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I'm a bit confused on doxy dosage for anaplasmosis...i had a bitch who came down with it last summer the vet put her on 300mg 1x a day, within a day she seemed back to her normal self. I now have another bitch that has it but I deal with a different vet for her, they want to put her on 300mg 2 x day. Both bitches weigh the same 60 - 65lbs.

Re: anaplasmosis

Is this girl symptomatic? How about the other girl? Each Vet does things differently...I work for 4 Vets and each will dose a different way. If the dog is symptomatic the Vet may dose twice daily, if the dog tests positive on a 4DX test and is not symptomatic the Vet may offer the option of treating prophylactically with Doxycycline or to do nothing.

Re: anaplasmosis

the only so to say symptonm is her monocytes & eosinophils cells are high. This also could be a allergy. I put her on doxy 300mg 1x day.