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Looking for a puppy buyer?

I have been looking for a labrador puppy for a long time and have reviewed numerous websites on line. (I don't want to have a puppy shipped to me without ever having viewed the dogs or met with the breeder), but a web page is an incredibly useful tool as a first start to give people some idea of whether they like the look of the dogs and to learn a little about them, the breeder, and how they were raised.

IMHO there are very few really good web sites showing decent pictures of the dogs with head shots as well as full body shots. People seem to think a small picture of a dog winning a ribbon will suffice! It doesn't. Few people write a description about the dog's personalities and even fewer give their weight. Many websites don't even mention where they are located! (It is possible to "happen upon" a website, and it's really frustrating when there is no location given).

Having said all that, lab breeders do a far better job of their websites than Mountain Cur breeders. I couldn't believe the shots they post which are usually of dogs standing on their hind legs, barking and looking up into a tree AT NIGHT {LOL}. (These are dogs raised to hunt squirrels and raccoons).

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Not all breeders want to put their locations on their website for several reasons. If you need to know their location, send them an email and ask.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

General vicinity is all you get on many websites including mine. I had a darn right scary drive by visit once when i was home alone. Never want that to happen again. There's also no sign etc on my property either. The less the world knows the better. Why make ourselves easy targets for puppy/dog thefts, PETA, etc.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Again, this does not seem like a serious person or request. Who comes on here and ask those question or grades web pages ?

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Breeder too
Again, this does not seem like a serious person or request. Who comes on here and ask those question or grades web pages ?

I disagree with you. We had a troll on here the past few days. Don't make everyone else out to be the same please.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

I'm not a troll. I simply thought it might be helpful to have the perspective of someone who has been looking for a lab from a conscientious breeder.

How are the general public supposed to find good lab breeders who do health clearances? Not in the newspaper or places like Craig's list apparently. I go to the Lab Breeder Associations, but everyone doesn't belong to them and some links are out of date.

I didn't mean to suggest that people put their addresses on their web-pages, just the state would be helpful. I read a lot of lab-related things on-line and sometimes stumble across kennels that sound really good. Their sites are good too, but then I find that they're on the other coast! I'm not going to waste everyone's time sending emails asking where they are!

That brings me to another point. Some people don't even bother to respond to emails. If they don't have a litter now or in the near future, how much time does it take to hit reply and say "sorry, nothing available right now".

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Well puppy person, the reason the full body shots are on the website is because we show our dogs. Conformation is crucial to that , proper structure is incredibly important, there lies the reason for the full body shots. Most of us that do exhibit , are proud of that, we are not living our lives to produce pet puppies, we are striving for show quality for US. We breed for ourselves, not for the joy of selling pet puppies.
There are regional Lab Breed Clubs in all states, do some homework , they are easily found, that is where you start your search. There will be breeder websites in your state found there.
Obviously you have no concept of the amount of time it takes to run a kennel, train, give these dogs we have chosen to keep proper socialization, and travel to shows and or manage a stud dog. We are busy people , most have to work full time jobs to support their dogs on top of all that.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

If you are looking for a puppy in your area, the best thing to do would be to go to a show in your area (a specialty show would be best as there will likely be more dogs entered) and watch. Buy a catalog and look up the dogs you see that you like. If there are dogs that catch your eye then you can look up the breeder in the catalog and then perhaps contact them about upcoming litters.

If you are looking for a working dog, then it would be good to go to a local field event and watch dogs and talk to folks.

What area of the country are you in? There is probably a Breed Club in your area that can provide information about upcoming shows and local breeders. Many club websites have links to breeder member websites. The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. also lists breeders by state.

Regardless of whether a breeder is listed on a club site or not, you will still have to do your homework and research clearances.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Well puppy person, the reason the full body shots are on the website is because we show our dogs. Conformation is crucial to that , proper structure is incredibly important, there lies the reason for the full body shots. Most of us that do exhibit , are proud of that, we are not living our lives to produce pet puppies, we are striving for show quality for US. We breed for ourselves, not for the joy of selling pet puppies.
There are regional Lab Breed Clubs in all states, do some homework , they are easily found, that is where you start your search. There will be breeder websites in your state found there.
Obviously you have no concept of the amount of time it takes to run a kennel, train, give these dogs we have chosen to keep proper socialization, and travel to shows and or manage a stud dog. We are busy people , most have to work full time jobs to support their dogs on top of all that.

But many of those full body shot pictures with people in them giving and receiving ribbons tend not to show off the LABRADOR to full advantage.

I HAVE been to the Lab Breed Club sites which lead directly to sites such as yours!

Thanks for your response. I now realize that the intent of breeders like you who have web sites is not to be of any use to potential puppy buyers. Obviously, you have people lining up to buy your excess puppies that do not meet your "show" objectives and you do not need to rely on your web pages to show off your dogs to the humble potential puppy buyers that you seem to scorn.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Lookng for a puppy

That brings me to another point. Some people don't even bother to respond to emails. If they don't have a litter now or in the near future, how much time does it take to hit reply and say "sorry, nothing available right now".

I experienced the same thing when I was looking for a puppy - people just did not respond. It is interesting, because some of the people I contacted are members of my local breed club. What amazes me now is that not one of them ever directed me to the local breed club. I did find a great puppy and a great mentor, but it did take more work than it would have had someone extended some common courtesy. I think everyone understands that people are busy, but to NEVER respond is a bit rude.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Some people have a talent for putting together a web site, and some do not. Some people have a talent for taking good pictures of their dogs, but there are many who have no idea how to photograph a dog to its full advantage, so they use the professional photos taken at shows. If you really want to see a dog, then the best way is to see him/her in person at a local show. If you are looking at a potential litter that is out of your area, once you think you have found one (or a kennel) that interests you, contact the breeder and see if they have any photos not included on the web site that they might be willing to share.

Most hobby breeders have a passion for Labradors, and they do not necessarily have a passion/talent for computers or web site creation. There are other ways to get the information you want, but you will have to reach out to the breeder or attend some shows to do so.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Not necessarily. Some breeders do have puppies although not listed on their websites.

I don't have a website. I have a litter now with some availabilty and work with buyers for the other puppies than the 2 I am keeping. I don't ever fret if I don't sell them in time for them to leave at 8 or 9 weeks.

If a breeder can't handle an extra week or month of their puppies then they shouldn't be breeding. Sure it's work but good work.

Many times breeders recieve calls or emails when they don't have puppies. Some don't return those emails. Many of us do, puppies or not. I refer to others or to club websites and try to help buyers in need of education.

Please don't clump everyone together. We all handle it differently. I enjoy educating buyers even when not working directly with them.

I hope you find what you are looking for. Give each breeder a chance just as some will give you.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

I rarely post here, not a breeder, never have been, never will be. I use this site for information purposes. Those who are regulars here may recognize me.

If you think finding a puppy is hard, try finding a senior lab. That's right, we love senior labs. Puppies are great but we are of an age that seniors fit our lifestyle perfect and feel we have the best of the best. I have spent hours searching web sites. There are some who list an "older dog" but these are usually 1-2 year old. Our low limit is 7 and that's a pup to us.

My best advice, go to shows, specialties, all breed, any shows. Talk to breeders, have found that most are more than ready to chat when they are not busy. I want to get to know the breeder as much as they want to know those who their dogs are going to; we create a friendship. Over time I have met some fabulous people and, sorry all, even more fabulous labs. It takes time and have met many breeders and these create leads and believe me, they share information.

Some of the web sites dazzle, some really seem to fall short but that is not the person, that's who you want to connect with. Many have the dogs in their homes and they deserve the privacy any one of us would expect ourselves.

Don't get frustrated. You'll find the process of meeting the breeders and their dogs at the shows loads of fun and learn so much. And out of nowhere, a contact will be made, a puppy found, or senior, like it was chance. But as someone told me here once, it never really was, it is just meant to be.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Often breeders won't reply if they don't have puppies on the ground or arriving soon.

Also, some won't reply if their website says "we have no puppies" available. They have nothing. Why inquire when they state they have nothing unless you are wanting a puppy 6-12mo out, in which case they'll only tell you to call/email again.

I personally, reply to every email. I thank them for their inquiry. If I have something I tell more. If I have no puppies I refer them to other breeders in my area or in the surrounding few states. Most folks don't want to even drive more than 1hr for pups, but if they'll go the distance I refer to where I think they'll find a nice pup.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

I do take the time to read people's websites and I wouldn't ask if they had any pups if their site says there are none available, but sometimes the websites are obviously not up-to-date, so I have emailed some of them to ask when their next litter might be.

I appreciate that it can be hard work to set up and maintain a good website. There are so many that people have started and not kept going. Much to my disappointment.....

Thanks to those who suggested that attending a dog show is a great way to meet breeders and see their dogs. That's what I shall do.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

too bad you didn't include your email address and location. surely you would have gotten tons of replies, I have puppies available myself

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

And lots of show breeders have great older dogs to let go to a special home. They get so much love and attention that way.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

Lookng for a puppy

That brings me to another point. Some people don't even bother to respond to emails. If they don't have a litter now or in the near future, how much time does it take to hit reply and say "sorry, nothing available right now".

I experienced the same thing when I was looking for a puppy - people just did not respond. It is interesting, because some of the people I contacted are members of my local breed club. What amazes me now is that not one of them ever directed me to the local breed club. I did find a great puppy and a great mentor, but it did take more work than it would have had someone extended some common courtesy. I think everyone understands that people are busy, but to NEVER respond is a bit rude.

Sometimes breeders don't respond because it is the tone of the email received from a potential buyer. I never respond to an email that says "I want to buy a puppy how much are they". No, "hi my name is so and so", with a little background about who they are and why they are looking for a puppy, etc. If I get an email with some substance to it, I always answer those whether I am busy or not.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

I have never started an email asking about price; in fact, all of my inquiries, which are now primarily stud inquiries for my own bitch, include info about me, my involvement in the breed, and what my goals are. I also include info on my bitch, her clearances, and her accomplishments. I make contact many months before a bitch will even be in season so nothing is last-minute. I think the non-responses to inquiries bugs me more with stud dog owners because the only breeders I have ever contacted are ones who publicly advertise their dogs at stud and publicly list contact info. If you are not interested in receiving inquiries or only respond to people you know, then please make that clear when listing your contact info. If you are not interested in mating your dog to my bitch (or selling someone a puppy), a quick reply will make that clear and is basic common courtesy. The ironic thing is that I own a boy who has never been advertised at stud (and is not available at public stud) and have received numerous inquiries on him anyway. I always respond to these emails because a little kindness goes a long way.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

too bad you didn't include your email address and location. surely you would have gotten tons of replies, I have puppies available myself

That's not what this board is for. It's not designed for selling puppies. Why are you frowning?

Jill has a listing area on her site if you want to advertise your puppies from there. There is a small fee for listing the litter.

The OP would have been blasted with many emails had she listed her email or more information. I can only imagine how full her email box would be.

The OP came here for information, not to buy her puppy off a breeder board.

OP, I'm glad you're going to attend shows. You'll have much more knowlege when you leave them. I recommend the specialties as it's all labradors unless there are other breeds you might be interested. Good luck in your search.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

I have a very informative website where I have spend countless hours adding and updating photos, providing detailed descriptions of my dogs, their parents and their accomplishments. I update my website weekly trying to keep it current and interesting. Here is what I ask of those pet buyers, READ IT!!! I get emails all the time asking me questions of things that I have written right on my website? It gets frustrating to say the least when I spend so much time updating my website and trying to cover everything to provide as much information I can about my dogs and my breeding program. In addition to making it easy to understand and follow. Then I get an email from someone asking me a question about something I have all laid out on my website for them to read and it is usually printed in bold.

Re: Looking for a puppy buyer?

frustrated breeder
I have a very informative website where I have spend countless hours adding and updating photos, providing detailed descriptions of my dogs, their parents and their accomplishments. I update my website weekly trying to keep it current and interesting. Here is what I ask of those pet buyers, READ IT!!! I get emails all the time asking me questions of things that I have written right on my website? It gets frustrating to say the least when I spend so much time updating my website and trying to cover everything to provide as much information I can about my dogs and my breeding program. In addition to making it easy to understand and follow. Then I get an email from someone asking me a question about something I have all laid out on my website for them to read and it is usually printed in bold.

I can see how that can be annoying. Maybe people are so frustrated reading the websites of OTHERS who do not keep their websites current that they just head straight to the "contact" section and ask their question. Who knows?