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Starving puppies

Saw a litter this weekend. they were about 6 weeks old. When the breeder went to feed them they all ate so fast and desperately and just kept licking and licking, looking for more. I could tell by the amount she gave them it was not enough. I asked her why she didn't feed them more and she said her vet said not to let them get fat. They were not even close to fat. I thought they were thin. It really made me sad for the little guys. I always feed my pups all they want until they fall into a food induced coma. Then mama gets the leftovers. If there are no leftovers, I up the food next meal. What do you other breeders do?

Re: Starving puppies

I do what you do. Nothing better than a happy, satisfied puppy.

Re: Starving puppies

I do like to see them with round bellies but definitely not too fat.
Some of my puppy buyers follow the vets, or the bag, directions and end up with puppies that are extremely thin. When they send me pictures of a 4 month old puppy that you can easily see the bone structure, I wonder if they starved their kids. I have to write back and tell them to increase the amount of food they give. It use to happen a lot. Now, I spend some time telling them how the puppy should look and not to follow the bag directions, it is just a guide. Every puppy is different and there is no general rule for all of them.
I cannot imagine the noise at that house at feeding time. If my puppies are hungry, they let me know.

Re: Starving puppies

I feed them all the can eat or until they get the runs which is a good sign to back off.
My pups go home at 8 weeks around 16 lbs. Is this where others are at?

Now I did get back a pup from a breeding, 10 weeks old and 6 lbs, she was so sad looking and I was freaked out.
No I did not send the pup back, that would be to cruel, I just never talked to this breeder again, I was afraid of what I might say.

Re: Starving puppies

I agree with you guys. I want my puppy to have round belly's! I feed them 4 times a day and always make sure they get enough.
My last litter weight at eight weeks from 17-19.8 lbs. Labradors puppies should NOT be skinny or underweight! I guess our veterinarians here in Iceland are the same way... as they always want the dogs to be skinny looking or little underweight and Labradors are just different dogs so they just can't look skinny or underweight (vets have difficulties understanding that)

Re: Starving puppies

I let my puppies eat and I tell my puppy buyers to do the same. I give feeding recommendations, and I feed an allotted amount, but I find that sometimes they are just more hungry, and those times they are more than fine with a handful or 2 of extra kibble in their pen as a treat/snack.

Re: Starving puppies

Please convince her to feed them more. They won't develope well and will be dogs ready to eat your hand off when served food. Not that our Labs don't do that anyway. ;o)
Just sad to hear how people listen tooooo much to their Vet. or just won't use common sense.

Re: Starving puppies

I've never measureed our puppies food out until they reach 8 weeks old and most have left the nest. Yes, some of the pups in any given litter are over zealous eaters and are " Chubby " but I figure when they go to their new families, give careful instructions by me as to how much to feed and how they should never see the pup's ribs but at the same time, you don't want to see rolls and rolls of fat over their shoulder, nor should you see alot of loose skin rolling around when the puppy or young dog is running about. I think people mistake a little loose skin over an adult Labrador as being fat but I've not owned a Labrador where they DID NOT have that extra skin over their shoulder and neck area.