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Some questions regarding bitch season...

I have a question. My bitch was at a friends house who was taking care of her as we where away at vacation. She went there on June 23rd and I picked her up July 2nd. When I dropped her off she was not in heat. I didn't notice anything when I picked her up on the 2nd of July but on the 3rd a male came over for a visit and I noticed her flagging her tail and doing the wave thing on her back for the male so I checked and yes she is in heat. As she was at my friends house I have no clue on what day she is on so I did prog. test on her and she was 0.54 yesterday (Tuesday).
What I am wondering about is that since I don't know what day she is on, and she is acting like she's ready but her prog.# says she's not. Could it be that she is past the ovulation? Also since she has begun to stand for the stud.... is that normal that she will stand this long? Also will her prog.# stay high if she is bred or will they drop?
p.s. this bitch comes in every 8-10 months so I wasn't expecting her to come in for at least another month.

Re: Some questions regarding bitch season...

Progesterone should stay high, bred or not.

Re: Some questions regarding bitch season...

So that means that she just hasn't ovulated yet, if I understand it correctly.
But why is she standing and flagging?? Is that normal?

Re: Some questions regarding bitch season...

Some bitches are just shameless teases. I had a bitch who would flag for 2 solid weeks EVERY time she was in season. Believe me. Progesterone testing would have been a wonderful tool way back then. :-)

Re: Some questions regarding bitch season...

She has not ovulated yet. I have a couple of girls that are this way too...they are shameless teases!!

Best of luck in your breeding plans!!