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California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

From E mail today,"This is what is going on in California. Many other states have laws like this pending also":

Re: California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

They just won't be happy until all food animals are extinct and all dog and cat breeders are out of business. I just read through this information and Californian's better be SCARED, be very, very SCARED. This is going to not only happen in CA but other states as well if we all don't wake up NOW.

As much as I hate to bring in politics, it is a PROVEN FACT that the more liberals that get into office, the more these laws are going to be passing. California is already hugely regulated and taxed and is considered a very unfriendly business environment. If we doen't start fighting harder on these bills, our elected officials will see this as a new means to increase revenue and disregard our rights to own and use animals as we see fit (within humane standards of course).

These bills are just another means to trample our rights. The wording is vague and there is no right to trial if your animals are seized. Training and showing are considered to be "animal cruelty". We need to stop this BS now!

Unfortunately, this link is old and the bills have now passed another committee. It will now head to the Senate Appropriations Committee. If this continues to be passed, and makes it to the desk of Re-Run Brown, ultra-tax and spend liberal, he WILL SIGN IT INTO LAW!

Re: California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

As I suspected, the HSUS is behind this.

Re: California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

Or, it is the fault of the Bush administration, which undermined USDA humane inspections in favor of "whatever the industry wants to do, they can do" -- which allowed the perpetuation of horrendous conditions in CAFO's and puppy mills.

If enforcement hadn't been undermined for so many years, the HSUS would have a lot less ammunition to use.

The HSUS isn't creating the horrendous conditions, it is using them to perpetuate its agenda.

If the USDA had been allowed to do its job, the states wouldn't feel the need to be step in.

But I hate to bring in politics....

Re: California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

Or, it is the fault of the Bush administration, which undermined USDA humane inspections in favor of "whatever the industry wants to do, they can do" -- which allowed the perpetuation of horrendous conditions in CAFO's and puppy mills.

If enforcement hadn't been undermined for so many years, the HSUS would have a lot less ammunition to use.

The HSUS isn't creating the horrendous conditions, it is using them to perpetuate its agenda.

If the USDA had been allowed to do its job, the states wouldn't feel the need to be step in.

But I hate to bring in politics....

And they still won't have the money or man power to enforce these stupid laws. These laws do NOTHING to help animals, only hurt good people.

It also has nothing to do with the lack of previous enforcement, just the ability to appeal to the bleeding heart liberals in office now. I've been fighting anti-breeding laws for years. When the Republicans were in office, they would always answer my pleas with a nice letter of support and saying they would not sponsor such legislation.

It's a historical fact about the liberals agenda for being bleeding hearts and sympathetic to the animal rights. I also believe that one of Obama's appointees to oversee animal affairs is a know Animal Rights sympathizer. The HSUS is trying to push through more legislation NOW because they know they have the platform for it. Just like most of the liberals in CA, they are just out to SCREW us!

Re: California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

Sure continue to blame Bush for all our problems today. Most Farmers and pet breeders take good care of their animals. The ones who don't are already covered by current laws. If the USDA, now under the Obama administration, felt that enforcement was too lax, then they should step up enforcement not pass more unenforceable laws. They don't have the money. Instead they are allowing the HSUS to DICTATE how we should care for our animals. It's no secret that their agenda is a total push towards Veganism. They spend millions on lobbyists to get their bills pushed through to be able to carry out their goals. It's the democrats who are for bigger government, higher taxes and more regulation that will only punish good people. The democrats are in alliance with the AR groups.

Or, it is the fault of the Bush administration, which undermined USDA humane inspections in favor of "whatever the industry wants to do, they can do" -- which allowed the perpetuation of horrendous conditions in CAFO's and puppy mills.

If enforcement hadn't been undermined for so many years, the HSUS would have a lot less ammunition to use.

The HSUS isn't creating the horrendous conditions, it is using them to perpetuate its agenda.

If the USDA had been allowed to do its job, the states wouldn't feel the need to be step in.

But I hate to bring in politics....

Re: California law to confiscate pets and farm animals without return:

The laws that effect the majority of breeders are state and local laws--hence California legislation???
USDA effects commercial and agriculture- Large operations. All the laws being introduced are geared towards the small breeder. Look at MO: 10 intact bitches between 6 months to 10 years is commercial. Thus if you keep 3 bitches you will breed and keep 1 pup to continue your kennel, hobby, whatever in a short time you will be at 10.