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food help again

Has anyone fed Eagle Pack holistic food and if so did you get good results? I am open to suggestions for a good food-I was feeding Fromms but can't keep weight on with this food. Just looking for a food that will help with nice coat and smaller stools-my girl is a year old.
Thank you

Re: food help again

A friend that has 2 of my dogs used it last year; I had her switch foods as her 2 girls' coats were so dry and dull - just ugly. One bitch was having anal gland issues as well.

I don't feel it has enough fat % for Labradors.

Re: food help again

I use the Holistic Selects (used to be Eagle) Adult Chicken and Rice for several of my dogs. It has 24% protein, 15% fat. Coats look good, small stools.

Re: food help again

"wag the dog" can you tell me what you suggested the food change to-I too have two girls on this and the coats are okay but one started with anal gland issues.
Thank you so much!

Re: food help again

She's got both girls on Acana Pacifica now. No problems and coats are glossy and supple.

Just as an aside, one girl is 12.5 yrs old, and the other is her granddaughter who is almost 7 years old.

Re: food help again

Is this formula of acana okay to feed to a one year old?
Thank you again

Re: food help again

I feed my bunch Orijen and Acana (Acana if the Orijen seems to be too rich for them)from weaning on; haven't had a problem yet.

Re: food help again

We feed Acana and/or Orijen and our dogs do very well on it!

Re: food help again

no issues here with Holistic Select- we feed the fish, lamb and duck varieties
nice coats, little pick up, no loose stools