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My puppies have full blown diarrhea. They are 7 weeks old, eating Pro Plan puppy, chicken and rice. Suggestions please.

Re: Diarrhea

I would take a stool sample to your vet ASAP. Have you tried using Tylan (1/8 tsp in one gallon of water)? I have found that it works wonders in the world of puppy diarrhea. Also, you may be overfeeding your pups which can result in runny poops. Also, are they on any type of probiotic? I used Nature's Farmacy's Digestive Enhancer on all my dogs, including puppies. You might also try adding pumpkin to their food.

As I mentioned first, make sure to take a stool sample to your vet first. The warm weather can also cause young pups to overindulge at the water bowl which can cause runny poop too.

Good luck.

Re: Diarrhea

Thank you. Where do you get Tylan? We have an appointment with the Vet today for a wellness checkup. I can't find pumpkin anywhere around here. Crazy? Even the pumpkin pie kind. I don't think its the feeding/water, although it is very hot here.

Re: Diarrhea

They can have coccidia and/orgiardia. It may or may not appear in a fecal test. I would treat with Alban.

Re: Diarrhea

If you have any animal supply stores or farm animal supply stores, you could be able to get Tylan locally. What we buy is usually labeled for chickens or livestock. If you google it, you can find it at online stores...though probably not in time to deal with your litter this time. I would keep it on hand. If my pups turn up a bit loose, I would put a pinch in their soaked kibbles, and it usually fixed things right up.

Re: Diarrhea

Hopefully, since it is hot where you are at, it may be that the puppies are overindulging at the water bowl.

I get Tylan through Lambert Vet Supply. I start my puppies at 4 weeks and continue through the time they go home. I send my puppy buyers home with enough for them to add to the water the first week to hopefully avoid any stress related diarrhea from all the changes.

Good luck!

Re: Diarrhea

Thank you. Do you administer only by injection, or can it be given orally?

Re: Diarrhea

Orally, all the water used to soak food and to drink has 1/8 tsp per gallon of water. Take a gallon milk jug that has been rinsed out very well, add water and then add 1/8 tsp of Tylan. Shake well and use where ever needed.

Re: Diarrhea

Here I think Coccidia right away - it's in rabbit poop and pups love it. You can lose a whole litter to a bad case of coccidia - as another person said, get the stool to the vet. I use Ponazuril for coccidia.

If they are dehydrated from liquid diarrhea, you may have to give IV fluids subQ.

All the best.

Re: Diarrhea

It's not uncommon for coccidia and giardia not to show up in stool samples. If pups have diahreeha and temp is normal, I'd treat with Ponazerol and Flagyl. They'll be fine in not time, but it can be frightening while trying to figure it all out. Good luck.

Re: Diarrhea

I agree - either one of the "bugs" can start them with diarrhea, especially if they are stressed, considering how hot it is. Treat with Panacur or whatever the vet has for it.

I use pedialyte added to their water - makes them bounce back faster

Re: Diarrhea

If you cannot find pumpkin, use sweet potatoes boiled or baked, or boil carrots til soft and mash.

Re: Diarrhea

The fecal came back neg. Thank you for all your suggestions.

Re: Diarrhea

I got Tylan 50 for cattle and swine, is this the right thing?

Re: Diarrhea


Sorry I don't know the dose/etc. re Tylan. Hope this is resolving for you.

However, if it continues, be aware that as someone already mentioned, coccidia is hard to catch on stool tests. It has to be at the shedding stage of the lifecycle to catch. I had a super sick litter just over a month ago where all the tests came back negative, we treated for coccidia and most pups improved.

2 pups continued with diarrhea after going home. 2 weeks later the new families' vets found coccidia in the stool - after 3 negative stool tests. My keeper pup's stool also finally came back positive for coccidia - 4 weeks after the intial episode and treatment -she also had had sloppy stool even after treatment. So just be aware.

Re: Diarrhea

I sorry for not clarifying this further. I use the powder Tylan. Not sure what the conversion rate is for the liquid. The powder (16 oz) is equivalent to 100 g tylosin base.

I do hope that your puppies are feeling better.

Re: Diarrhea

All pups are up and running. Thank you all for your support and advice.

Re: Diarrhea

If they have the watery runs, along with anything else you try, I'd be offering them some Pedialyte to drink.

Sorry, read back through... I see that was suggested already!