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Food Revisited

I think it's great that there are so many options out there for our dogs these days. I remember when the only "allergy" option was lamb. And it's super when you find a food that gives you clean ears and no itching. But please do not fool yourself into thinking that you have a dog that doesn't have problems. If your dog can only eat one brand of food, something is wrong. I laugh at all the people stuck on their high horses about ultra premium food....because they finally found that one food that works for their dog and all the other brands are sub-par. For the health of your dog, that's wonderful. But don't crap on my choice.

I feel allergies are hereditary and if someone breeds dogs that can ONLY eat raw, can ONLY eat one limited ingredient variety, I would rather have my dog with the iron stomach that does just as well on premium or Purina ONE with never one gunky ear EVER.

Re: Food Revisited

Totally agree with you. The nice thing about this forum it is a way for breeders from all over the world to get OPINIONS from other breeders or SUGGESTIONS when they have a question or need information about something. Unfortunately what usually happens with every thread is it becomes a discussion/name calling/mudsling thread that usually ends so much off topic and does little to help the original poster with their original question. Why can't we all come on here offer nice helpful advice and have a positive attitude instead of being judgmental towards each other. Most people are set in their ways and just because you feed a certain thing to your dogs and it works doesn't mean that other people who feed something else are less of good lab parents than they are. I fed my dogs purina dog chow for many years before I got into labs. They always did just fine on it never had any problems and they were happy dogs. Now that I show my labs and know more about nutrition I choose to feed Kirkland because I get great results and it is much easier on my pocket book when I go through 2 bags a week of dog food. We all have a right to our own opinion but please be nice to each other and be helpful instead of being insulting. Happy Early 4th!!

Re: Food Revisited

Yes it is nice that now for dogs that do have issues with food sensitivities that they have these choices. I feel that if breeders were honest with themselves and didn't continue to breed these dogs than there wouldn't be that problem but that is a whole nuther issue!
My dogs don't have allergies and have solid strong stomachs and healthy unglutenated cilia in their intestines. The food I feed comes in 3 different protein bases for variety, I can rotate and give them something different. And I can feed another like formulated brand of food and not worry.
Whatever food you feed that you like and can afford is the food for your dogs. I choose and can afford a higher quality of dog food for mine. Why would I still feed a food if I saw positive changes in my dogs health, especially the older dogs,if I didn't see an improvement over what I fed before, no, I'd have gone back. Why I would feed a lesser quality of food in that case makes no sense to me. It's like the difference between eating at McDonalds or eating at Whole Foods.
I see the effects that nutrition play in health all the time,and feeding a food that will bolster their immune system and keep them in better health and live longer healthier lives is worth a few extra cents to me if I can avoid other more costly issues in the long term.
Even my fish get a top rate food and to some they are only fish so why bother, well since switching them off of the lower quality foods their colors are better, their scales are solid and they don't get sick in the spring when their immune systems kick back in and they live long healty lives and I'm not having to go out and spend more $$$ on buying a bunch of fish every year to replace the ones that died.
If it works for the simple little fish imagine what it will do for a more complex animal like a dog.