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Provisional LRCP judges ed attendees

When we held the judges education seminar at Potomac this spring I said I would announce the judges who attended that are provisional in Labradors. The judges who attended were very interested in learning about what makes a good Labrador and excited about judging our breed. The breeders who were there (several judges themselves) were very impressed with the effort made by these judges and we felt they should be supported when they became provisional in Labradors. Specialty clubs, please consider them for your supported entries and specialties, and breeders please support them by entering your dogs under them. At this point only one is provisional but several others are working on finishing the requirements to apply. I will post the others when they have been approved to accept assignments. At this time it is
Nena Dee of Leesburg, VA AKC judge #22682

Traci Stintzcum

Re: Provisional LRCP judges ed attendees

NOw this is very useful info , thanks Traci ! I will look for this judge when entering.

Re: Provisional LRCP judges ed attendees

Just an FYI, Nena Dee is judging in Washington State in August at the Rainier Sporting Dog Association shows. I am looking forward to showing under her! It is great to have judges be mentored at such a prestigious show as the Potomac. What better place to learn about our breed.