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Vetericyn and Puracyn?

I have seen commercials for Vetericyn. The threads on Hot Spots, etc. reminded me of the product, which is said by the site to even be effective against MRSA. Does anyone have any experiences to relate with this product or pros and cons on it or its human medicine counterpart, Puracyn? I hope I never need it, but it can't hurt to be prepared. I heard of a MRSA problem in a couple vet practices recently. It was rampant in hospitals in the elderly in recent years in at least a couple metro areas TIA!

I put a link to the product's site in the Website link below.

Re: Vetericyn and Puracyn?

I didn't search the website long enough to find the ingredients, but it does say that it isn't an antibiotic. It does mention being effective against MRSA, but then so is betadine.

Re: Vetericyn and Puracyn?

I ordered some and have tried it on several cases and wasn't impressed. The 2 problem cases I tried it on it did nothing. I have found 1 or 2 other people that have tried it and their experience was about like mine. It isn't cheap-spend your money on something else in my opinion. Debbie Darche, DVM

Re: Vetericyn and Puracyn?

We have used it in the barn and it seems to work pretty well. Apparently there are two different strengths, though, what you can buy at the feed store and what you get from your vet. I'm not sure it is better than good 'ol triple antibiotic ointment, but is is cleaner and useful for certain kinds of injuries.

Re: Vetericyn and Puracyn?

I had a sample spray bottle of Vetericyn VF (which they say on the bottle is twice the potency of the FDA-cleared formulation). I used it on my puppy who got hot spots from having her neck chewed on by a dog at dog park 10 days ago. I can honestly say, it worked. I had used Neo-Predef, which is usually my default product for hot spots, and it did not work, or maybe I didn't use it enough. She would scratch her neck until it bled every day, so I decided to try the Vetericyn, I soaked the area and let it dry, twice a day for 3-4 days. Completely healed up! One experience only, and I did not have a lot of faith that it would work, but it did.

Re: Vetericyn and Puracyn?

Thank you, all who answered with your experiences and thoughts. It seems that it may be an early or second line of defense, but it is not quite as good as some might have hoped. I don't feel the need to put it in the medicine cabinet. Thanks again, especially to Dr. Darch. Becky and Robin. I can always get at least the OTC strength if it seems necessary.

Re: Vetericyn and Puracyn?

My horse friends all use it and swear by it. They all use the more expensive gel version of it. The gel sprays on and stays where you spray it. I bought some but have not used it yet.