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Hunt Test Attire

Looks like I'll be entering my boy into his (and my) first hunt test in September, and I was just wondering what is considered proper attire for a handler to wear? TIA

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Good luck and have fun!
Any dark colors are appropriate. No white, no orange. I usually wear blue jeans and a dark khaki, dark green, black, dark blue or camo shirt. Remember to wear a dark cap also, although I've seen many wearing all colors and even straw hats at the line.
Pack water boots and rain suit. I wear my rain pants for water marks and also to block the wind.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Anything in Cammo is always good for a hunt test.


Jul 7th, 2011 - 10:52 AM
Re: Hunt Test Attire

I've always done jeans and dark t's. Anything dark. If you plan on doing this more often, buying cammo is fun.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Depends on the venue. HRC wants you in as close to full camo (pants and tops) as possible. AKC is fine with anything other than white and you often see jeans and a solid t-shirt, just not white.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Why not white? Thanks in advance for your knowledge.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Hunt Test attire is supposed to be hunting attire, which would blend in with the environment. White is what one would wear if they wanted to stand out rather than blend in.

While some judges will accept a wide range of clothing, some will not and I have seen some people who were asked to change their clothes or leave. To be on the safe side, I would not try my luck with any of the lighter colors.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Another excellent point on why not to wear white is that it will not remain white for very long outdoors...Duh.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Interesting....whenever I've been out hunting, I've always worn a BRIGHT colored hat/stripe on my jacket/vest to make sure nobody mistakes me for an animal. Have fun at the hunt test & enjoy it!!!

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Blaze (orange) is a perfectly appropriate color for a hunting garment. Who told you that it was not suitable?

per the AKC: "Hunting Tests must, therefore,
simulate as nearly as possible the conditions met in a
true hunting situation.”

The procedural manual for AKC Retriever Tests says: "dark OR customary hunting attire".

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Buy camo! Just in case you get hooked by this and want to do the real thing!

Re: Hunt Test Attire

I have been at Hunt Tests where the contestant was asked by the judges to put on a drab jacket before they ran their dog. It does happen. Clothing should be appropriate.
White is for Field Trials.

Re: Hunt Test Attire

Thanks all for the responses, think I'm just going to stick with a camo shirt and a pair of jeans then.

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