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How old can a dog show symptoms of panno? Can a older dog show symptoms. Example, a five year old.

Re: Panno

How old can a dog show symptoms of panno? Can a older dog show symptoms. Example, a five year old.

5 is a little old for pano, most information I see is ages 4 mo to 2 years (growing dogs). I would take your dog to the vet to rule out tick borne illnesses etc.

Re: Panno

Pano is a bone growth disease. So by the nature of the illness, you can only experience up until a dog's bones are done growing.

Re: Panno

How old can a dog show symptoms of panno? Can a older dog show symptoms. Example, a five year old.

Panno is seen in young dogs. It's not seen in 5 year old dogs, ever. It's seen easily on a radiograph.

Symtoms are lameness and pain which can be a CCL tear, arthritis, a fracture, CHD, ED and other bone or orthopedic problems.

I have never heard of panno over the age of 22 mo. Under age 2 is the latest and usually 'round 9 mo. to 1.5 years.

Start with a digital radiograph and keep going.

Re: Panno

Panosteitis is not always evident on an X-ray and can sometimes be hard to diagnose.

Re: Panno

I seem to recall reading an article a few years ago that mentioned Panno had been seen on a few older dogs in the 3-5 year old range. The dogs had previously had it as youngsters, gotten over it and it had returned. Wish I could remember where I read it. I wasn't looking for the info., but had come across it.