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Special smell when they are ready?

I am just wondering if anybody else can smell when their bitches are ready to be bred?
I have a yellow bitch, that I can smell when ever she is getting ready! How weird is that??? LOL
Maybe I should just use my nose to determine if she is ready or not!!

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Hildur, you should go and spend some time with people, you know.... Ha, ha,ha.
I wish I had that gift.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Some girls are muskier than others. A mentor clued me and others into the smell and confirmed what we thought we were smelling with her stud dog. I had a little Cavalier who was unbelievable. Her granddaughter hardly smells at all, even to the boys until they get close, but has had a nice litter. A ripe girl with the gift of scent, coming out of a plastic crate when she is ready, phew! I have noticed it at shows and even outdoors. I am glad that the dogs like it--I don't! That might explain the often quoted idea that the boys will run for miles toward the scent.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Brought back a few memories of when my sons were growing up and still at home. Season times, I would line up the girls in crates along the fireplace hearth in the family room. All had their britches w/ pads in them on top their crates ready for when they were out running the house. I always tried to remember to fold over their pants so pad wasn't exposed but sometimes would forget.... Oh yeah...always had a lovely scented candle burning on the fireplace mantle too at these times....

My sons - "gawd mom, what IS that smell!?" and "gross mom" on the britches w/ pads... hahaha

Yup, some really can put off that skank bottom smell for sure....

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

I have told people about the smell when bitches are in their "prime" and they think I'm crazy, but it's true.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

How nice to see that there are other "weirdos" beside me!!!
But yeah it's not the best smell that I have smelled!! Hehehehehehehe..... glad that my nose is working for me!

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Forget progesterone testing, I'm calling Hilda's nose from now on.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Forget progesterone testing, I'm calling Hilda's nose from now on.
It might be a long trip from her home to yours.

Good job Hildur. You know your girls!

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Forget progesterone testing, I'm calling Hilda's nose from now on.

Hehehehehe COOL!!!!!

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Now I don't feel like I'm the only one. My family thinks I loose it everytime a girl comes in. They never smell it but I do. I can't wait to tell them I'm not crazy or the only one.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

yep, me one girl especially..very muskie ordor...don't take her in my car when she is in her prime..very strong ordor..phew!!! My husband does not notice it either..go figure

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Oh, yea, know that smell well. We call it "being ripe". You are not alone at all.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

Some girls give off more of an odor than others. Sometimes a bad odor can be some type of infection.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

If you have bred for long enough and done AI's up close. Smile. You know the smell. Nothing else like it and not the smell of infection.

Re: Special smell when they are ready?

I who thought that the special smell would only come when they are ready to be bred or when they are ovulating?? Cause apparently not in my case!! I ran prog.test on her on Tue and her numbers where 0.54... I ran on another test yesterday morning and I am waiting for the results of that test.
What is your experience with this??
Oh and I am pretty sure this is not a smell of infection as I found the same smell last time I bred her!