you can't breed them anymore - all in the name of money. I can just imagine that conversation at their kitchen table over a cup of coffee. And to be so bold to come out publicly .....c'mon... would they be or would it be anonymously . I can tell you, an anonymous poster in your defence would hold no weight with me.

I do not believe I am superior to you or anyone for that matter. Furthermore, I am confident you are NOT superior to me. I have different visions than you, I have a career outside of dog breeding, I have a hobby in breeding, I have a multitude of friends in and out of the fancy, have a ton of fun with my dogs. And you?? you rely on breeding your dogs for income. Sad reality, but a reality nonetheless. Maybe this whole thread is to make you feel important, or to justify what you do because perhaps you haven't been accepted in the fancy. Appreciate your honesty, yet you haven't appreciated anyone elses. You have labelled others that don't have your motives, to be dishonest about why they are doing what they do.

we are all entitled to our own opinions. Your preaching is intended to belittle so many others, otherwise you would never have started this thread, nor would never have continued it. You have to have the last word, trying to convince others that your way is the honest way... we all have no problems looking in the mirror, and you are trying to create doubt in our minds on why we do anything we do.

hmmm... i guess i'm done this ..i've said more than my share, no doubt you'll respond again to have the last say. preach away, you turn no doubt in my own mind with what i do in my life. but you leave me very unsettled with how you have somehow managed to convince 1-4 other breeders that you would like a dog to breed for profit .

Of course I'll respond again to have the last say.
No, you never openly called me a scumbag. You just said...

"What will happen then? No doubt that you will start taking shortcuts. The more money you make, the more you want. It'll never be enough for you. I know others very much like you, spend very little, only the bare minimum to be "ethical", and then they start breeding whatever, whenever just to make up what they've lost over time."

I took that as a superior attitude on your part, and I equated it with a personal insult. "No doubt" I'll start taking shortcuts? Yes, like all of the others who are very much like me, huh? And "the bare minimum"- are you doing clearances other than hips, elbows, echo, EIC, CNM, CERF, and optigen that I just don't know about?

And in your next post... "wanting to acquire one of their dogs so you can breed them until you can't breed them anymore." Is that what I do? Four litters max, maybe two or three, maybe only one, depending on the bitch. You might want to read my earlier posts before you start making assumptions about my actions.

You may like to tell yourself that you're not being judgmental and smug, but really? Look at what you wrote. You feel sorry for me because I don't have a career outside of the house. That I "rely" on my dogs for income. When did I ever say that? I breed for profit, yes, but I've never been "down to the last $1000 in my bank account." I'm a stay at home mommy who breeds for extra income on the side, not to pay the bills. Really, I know better than to depend on breeding for steady income, especially on such a small scale. Your comments gave me the impression that you felt superior. I don't think I was mistaken.

I doubt the breeder I got my girls from would post on here, I was really planning to refer her so *I* could get her opinion of this thread. She seemed to have no problem selling on full reg to me, with the understanding that I won't breed without the necessary clearances. I was surprised when the last breeder I approached about a puppy turned me down, because my experiences with her and the other breeders were so easy. I wasn't expecting quite the amount of anger from this forum, so I was going to ask her opinion as to whether she thought the response I've gotten was an accurate representation of the feelings of most hobby breeders, or just an odd sample of those who hang out on this particular forum. I don't really feel the need for anyone to post in my defense.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I find it interesting that you did internet research so you could speak the "lingo" and sound like you know what you are talking about.. You speak type the words, but I doubt you know what they really mean. That speaks fraud to me! I think you are trying to define yourself as different than a BYB, and you know you are not. What a damn shame.

I washed out three girls for things I bet you wouldn't have, after big "investments" in them. To me, it isn't so much about the money, it's more about integrity. All you are doing is contributing to pet over population.

Funny you post as Pet Person, and you come to a Breeder forum? Like to fight much? Maybe your dogs need you to let them out or something, you have spent a tremendous amount of time defending your self here today. Go hug one of your money making uterus' enclosed in a loving innocent Labrador instead of wasting your time here.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person

Ouch. Yes, I did benefit from the work of the breeders who came before me. They got all of the health clearances on their dogs, obtained their titles, and now that all shows up on my dogs' pedigrees. Still, I think calling me a parasite is a little harsh. I'm not trashing the lines, I'm not mixing them with poodles or silvers. I'm continuing to get the clearances, just not the points. I take excellent care of my dogs, and they have wonderful lives. I'm breeding healthy, happy dogs to make healthy, happy pets.I don't advertise my litters as anything better than what they are- I'm not going to link to my website, but I will tell you that although my pedigrees are posted, I don't brag on and on about my dogs' champion bloodlines like some pet people do.

So I don't compete with my dogs. Have none of you ever bred any less than a Ch x Ch breeding, or at least a ch x ch. pointed breeding?

Edited to add:
BTW, everyone in this breed is benefiting from the work of those who came before us. What does it take to make one a parasite?

Yes, I'm benefiting from the work of the breeders of my original dogs. That's why I'm doing my part now, so someone else can benefit from my work and knowledge. I really hope that my kennel name will be in many dog's pedigrees in the future. If 50 year ago all the breeders would have been like you, you would not have any Labradors today. The breed would not exist anymore.
Why would I sell you a dog??? I think not!

We, reputable breeders, are doing something for the breed and the breed community, you are not.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

This is borrowed from Laura Dedering's site under her What is a Breeder link:

Malcolm B. Willis sums up what makes a good breeder in his book - Genetics of the Dog

What Makes A Dog Breeder
Today, dogs are generally controlled by man, so it is important to define what makes a breeder.

In a broad sense it is easy to be a dog breeder. All you need is a bitch, access to a stud dog of the same breed and you are in business. A great many people go through life doing little more than this, they have a bitch or more probably a series of bitches and possibly a stud dog and they mate these at intervals and sell the progeny. Even if one does this for a decade or more, even for a lifetime, one is not a breeder, merely a reproducer of dogs.

The dog world is full of reproducers of dogs, some of whom have even achieved a measure of success in producing show winners and champions, but they are not dog breeders. In many countries there are people who churn out litter after litter of a single breed or, more often, in a series of breeds, preferably breeds that are in demand and can command high prices. Such people are little better than puppy farmers and certainly do not merit the term dog breeder in other than a derogatory way.

A genuine dog breeder is someone who is avidly interested in dogs in general and a breed(s) in particular and seeks to:
a) learn all he/she can about the breed.
b) buy and live with that breed.
c) breed litters occasionally but always doing so for a purpose, attempting always to improve the quality of his/her stock.
d) correctly socialize, rear and feed his/her dogs, seeking to ensure that they are integrated into the household (irrespective of whether they are house or kennel dogs). To this end only such numbers as can be coped with will be kept.
e) pay considerable attention to the defects and failings in the breed and reduce their incidence by whatever genetic means are available.
f) sell puppies for fair prices and to ensure as far as is possible that they are sold to good homes and that there is a follow up service which guarantees help to buyers.
g) operative within a certain code of ethics whether breed club devised or not.
h) ensure that if one of his/her dogs ends up in rescue or unwanted that it is taken back and found a new home or remains in the breeders home or kennel.
i) to collaborate with other breeders for the general advancement of the breed. This does not prevent healthy competition with other breeders.
j) put the advancement of the breed above personal glory or power.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet person, I feel sorry for your children. What a lesson they must be learning, how to exploit dogs. That's the saddest part of this whole story. Children learn many of life's lessons through raising animals and following the example of their parents. Who knows how this lesson of exploitation will assimilate in their lives later on.

You will soon see the importance of showing once your pedigree's get washed out by breeding your pet dogs.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

That is the problem with our society, everyone telling everyone that does not act, look, talk like them that they are wrong. I have been very active in this breed for 30 plus years, I know well some of the most respected Breeders and Judges in the Breed, I have traveled with a number of them. We all make choices that are often in our best interest and I am sorry to say not in the best interest of the Breed! I could write a book on things these folks have done that would be thought of as questionable. If we were all breeding to just improve what we have, then we would keep those and GIVE the rest to great homes. Never sell any. Oh, I know that argument.....if they don't pay they will not care about the pup. NOT TRUE! Some of my best homes have been freebies! Or the argument that in order to do this you have to get some money back. Well I also would like to say that I am not breeding for money, but really folks, what do you call it then? Free country that folk died so we could have freedoms, yes that also is a freedom to Judge others. God is the only one that should be doing that! Happy 4th of July to all!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

This whole thing has been... enlightening?

I posted to try to dispel the myth that breeding for the standard is somehow less selfish than breeding for profit. But the mere mention of the word money seems to have thrown some into a frenzy of hatred. I think breeders in general are a little sensitive on the subject to start with. Maybe some breeders NEED to differentiate themselves from a "pet person" who contributes to overpopulation and thereby kills innocent shelter dogs. By saying "I ONLY breed to improve/preserve the breed!" they can convince themselves that their actions are justified.
So when I bring up the argument that all breeding has *equally* selfish motives, that no matter what it doesn't serve our DOGS, they panic and throw logic out of the window.

People have assumed horrible things about me, just because I don't show my dogs. I still take excellent care of them. I still do all of the necessary clearances (maybe more than some.) I have four dogs at my home- not four litters a year. I retire my girls after they have had 2-4 litters- not breed them back to back until they drop. I sell my litters on limited reg.- not full for a higher price. I socialize and play with my puppies and stand behind them after they go home. Just like any good hobby breeder.

Please, re-read the above paragraph if you are planning to post something hateful about me- I do the SAME things most hobby breeders do, I just do it for money instead of the excitement/thrill/joy of producing a champion. I'll say again- breeding for the breed doesn't benefit a single DOG in any way. It benefits the PEOPLE who love the breed. So it is just as self-serving as breeding for money.

I expected some resistance to that idea, and I was looking forward to the conversation. I didn't expect blind hatred. Some posters have been much more helpful than others. I can tell some people have a genuine passion for this hobby. Others seem to be weighing in just so they can be judgmental. The rest of this post is directed at them...

If my dogs are "money making uterus' enclosed in a loving innocent Labrador", then what are hobby breeders' dogs? "CHAMPION making uterus' enclosed in a loving innocent Labrador"?

How is what I do any more harmful to the pet population than what hobby breeders do? Really, if the only people who bred were hobbyists, there wouldn't be enough healthy lab puppies to meet the demand of the pet buyers, and they would end up settling for byb puppies, who would then be dumped at the pound when they developed health issues.

"We, reputable breeders, are doing something for the breed and the breed community, you are not."
"The breed" and "the breed community" are one and the same. Breeding for type doesn't benefit the DOGS at all. They aren't somehow better off because they fit the standard better. They would just as soon be mixed breed mutts. The standard exists to produce a dog that is aesthetically pleasing and useful to people. Breeding to the standard only benefits those people, not the dogs. No, I'm not contributing anything to the breed/breed community. I never claimed to be. But hobby breeders aren't doing anything better for the benefit of their DOGS, just for the BREED COMMUNITY.

"Pet person, I feel sorry for your children. What a lesson they must be learning, how to exploit dogs. That's the saddest part of this whole story. Children learn many of life's lessons through raising animals and following the example of their parents. Who knows how this lesson of exploitation will assimilate in their lives later on."
I could say "Hobby people, I feel sorry for your children. What a lesson they must be learning, how to exploit dogs. You're teaching them to value dogs based solely on their physical characteristics. Who knows how this lesson of exploitation for beauty's sake will assimilate in their lives later on. I hope you don't have daughters, who will generalize that message into "pretty is all that matters" and end up being emotionally damaged by your little hobby." See how silly that sounds? Like I was assuming that you're a bad parent, just because you breed for appearance. If you've read my posts, and really paid attention to what I've said, you would know that I take equally good care of my dogs as most hobby breeders. My kids are learning about the joys and responsibilities of living with dogs. And when they get older, they'll learn about sound business practices and ETHICS! Just because my personal breeding code of ethics places emphasis on health and temperament instead of appearance/standard doesn't mean my children are going to be damaged by it.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Wow Pet Person - I thought you had kids? How is it you have time to write novels on this forum every few minutes? Here's an idea - why don't you go and start your own forum or blog promoting your ideas and go leave us reputable breeders alone?

We will never agree with you and clearly you will never agree with us...

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I've just finished reading this largely interesting and provocative thread and really did a lot of thinking about why I breed. I love it when someone causes me to think about myself and about why I am doing what I am doing. So I thank the Pet Owner for thoughts articulate and cogent enough that I paused to think before writing.

When some people started calling Pet Owner names, I really look harder at Pet Owner's comments. I believe that when people resort to name calling in debates, they have lost the debate and have nothing to add to the thought process. So I look harder at the winner's ideas. I look at how the Winner's idea might threaten me or how I might not be able to answer the critique effectively. So I really did think about why I breed.

So here's what I came up with. I breed first and foremost because I love bringing canine life into the world. I love raising puppies. I love training puppies. I love knowing that I am providing puppies with a really healthy start in life. I put a lot of effort into trying to produce healthy puppies. I love finding my puppies homes where they will love and be loved by humans and other animals.

I have always been one of the homes who get my puppies. I love spend time with my dogs, getting to know who they are, and allowing them an opportunity to play whatever fun games with me that we can find to do together. Some of them enjoy performance; some of them enjoy conformation; some of them enjoy running in the woods with me, sleeping with me, and eating good food.
All of them enjoy riding in the car and staying in hotel rooms with me.

So that's why I breed.

Does that make me a hobby breeder? Heck, I don't know. I think the term "hobby breeder" is largely a legal term regarding filing taxes. Maybe I'm a Love Breeder because I love doing what I am doing.

Maybe I am a Pet Owner. Usually that term means someone less knowledgeable and experienced than I am. But hey, maybe I am. I love my dogs like pet owners do.

Do I make money breeding? Honestly, I don't know or want to know. I think I might scare myself by looking at the amount I spend on my dogs.

Do I breed for the betterment of the breed? Well, I try to breed healthy, attractive dogs with temperaments suitable for families. Is that the betterment of the breed? Maybe but I really never pick my breeding stock with such a lofty goal as "Betterment of the Breed." How would I figure out what bettered the breed as a whole? I just do the best I can producing dogs that I like and families like.

Maybe I breed for the betterment of mankind because I honestly believe that dogs can make human beings better people if we let the dogs do so.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Thanks, Kate! I've always enjoyed your posts on here, so I was interested to read your input to this thread.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Kate, your post came from your heart and it was beautiful.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Goodness Kate! Several of your previous posts have angered me and a lot of good reputable breeders because of you don't quite grasp a lot of these concepts.

Today is no exception.

This pet breeder has no business coming on here and equating herself to truly reputable breeders. A few health tests don't make her reputable.

I breed out of a passion for this breed. When I count up the money made vs money lost I am lucky to break even.

Those who openly and unashamedly breed for money are stating that they will make the necessary adjustments when the money isn't rolling in anymore.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that those adjustments are never in the best interest of the dog.

You can try to rationalize your money making scheme with us, and clueless Kate can defend you all she wants.

You are both wrong. There is a HUGE difference between a pet breeder lining their bank accounts and a truly reputable breeder who gives as much (or more) than they take.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I did not defend anyone or anything. Frankly, I don't even know if I make money or not. I used the OP' very cogent and articulate posts as a stimulus for self-examination. I thanked him or her for the stimulus to examine myself and learn something about myself. Good debate should spur one toward self-examination. My own position is different from the one originally stated by the OP. And I'm glad I forced myself to listen and to articulate my own position.

Remember that personal attacks indicate that your own argument in a debate is weak, and essentially you have given up your own position in favor of personal attacks. Cute cartoons or clever quips about the other person look like what they are--a distraction from the fact that you have not articulated your position well enough that you think you have a chance to influence the views of listeners.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Those who openly and unashamedly breed for money are stating that they will make the necessary adjustments when the money isn't rolling in anymore.

I could just as easily say- "Those who openly and unashamedly breed for certain physical characteristics are stating that they will sacrifice health for the sake of producing champions." Sure, there are unethical profit breeders who cut corners. But there are also unethical hobby breeders who don't disclose carrier status, or knowingly breed a bitch who has problems whelping just because she produces so well. I'm not saying that any of the posters on this thread would do so. I just don't think it's fair for you to lump all profit breeders together, when there are hobby breeders who engage in unethical practices as well.


You are both wrong. There is a HUGE difference between a pet breeder lining their bank accounts and a truly reputable breeder who gives as much (or more) than they take.

What do these truly reputable hobby breeders give their DOGS that I don't give mine? I get that they make contributions to the breed community, but since they are members of that community, that's a moot point. How are their DOGS better off than mine? Because they get to go to events? Mine get to go on walks to the river, and car rides to petsmart, and little league games, so I don't think they are suffering from not being shown. How am I giving less and taking more from my DOGS than hobby breeders are from theirs?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

While the lengthy discussion thread may meet the technical definition of debate, I doubt it can be called a good debate. One side is claiming to be something they cannot or will not validate and their apparent knowledge of the subject matter shown in their posts do not support that claim.

Perhaps it is the higher blood pressure medication I am currently on, but I do find most of this amusing, while at the same time, I can give absolutely no credence to the posts by "Pet Person".

Perhaps if she/he would stop hiding behind their excuses to not reveal who they really are and state their concerns openly, they would achieve their goal. On the other hand, if their goal is just to stir the pot, they've already achieved it.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

For those breeding for money and have no interest in proving your dogs:

1. Do you belong to a breed club so that you can list your kennel and/or your litters? If so, are you an active member of that club (i.e., do you contribute more than an annual membership fee and help make the club what it is)? If not, why do you pretend to be a club member?

2. Do you state on your website that your dogs will be shown (usually at some point in the future which never happens)? If so, have any of your dogs ever been shown?

3. Do you tell your puppy buyers your puppies will make good hunting companions? If so, how do you know?

4. Do you advertise your dogs with stacked photos to indicate you have an educated eye for a dog and the dogs are more than the pets they are?

We have "breeders" in our club that use the club to sell puppies and the only thing tying them to the club is their membership fee and a few posts on the chat list. These people infer their dogs are show quality by indicating they plan to show these dogs but they never do. If you truly are a pet person and are breeding pets for money, then at least be honest about it and stop riding on the backs of hard-working club members by trying to make it look like you are something you are not. Until that stops, I will never put breeders like this anywhere near the same category as a responsible hobby breeder, regardless of clearances.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Susan Mouw

Perhaps if she/he would stop hiding behind their excuses to not reveal who they really are and state their concerns openly, they would achieve their goal.

After the assumptions that some people have made about my character just because I mentioned the word "money", I would have to be crazy to reveal my web address or kennel name.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Sick of you Pet Person!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

For those breeding for money and have no interest in proving your dogs:

1. Do you belong to a breed club so that you can list your kennel and/or your litters? If so, are you an active member of that club (i.e., do you contribute more than an annual membership fee and help make the club what it is)? If not, why do you pretend to be a club member?

2. Do you state on your website that your dogs will be shown (usually at some point in the future which never happens)? If so, have any of your dogs ever been shown?

3. Do you tell your puppy buyers your puppies will make good hunting companions? If so, how do you know?

4. Do you advertise your dogs with stacked photos to indicate you have an educated eye for a dog and the dogs are more than the pets they are?

We have "breeders" in our club that use the club to sell puppies and the only thing tying them to the club is their membership fee and a few posts on the chat list. These people infer their dogs are show quality by indicating they plan to show these dogs but they never do. If you truly are a pet person and are breeding pets for money, then at least be honest about it and stop riding on the backs of hard-working club members by trying to make it look like you are something you are not. Until that stops, I will never put breeders like this anywhere near the same category as a responsible hobby breeder, regardless of clearances.

1. I'm not a member of any club. I think it's pretty obvious that I wouldn't fit in well. ;)

2. I don't mention shows, champion bloodlines, etc. on my site. I have pictures of my dogs, descriptions of their personalities, copies of their AKC 5-gen pedigrees, and links to their OFA pages. That's it.

3. I've had people ask if my dogs would make good hunting buddies, and I tell them. "I don't know. The parents have never hunted." I even referred one buyer last year to a FC sired litter that was priced amazingly low. I really am honest.

4. I have one stacked photo of each of the dogs on my site. I do this because the stacked position is generally considered to be good position for judging the dogs' physical makeup, and I want my photos to be as informative as possible.

I could take my dogs to IABCA and get Int Ch titles on them in one weekend and advertise them as "CHAMPIONS", but I don't. I could go for the big bucks and breed silver labs with no health clearances, but I don't. I operate on a code of ethics. I know it's hard to believe.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

No one cares Pet Person!!!!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person
Susan Mouw

Perhaps if she/he would stop hiding behind their excuses to not reveal who they really are and state their concerns openly, they would achieve their goal.

After the assumptions that some people have made about my character just because I mentioned the word "money", I would have to be crazy to reveal my web address or kennel name.

While it is true that throughout human history, acts of courage have been called crazy by some, it has not prevented those with pure motives from doing what is right.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Susan Mouw

While it is true that throughout human history, acts of courage have been called crazy by some, it has not prevented those with pure motives from doing what is right.

Yeah, maybe I'm a coward. I'm not going to throw myself to the sharks to satisfy your curiosity.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

No one cares Pet Person!!!!

Mmmm, wasn't talking to you, Breeder. I was speaking directly to Posers and answering specific questions. If you're tired of me and don't want to read what I have to say, feel free to ignore this thread. Or you could keep reading and keep posting to deny your interest...

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

You are directing this to every show breeder on this forum. Get over yourself!!!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

From earlier posts: If I read your post correctly, you have 4 chocolate bitches, you breed over and over to your co owned stud dog, do you ever use a different stud dog? What are you going to do when your 4 breeding bitches are beyond breeding age? You don't keep puppies out of your litter, and if you did, you wouldn't get to use your for "free" co-owned stud dog on them... What is you plan for the future? Buy new stock to breed to your co owned stud dog or?

My question EXACTLY! I'm reading on...maybe there is a good answer in here. To be continued.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person
Breeder 2011
When you compete in a venue with your purebred dogs, you not only prove them, but you also have a huge base of people to learn from, and about different lines, from mentors in your breed. If you are sitting at home breeding your dogs for a profit, without mentorship, you could very well be making poor breeding decisions you aren't even aware of. Do you guarantee hips and elbows? Eyes? What about heart clearances?

If I read your post correctly, you have 4 chocolate bitches, you breed over and over to your co owned stud dog, do you ever use a different stud dog? What are you going to do when your 4 breeding bitches are beyond breeding age? You don't keep puppies out of your litter, and if you did, you wouldn't get to use your for "free" co-owned stud dog on them... What is you plan for the future? Buy new stock to breed to your co owned stud dog or?

We limit our girls to four litters apiece, some have only two or three. It depends on the individual. When they are retired from breeding, they go to pet homes. So far we have retired two girls, and they have gone to live with previous puppy buyers who wanted a second dog but liked the idea of skipping the puppy stage. We haven't kept any puppies back yet, but we are planning to start keeping back one female puppy from each girl's last litter, to replace them as they retire. Obviously we won't be able to use our current stud with those girls, we'll have to use outside stud service. We may look into another co-ownership, we haven't decided. It'll be a few years down the road.

We have a lifetime guarantee for EIC, PRA and CNM (since the parents are tested), and we guarantee hips and elbows for 26 months. Our guarantee doesn't mention TVD, but our dogs all have good echos, and if there were a problem in one of our puppies, we would certainly back it.

I know it may be hard to believe, but just because I breed for profit doesn't mean I cut corners. I do the same things you do, with the exception of concerning myself about titles.

Well, good thing you offer a LIFETIME guarantee on EIC, PRA AND CNM....last time I checked, those are things that aren't going to change in their lifetime once they are clear for it. Hmmmm.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Money has never been a strong motivator for me so it's no surprise that money is not a strong motivator for me in breeding. I actually get pretty anxious when I have to deal with people about how much something is worth or not worth.

But, I contribute significant money every year to pay the pastor of our church (and also keep the church running). He's a really good guy, and in our current tough economic times made some significant sacrifices to continue to shepherd the souls of his church. But if we said he couldn't make a living at all, even he would have to move on to another church. So does this mean he is not ethical or would sacrifice our well-being for his economic gain? I'm not saying that Pet Owner is equivalent to the pastor of my church. Few people are; he's an exceptional human being. I am only saying that earning a living is not incompatible with being ethical.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person, I think the point your missing is...this is a HOBBY for most. I dont know too many people that PROFIT from a hobby, unless maybe they are a pool-shark, but then they might get a good butt-kickin' every now and then. So...a HOBBY is not for profit. I.E. Golf, knitting, dog showing, etc. We shell out THOUSANDS a year going to dog shows, PROUD to exhibit our "stock" whether we've breed none yet, or 500 times, it's not about how much I can get for my last litter, it's "I hope I bring home a ribbon this weekend". YOU are making it your this your fulltime job? Dogs is not my fulltime job, thats for sure! I need to have 5 jobs to support my dogshow habit! So...maybe you need to get a "real" job, and take care of your "pets", maybe attend a dogshow, you might even like it, but it will put a pinch in your profits, thats no lie. Be what you wanna be...thats cool, but why are you looking for any of "us breeders" to back you? I don't really know why your trying to validate that your a puppy mill.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I think you just posted this thread because you are bored and you wanted to see a good dog (owner) fight.
It doesn't make sense. You have 4 bitches, who you tested for everything there is to be tested?

These are your first 4 bitches and all of them passed OFA hips, elbows, CERF, heart echoed, EIC, PRA, CNM, all clear?
To get to these 4 wonderful breeding bitches you didn't have to place any previous dogs because it didn't pass a clearance or got an injury or just didn't fit the standard?
All your dogs have excellent pedigrees and they all are pretty close to the standard?
Heck, Can I get in your waiting list???? lol, seriously....

lol. me too! Sign me up, that's Furrball with a capital "F".

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Well, good thing you offer a LIFETIME guarantee on EIC, PRA AND CNM....last time I checked, those are things that aren't going to change in their lifetime once they are clear for it. Hmmmm.

Right. That's why we feel comfortable offering a lifetime guarantee- because it's genetic and we've tested the parents so we know we aren't producing any affecteds. I guess "lifetime" was an odd use of words, but I chose it to contrast with the fact that we don't guarantee hips and elbows for the "lifetime" of the dog, because those aren't entirely hereditary. We do guarantee them for the first 26 months. We offer a full refund for any prelim rating less than "fair". And they wouldn't get stuck with a replacement puppy, or have to return their pet to us to get their money back. We don't feel comfortable guaranteeing that our puppies' hips and elbows will be excellent when they're in their old age because there are so many environmental factors that can contribute to those conditions.

What exactly is your health guarantee like, I wonder?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person, I think the point your missing is...this is a HOBBY for most. I dont know too many people that PROFIT from a hobby, unless maybe they are a pool-shark, but then they might get a good butt-kickin' every now and then. So...a HOBBY is not for profit. I.E. Golf, knitting, dog showing, etc. We shell out THOUSANDS a year going to dog shows, PROUD to exhibit our "stock" whether we've breed none yet, or 500 times, it's not about how much I can get for my last litter, it's "I hope I bring home a ribbon this weekend". YOU are making it your this your fulltime job? Dogs is not my fulltime job, thats for sure! I need to have 5 jobs to support my dogshow habit! So...maybe you need to get a "real" job, and take care of your "pets", maybe attend a dogshow, you might even like it, but it will put a pinch in your profits, thats no lie. Be what you wanna be...thats cool, but why are you looking for any of "us breeders" to back you? I don't really know why your trying to validate that your a puppy mill.

I'm not trying to get you to back me. I'm trying to make you see that some hobby breeders are just as much of a puppy mill as I am. Your hobby is no more noble a goal than my profit. Your dogs are used for your hobby (when bred) just like mine are used. You use them to continue your bloodlines so you can continue your hobby. Breeding is breeding, it is never done for the DOGS, regardless of whether you get a hobby/enjoyment out of it or a profit.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

When you purchased your breeding stock from the breeder, did you tell that breeder that they were being purchased to start a breeding business?

Since you have no issues with breeding any dog as long as it has the appropriate clearances and is well cared for, are you are fine with anyone who purchases your dogs to use those puppies in a for-profit enterprise at some point?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

When you purchased your breeding stock from the breeder, did you tell that breeder that they were being purchased to start a breeding business?

Since you have no issues with breeding any dog as long as it has the appropriate clearances and is well cared for, are you are fine with anyone who purchases your dogs to use those puppies in a for-profit enterprise at some point?

These answers are already in here somewhere, but since this thread is so long, I'll recap.

Yes, I was honest. They had no problem with me breeding without proving them in the ring, as long as I got all my clearances. That's why I was so surprised when I got turned down recently.

And no, I don't offer full reg. because I don't trust strangers to abide by the same breeding ethics. I have offered one buyer the option to start on limited and release to full once the clearances were complete, but they declined and got a puppy from another breeder.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

That is what this thread is all about, the fact that Pet Person got turned down recently from a show breeder to purchase a puppy. That is why Pet Person is on their RANT about why is it any different for us to breed as show breeders and for them to breed for profit.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

That is what this thread is all about, the fact that Pet Person got turned down recently from a show breeder to purchase a puppy. That is why Pet Person is on their RANT about why is it any different for us to breed as show breeders and for them to breed for profit.

Geez, you coulda saved yourself a lot of time by reading my very first post.
"I approached a show breeder about acquiring a new puppy and got a stern "no" and a lot of "helpful advice" about bettering the breed. Obviously, I've been stewing on this for a while, and I decided to post to see if there is some key concept that I am missing- some reason why breeding for the current style (be it coat or bone or length of leg) is morally and ethically superior to breeding for monetary gain."

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Kate Fulkerson, PhD
Money has never been a strong motivator for me so it's no surprise that money is not a strong motivator for me in breeding. I actually get pretty anxious when I have to deal with people about how much something is worth or not worth.

But, I contribute significant money every year to pay the pastor of our church (and also keep the church running). He's a really good guy, and in our current tough economic times made some significant sacrifices to continue to shepherd the souls of his church. But if we said he couldn't make a living at all, even he would have to move on to another church. So does this mean he is not ethical or would sacrifice our well-being for his economic gain? I'm not saying that Pet Owner is equivalent to the pastor of my church. Few people are; he's an exceptional human being. I am only saying that earning a living is not incompatible with being ethical.

Kate, are you taking too much valuim?

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Do you offer lifetime support for your dogs? Do you accept them back in your home if the people who bought them cannot keep them?

Do you screen your puppy buyers before selling them? Or do you sell to any Tom/Dick/Harry who has the cash or check?

I think the difference is that you are a Pet breeder, not a puppy mill. The differences would be those above, not screening buyers, not caring what happens to the dog later in life, etc.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

If you don't trust strangers to abide by your breeding practices, why would you be surprised when someone does not trust you to abide by theirs? Depending on the breeder, you already admit you do not abide by their breeding practices (proving the dogs before they are bred), which is probably why you were denied the puppy.

Every breeder has the right to determine where their dogs will go - you do it yourself. I would never put any one of my puppies in a home that did not meet my standards (and your practices do not meet my standards), regardless of whether they are acceptable to someone else or not. If you do not want people questioning why you do what you do, then you will have to accept the fact that other people have the right to have different standards and will never agree with yours.

I can only control what I do and try not to worry about what everyone else is doing because a lot of it is none of my business. It does not mean I agree with or respect people's practices. I followed the example that was set for me, one I respected, and that is the example I choose to set for others.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I have an idea who "pet person" is...if not, I swear she has a twin sister.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person

Yeah, maybe I'm a coward. I'm not going to throw myself to the sharks to satisfy your curiosity.

Do you know this forum is not completely anonymous? Jill could very well post your IP address.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

ok then
Do you offer lifetime support for your dogs? Do you accept them back in your home if the people who bought them cannot keep them?

Do you screen your puppy buyers before selling them? Or do you sell to any Tom/Dick/Harry who has the cash or check?

I think the difference is that you are a Pet breeder, not a puppy mill. The differences would be those above, not screening buyers, not caring what happens to the dog later in life, etc.

Do you... read before you type? The answers to your questions are already in this monster of a thread somewhere. I think you'd be surprised. Yes, lifetime support. Yes, accept them back into our home. Yes, screen puppy buyers. No, not Tom/Dick/Harry.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

What exactly is your health guarantee like, I wonder?

Pet Person, however similair your "pet contract" may be to mine is irrelevant, MY point is, YOU are putting in writing, LIFETIME GUARANTEE of a gentic clearance that ISN'T going to change.. to makes YOU look better, and to makes your puppy buyer FEEL better. I.E. My breeder gives me a "lifetime guarantee", does yours? Really? I dare you to put a lifetime guarantee on something that would REALLY matters. You wont. Knowone can cuz shit happens, even to the best of the best. Your ridiculous, and your praying on the ignorance of innocent puppy buyers. Why not just state that the puppy's parents are EIC clear, etc, and educate them of what that means, but to boast that your offering them this big "deal" Lifetime Guarantee... sheezus!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Do you know this forum is not completely anonymous? Jill could very well post your IP address.

I don't know Jill, but I don't see why she would. I would guess that if she felt like my posts were out of line, she would just block me from posting.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Your argument is flawed because NO ONE said they are breeding to benefit a SINGLE dog YOU SAID THAT and you keep on saying that. Breeders that show take on the responsibility for maintaining the breed standard, to keep a lab looking like and having traits of a lab but don't confuse that with "pretty is all that matters". Structure and function go hand in hand and it's the whole package that is aesthetically appealing. When you breed without someone other than yourself judging your dogs you stand to move away from what you see as aesthetically appealing. You will never understand that concept and you don't care. If everyone took on your practices of breeding we would eventually have dogs that barely resembled the breed in structure or function.

The breed standard is maintained one dog at a time and it's an honorable goal for the masses. Your goal is self serving, for self profit. you exploit dogs. Is it ok with you if your daughter becomes a prostitute, having sex for profit with no goal of love or children as long as she's cleared of STD's and her pimp takes good care of her? It's called having MORALS or ETHIC and there are underlying reasons why we must have morals. When one is immoral they have to expect resistance to their ideas.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

What exactly is your health guarantee like, I wonder?

Pet Person, however similair your "pet contract" may be to mine is irrelevant, MY point is, YOU are putting in writing, LIFETIME GUARANTEE of a gentic clearance that ISN'T going to change.. to makes YOU look better, and to makes your puppy buyer FEEL better. I.E. My breeder gives me a "lifetime guarantee", does yours? Really? I dare you to put a lifetime guarantee on something that would REALLY matters. You wont. Knowone can cuz shit happens, even to the best of the best. Your ridiculous, and your praying on the ignorance of innocent puppy buyers. Why not just state that the puppy's parents are EIC clear, etc, and educate them of what that means, but to boast that your offering them this big "deal" Lifetime Guarantee... sheezus!

Oh my goodness. I put the word lifetime on this forum, that isn't exactly how my guarantee is worded. I think it simply states something like "Puppy is guaranteed to be free of the following genetic disorders..." etc. Like I said before, I used the word "lifetime" in this thread to differentiate the total guarantee for the genetic conditions vs. the time-limited guarantee for the more complicated conditions like hips and elbows.

Even if I were to boast with the exact phrase "Lifetime guarantee for EIC, CNM, and PRA!" all over my site, I don't think that equates to "preying on the ignorance of innocent puppy buyers." I mean, the puppies really will be free of those conditions for their entire lifetimes, so they're not really getting screwed. You just reaaallllyyy want me to be a bad guy.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person

Do you know this forum is not completely anonymous? Jill could very well post your IP address.

I don't know Jill, but I don't see why she would. I would guess that if she felt like my posts were out of line, she would just block me from posting.

Well the cats out of the bag so to speak. Jill can see your IP and she can personally share that information with who ever she likes. Once a few people know who you are they can network to other breeders in this relatively small community, before you know it your black balled from buying another nice dog.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

way to go
Your argument is flawed because NO ONE said they are breeding to benefit a SINGLE dog YOU SAID THAT and you keep on saying that. Breeders that show take on the responsibility for maintaining the breed standard, to keep a lab looking like and having traits of a lab but don't confuse that with "pretty is all that matters". Structure and function go hand in hand and it's the whole package that is aesthetically appealing. When you breed without someone other than yourself judging your dogs you stand to move away from what you see as aesthetically appealing. You will never understand that concept and you don't care. If everyone took on your practices of breeding we would eventually have dogs that barely resembled the breed in structure or function.

The breed standard is maintained one dog at a time and it's an honorable goal for the masses. Your goal is self serving, for self profit. you exploit dogs. Is it ok with you if your daughter becomes a prostitute, having sex for profit with no goal of love or children as long as she's cleared of STD's and her pimp takes good care of her? It's called having MORALS or ETHIC and there are underlying reasons why we must have morals. When one is immoral they have to expect resistance to their ideas.

I never said your goal to maintain the breed isn't a worthy reason to breed. I am grateful to the lab breeders who came before us, and yes, to the hobby breeders who continue the breed today. But if the only breeders with nice, health tested bloodlines were hobby breeders, there would be a severe shortage of quality puppies, and pet buyers would turn to puppy mill/pet store/byb breeders etc. I may not be improving the breed and showing my dogs, but I am providing healthy Labradors (only 1 generation out from what some hobby breeders produce) for families that I feel deserve them just as much as the hobbyists.

And for doing so, I get equated with a pimp, and now my daughter might as well be a prostitute. That argument made no sense at all, and was wayyy out of line.

What would you have this breed become? Only Ch can breed, so the gene pool dwindles to nothing? The byb's will keep churning out their sick puppies, and if some hobby breeders don't offer their puppies to profit breeders on full reg., the pet buyers won't have anywhere else to go.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Aw! I knew it was in here somewhere! You SPECIFICALLY state the differance between your LIFETIME guarantee and your limited guarantee. You can't bs a bs'er! You are praying on innocent public letting them think they are getting some swingin' deal buying one of your pups!

And I quote you saying: We have a lifetime guarantee for EIC, PRA and CNM (since the parents are tested), and we guarantee hips and elbows for 26 months. Our guarantee doesn't mention TVD, but our dogs all have good echos, and if there were a problem in one of our puppies, we would certainly back it.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

"No one seems to be able to accept the fact that I get both enjoyment and profit from my dogs, even without proving them."

That is the huge difference between "Pet Person" people who breed litters and the true fancier. Responsible breeders strive to maintain all the wonderful attributes of the breed which make the breed what it is. Without proving a dog, you have no idea (and no concern) for the qualities which you are producing when you whelp a litter from unproven dogs.

Ignorance is a terrible thing. I will not try to argue with such a puffed-up boor about any of her confusing and contradictory statements since only a fool will try to argue with an ignorant person.

Unlike Pet Person, who has spent such an extraordinary amount of time at the computer to go on and on and on, my time is precious to me, my family and my dogs. I choose to spend it with them.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

If you only have 4 breeding bitches and one of which I believe you said is still to young to breed so that makes it 3, how can you possibly supply the masses you claim are looking to buy pets? You are not helping at all! How many puppies can you be producing and selling in one year with 3 bitches? Considering all goes well and they each have a good size healthy litter you would be producing around anywhere from 20 to 30 puppies a year. That does not seem to be making a huge difference in the reduction of puppy mills.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

You stated: I never said your goal to maintain the breed isn't a worthy reason to breed. I am grateful to the lab breeders who came before us, and yes, to the hobby breeders who continue the breed today. But if the only breeders with nice, health tested bloodlines were hobby breeders, there would be a severe shortage of quality puppies, and pet buyers would turn to puppy mill/pet store/byb breeders etc.

Pet Lady, have you checked the overflow in shelters lately? These are many dogs who people bought from for-profit byb's like yourself! I think NOT that there is an under abundance of Lab pups out there, and if there were, good! Let them go rescue one!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Aw! I knew it was in here somewhere! You SPECIFICALLY state the differance between your LIFETIME guarantee and your limited guarantee. You can't bs a bs'er! You are praying on innocent public letting them think they are getting some swingin' deal buying one of your pups!

And I quote you saying: We have a lifetime guarantee for EIC, PRA and CNM (since the parents are tested), and we guarantee hips and elbows for 26 months. Our guarantee doesn't mention TVD, but our dogs all have good echos, and if there were a problem in one of our puppies, we would certainly back it.

Right. I never said I didn't use the word lifetime on this forum. In fact, in two different places, I admitted to using it. I'm not going to bother explaining it again, since you couldn't be bothered understand it the first two times. Just continue to hate me, there's no chance of changing it now.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

I don't hate you, It just sounds like your ignorant. But, you are intitled to your own opinion of yourself, just as well as I am entitled to my opinion of yourself.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Person
way to go
Your argument is flawed because NO ONE said they are breeding to benefit a SINGLE dog YOU SAID THAT and you keep on saying that. Breeders that show take on the responsibility for maintaining the breed standard, to keep a lab looking like and having traits of a lab but don't confuse that with "pretty is all that matters". Structure and function go hand in hand and it's the whole package that is aesthetically appealing. When you breed without someone other than yourself judging your dogs you stand to move away from what you see as aesthetically appealing. You will never understand that concept and you don't care. If everyone took on your practices of breeding we would eventually have dogs that barely resembled the breed in structure or function.

The breed standard is maintained one dog at a time and it's an honorable goal for the masses. Your goal is self serving, for self profit. you exploit dogs. Is it ok with you if your daughter becomes a prostitute, having sex for profit with no goal of love or children as long as she's cleared of STD's and her pimp takes good care of her? It's called having MORALS or ETHIC and there are underlying reasons why we must have morals. When one is immoral they have to expect resistance to their ideas.

I never said your goal to maintain the breed isn't a worthy reason to breed. I am grateful to the lab breeders who came before us, and yes, to the hobby breeders who continue the breed today. But if the only breeders with nice, health tested bloodlines were hobby breeders, there would be a severe shortage of quality puppies, and pet buyers would turn to puppy mill/pet store/byb breeders etc. I may not be improving the breed and showing my dogs, but I am providing healthy Labradors (only 1 generation out from what some hobby breeders produce) for families that I feel deserve them just as much as the hobbyists.

And for doing so, I get equated with a pimp, and now my daughter might as well be a prostitute. That argument made no sense at all, and was wayyy out of line.

What would you have this breed become? Only Ch can breed, so the gene pool dwindles to nothing? The byb's will keep churning out their sick puppies, and if some hobby breeders don't offer their puppies to profit breeders on full reg., the pet buyers won't have anywhere else to go.

I think the analogy is a good one, unfortunately you don't get it. Immoral people are always playing the victim.

I don't have any problems with breeders who only breed champions or breed with the GOAL of producing a champion. I don't think the gene pool is going to be a problem at all, do you have any idea how many dogs fall into this category? Since your primary goal is teaching your children about BUSINESS practices then you must know about supply and demand.

What are you charging for your puppies? When you are unable to purchase a breeding dog that is a good representative of the breed and the champions are diluted from your pedigrees you will have to reduce your asking price. Generic Barbie dolls cost much less than a real Barbie for a reason.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Pet Lady, have you checked the overflow in shelters lately? These are many dogs who people bought from for-profit byb's like yourself! I think NOT that there is an under abundance of Lab pups out there, and if there were, good! Let them go rescue one!

I really hate this argument! It is worthless as a reasonable alternative. You would have familes only have the choice of waiting years for a puppy from a "reputable" breeder, or going to the shelter for a Lab that was poorly bred and may have questionable temperament and health?
There are breeders who do not compete but will take puppies back if the owners cannot keep them. Pet person has stated she is one of these. Are there many? Obviously not or there would be fewer Labs in shelters. However, thank goodness we live in a free country where people can choose where they want to buy a puppy. In believing that people should choose one of the two alternatives (reputable breeder or shelter), you are actually encouraging puppy mills and true byb's, because they would continue to breed and prosper as they truly don't care where their dogs end up.
Again, I don't understand why people like pet person along with her children is not encouraged to get involved with the breed community. We all know how addicting seeing our dogs succeed can be. I am taking a handling class with one of my dogs right now, and seeing him improve and get ready for a show is a real pleasure.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?


Again, I don't understand why people like pet person along with her children is not encouraged to get involved with the breed community. We all know how addicting seeing our dogs succeed can be. I am taking a handling class with one of my dogs right now, and seeing him improve and get ready for a show is a real pleasure.

No disrespect intended, but do you honestly believe the OP is a woman that can be encouraged to get involved in the breed community? The OP is a one woman show, she does it all herself, and has her mind made up that she can breed the way she does, for the reasons she does, and her way is just perfect. Those clearances she has make her ethical. She stops at 2-4 litters, and can be honest of her reasons for doing this : that is enough to make her ethical.

She believes her dogs can finish an International Championship in a weekend, she is sure she can easily attain Conformation Certificates on the dogs she currently owns. Her dogs are healthy and that makes them adhere to the Breed Standard dontchya know!
Would love to see if the conformation of her dogs are as perfect as she makes them appear to be. Those dogs could have so many "faults" against the standard for all we know. We'll never know I guess. She has her comfort level, breeding pets only and that is enough for her. Yet she'll draw out that 5 gen pedigree and show off those CH's in the background I'll bet!

She feels that she'd be crazy now to reveal her identity, yet started this debate/fight with an alias. She knew from the getgo she'd start this fight. Crazy yeah, reveal herself now is crazy but yet started as anonymous.

She admits her breeders from where she obtained her collection, knew she wanted to breed and start a business. How vague was that conversation? In full disclosure that it was specifically for money? I believe her vague statement was "Yes, I was honest. They had no problem with me breeding without proving them in the ring, as long as I got all my clearances. That's why I was so surprised when I got turned down recently."
I didn't catch the part of breeding for profit or breeding for money, did anyone else??
Sure, the first breeder I approached was along those lines too , i wanted to breed, not prove in all venues, but willing to get clearances. mention of money. The first breeder I went to would have likely laughed in my face at the thought of breeding for money.

Oh well, been a fun 2 days reading all this, hope to get back to some real topics soon!

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Well, I think betterment of the breed is not the only reason people breed...even show breeders. Maybe to win, but what I've seen is not for the betterment of the breed. If you look at most well-known breeders' websites, it states that we only sell pet puppies on a spay neuter puppies go into our show/breeding program. The price is usually 1000-1500 dollars....If someone else is selling puppies, from parents with all clearances I don't see the difference. Because who really knows what the best lab is....the one that wins in the show ring, or the one that wins in the field, the one that is the hunting companion, or the one that is the beloved family pet????????????????? Then, when you buy a puppy that is considered show quality, it's just your tough luck that it didn't turn out to be show quality.

Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

*Pet Person* goes by that name but in essence, she's a Back Yard Breeder. BYB.

Even if she had a beautiful puppy with correct conformation in her pet litters by accident, she wouldn't even know it.

I would refer to her as BYB, not the name she's using. We sell some of our pups to nice pet people who aren't looking to breed them normally. Someone who breeds their pets just to make is a back yard breeder; apologies for repeating myself.

I now know what some of you mean when you say *crawl in a hole or under a rock* or call someone a *troll*. I normally think it's rude but not in this case where she continues to come back and fuel the fire all over this board.

I missed this entire thread because I've been busy. I can't believe you're all still feeding her though. Refuse to answer her and go to the posts that have merit is my advice for what it's worth. This BYB is a trouble maker and a deliberate one. There is only one person to give her a small amount of credit but that person is lacking as much common sense as this BYB.
BYB, take a hike already. Please!


Re: To Better the Breed - The ONLY Reason to Breed?

Researcher, you need to check yourself, I think your sorely confused.
"However, thank goodness we live in a free country where people can choose where they want to buy a puppy. In believing that people should choose one of the two alternatives (reputable breeder or shelter), you are actually encouraging puppy mills and true byb's"

That is the up there with the dumbest thing i've read all day. This Pet Lady thinks she an attribute to the breed? Doing her "part" in populating pet buyers homes with her "quality" chocolates? Grrrrreat! My point to this mute point, is step up Pet Breeder, get involved with your Labrador community, do some good...but she wont, because she doesnt give a rats a-- about Labradors or the community. She'd rather hide on this forum, get the attention she isn't getting at home, while watching her bank account dwindle because maybe she's in between litters now, hell, she's probably on food stamps too!