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a different vulva question

We have a different problem with one of our young bitches. I don't remember ever having seen this before.

12 months old, been through one heat, but her vulva is really tucked up under her. Instead of being behind her when in heat it was under her and didn't really increase in size a ton. Now out of heat for a month or so and it's back down in size, but it's tucked right up almost horizontal underneath her.

Anyone else seen this? Does it have an effect on future reproductive / whelping??

Re: a different vulva question

Just bred one of my girls who has her vulva tucked under her. Was sure I would have to do an A/I as she didn't even swell that much...low & behold our male was able to tie 2x's problem...btw she is pregnant..I was really surprised..but happy..Good Luck with your girl..

Re: a different vulva question

I would be interested to know if she whelps with no problems.

Re: a different vulva question

It sounds is more of a structural issue with the pelvic bones, and tilt, than an actual vulvar malformation. I had a bitch like this, she was bred, had puppies, but needed a c section. She is spayed now.